Hi, nice to meet you.

I’m Verena Spilker & I’m here to support you to become your most loving, kind, powerful, authentic, happy, successful, trusting & relaxed self — yet.

I’m your queer Ascension Guide – though you don’t have to identify as queer or anything other than as a human being to work with me.

It’s just easier for you and me if I’m open about who I am and how I see the world, so you can decide if I’m the right guide for YOU.

I’m a healer at heart, and I practice my gift in the traditional way, which is to help you discover your own (healing) powers, and to guide you to meet yourself, and to recognize all your incredible beauty and talents – and to help you build trust in yourself, and your inner guidance and voice so you can become your own guide – and won’t have to depend on me or anyone else to know what’s best for you and those you interact with soon enough.

I feel kind of like a second life doula – here to help you birth your true and authentic self – so you can begin to thrive fully and freely.

To support you on your journey to discovering your true authentic and incredibly powerful self, I offer a great tool, called the Wheel of Colours, which can give you unique insights into how you work and what you need to shine as bright as you were always meant to shine. You are a light being, after all.

And as you might have already found out – it’s one thing to know things about yourself and an entirely different thing to actually put that knowledge into practice. So, to get really practical about this, I’ve founded the CREATRIX School.

In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into all areas of your life – and you can either join as a member for more accountability and community for one year or take the 13 different chapters as courses individually for more flexibility.

And if you like, you can also book individual coaching sessions or card readings with me.

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

Start creating the changes you seek.

Confidence Coaching, Success Coaching, Happiness Coaching, Self-Actualization Coaching – I’m here to help you to discover all your superpowers – and if you’re not sure that you have any, I’ll be extra happy to show you that you do.

Because we can only create a better life for ourselves if we believe that we can.

And by using the power of colours and ancient as well as modern wisdom, I can show you what you need to believe that everything can indeed be possible for you. 

Verena with dogs at Tempelhofer Flughafen

What can you learn from me?


How to be able to tap into genius or flow, a state of true knowing, connectedness and creativity, easily.


How to experience freedom, purpose and joy in every aspect of your life.


How to be open and able to give and receive unconditional love.


How to be free of prejudice and judgement, and to forgive easily.


How to live centred in yourself and in your connection to the universe/god/source/life energy.


How to know and understand yourself and how to be able to communicate your needs, desires and boundaries easily.


How to set up lasting new routines and create new and more helpful thought patterns and believes with ease.


How to process and feel your feelings so that you have the clarity and the freedom to react to a situation and not to your past.

We are all able to live this way.
In fact, this is our most natural state of being and what we need to come back to if we wish to ascent and live in 5D.

But through cultural and personal conditioning, trauma, learned limitations and behaviours, we have removed ourselves from this state. Yet, we can come back and fully regain all our powers through deep-inquiry, and living a life true to ourselves and I’d love to show you how.

Am I the right guide for you?

Are you looking to become more confidently YOU, and would you like to learn more about your unique gifts, talents and superpowers and how you can start to use them, for yourself and others?

Would you like to create and live in Heaven on Earth, or to simply start enjoying and thriving in all areas of your life?

Happiness, joy, love, a purposeful life and abundance are your birth right – all you have to do is to allow yourself to have all of that.

And I can show you how.

Because I started off often feeling misunderstood and not loved, which turned into me feeling suicidal, being depressed, drinking too much and generally having a pretty negative outlook on the world in my twenties