How to start your Future Self Journal

Dear Future Self is an ongoing series which takes a look at the presence in its impermanence.

The idea is to capture a certain moment in time, a feeling, a wish, an encounter or experience and to recognize, that the perspective on that moment will change.

My future self will know more than I do now, will have had more and different experiences than my current self, and will therefore have a different view on what I’m noting now.

Going back and forth, between these notes, also documents the steps in personal development and shifts and changes on an individual level.


► My Future Self Journal ▼

Why do I write to my future self? ◼︎ ●

Self-Actualizing, personal development, the search for more options, finding out how to actually live our best lives, or simply experiencing growth and change for any reason, might feel weird, scary or uncertain.

Yet impermanence or becoming is something we all share.

I started to write and publish some diary post a while ago, and looking back at them even a month later, I felt like I should rewrite them because my perspective had changed so much.

But that would be like trying to erase the most essential part: the journey.

We don't just arrive at a certain point, we struggle, fight, fall down, run in the wrong direction, come back, stand up, fall again and yet continue.

We laugh, love, enjoy, paint, sing, dance, discuss and find ourselves surprised by the unexpected. With every experience, we spiral up and can dive into deeper levels of experience and understanding if we allow ourselves to do so.

This series is a documentation of a journey into the unknown.

It shows how vulnerability and fear can be present, and welcomed, and not stop us.

It's about admitting mistakes and acknowledging how easily we can be wrong, no matter how mindful, present, in tune and aware we are.

We'll never know until we try.

But most of all it's about celebrating life in all its different forms and shapes, colours and sounds and tastes, in depth and lightness - to witness life's endless beauty and continuous unfolding.

We are all a part of life's magnificence, the question is: How much of it do we allow ourselves to enjoy and experience?

The more we open up and liberate ourselves from what we thought we knew, the more we allow to see things in new ways and the more love we share, the more magical life becomes.

May we open our present with presence and let our future selves continue to experience life wholeheartedly.

May my honesty inspire yours and show you that there is nothing to fear. Everything is working out for the greatest good. ❤️

With lots of love for you and this world,

Read conversations with my future self:

Do You Believe in God?

Do You Believe in God?

I have to admit that I have my difficulties.

I grew up believing in God. Not that long ago, I opened my very first diary to a random page and read about how grateful I was, that I always had God to talk to.

Then my education made me believe that there was no God. I came to the conclusion that God, or any kind of belief, was used to explain things we couldn’t explain ourselves yet.

What Are Your Goals?

What Are Your Goals?

What are your goals? My next big goal is to find a beautiful place somewhere and to fill it with new life.

A place that can become a home for me and my family, but also a place for people to come together.

I’m thinking of an abandoned farm, monastery or factory. With lots of space for things to develop. I’d love to bring in community to set it up and bring it to life as well.

What Do You Dream About?

What Do You Dream About?

Today I have had people around me for two weeks in a row, after a year of mostly being by myself.

In this year, I had friends coming to visit for a weekend occasionally, and I met people sporadically, but I was also going for weeks without being around other people at all.

In the beginning, especially in fall/early winter, it was difficult to be by myself. I thought I wanted to have a family, and a lively house.

It’s all I ever wanted, I thought. But it turned out it was only all I ever knew to want.

What Inspires You?

What Inspires You?

What inspires you? I find nature to be the most precious inspiration.

It’s quite funny how we as humans think we can try to come up with solutions for everything when most of the most perfect ways to exist, are already present in nature.

What do we need to fly? Ask the birds.
What do we need to swim or dive?

Do You Feel Alive?

Do You Feel Alive?

The last couple of days have actually felt like I’m living my life.

Let’s see if I’m going to be able to describe this adequately.

Most of my life has felt like I was waiting for my life to start. Like I needed to do a few more things, change something here or there in order for my life to be the life I want.

What’s the Meaning of Life?

What’s the Meaning of Life?

For me right now, the meaning of life, I suppose, is a mix of being and becoming, it’s being present and open to evolving freely.

The meaning of life is to go beyond what we know.

It’s experiencing what’s here now and to take that experience as something that opens us up for deeper levels of experiencing.

Do You Feel Like You Belong?

Do You Feel Like You Belong?

One of the places I feel most uncomfortable is to be in a group with other women. Not just any women, but women who are able to embrace their femininity.

The vulnerability required for that is still hard work for me. Too deep run the patriarchal assumptions that sweetness is weakness and intuition is inferior to rationality.

How Can We Best Be of Service To This World?

How Can We Best Be of Service To This World?

What does it look like to be of service to the world?
I wake up happy, I go to bed happy. I get so much more done in a day than I ever would have imagined.

I’ve solved a washing machine problem this morning, tended to my plants, had breakfast, planned for some future articles, checked my emails and danced a little in the kitchen.

In no way would this have been possible a year ago.

What Do You Do When There’s a War and neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

Are there neo-Nazis in Ukraine? It’s a scary feeling to have a war so close to home, something that I never hoped to experience. As a sensitive child who has heard many horrible stories about the first two world wars from my great-grandma and my grandparents, it was always my biggest fear.

I still remember the panic I had when I saw submarines practising in the Baltic Sea in the nineties when the war was going on in Yugoslavia and how I couldn’t stop crying. And how my Mum kept saying that it wasn’t here, that they’re not fighting here, but how I was unable to feel that separation.

The one thing you can always count on!

The one thing you can always count on!

It is, and always has been, my dream to find ways to live together, that respect our resources and are supportive, including finding beauty and richness in our differences, valuing and protecting vulnerability and thereby allowing each other to live freely.

In the last two years of the pandemic, we learned to live with so much less. Fewer activities, fewer opportunities, viewer distractions. Which is why it is …


Why start a future self journal?

It’s quite simple: If you want to live purposefully, it’s important to know what your purpose is.

The main question in finding your purpose is: who do you want to be? Who do you imagine your future self to be?

Where would they live?

How would they spend their days?

Draw a picture in your mind about your future self in all details.

Are you done?

Then start to think what you can do to be that future self now.

One way to make your future self seem like a real person, is by writing to them.

Every time you write to them, you can imagine for them to be a real person and with that, they become more real to you.

Seeing your future self clearly, makes it more clear for you to recognize which steps you need to take to become your future self.

Are you ready to get started with your future self journal?

Download the cheat sheet and let’s go!

Download your free future self journaling cheat sheet

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Get Your Personal Wheel of Colours

The Wheel of Colours is a traditional tool to help us understand what we need or can share in certain situations.

We are all made up out of the same colours, but they are arranged uniquely in each person – which is why we need or can give different things in different moments.

If you’d like to find out what can support YOU when starting a project, or working with other people, to successfully finish something, to heal, to spark your creativity or what your unique gift is, that you bring to the world, then the Wheel of Colours will help you to see this and yourself more clearly and show you how to use these insights in practical ways.

It will also show you how you can listen to your inner truth and that of others, what your most important lesson is in life and what challenges you might have to overcome.

Once you’ve learned what you need to learn, you can start the wheel again, this time more smoothly.

In the past, people often only got these insights and realizations towards the end of their lives – but you don’t have to wait until then.

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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Are you a CREATRIX - yet? A CREATRIX masterfully directs their life instead of reacting to life's circumstances.
If you'd like to find out how - come and join us. You can now get a 30-day free trial because we all learn in different ways, and it's important to me that you have time to find out for yourself if this is the right way to learn for you - before you make a financial commitment.

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Clarity - Confidence - Connection

In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of our lives - and we look at a different topic each month.

In this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course) we learn how we can follow our soul’s calling (and how to get in touch with it) to live a happy, meaningful and successful life – according to our original and unique blueprint or the choices our highest self-made for us, before we were born. Which might be much more spectacular than you think right now.

Would you like to finally know for sure what you're meant to do in this lifetime and how to do it best? Then join us now.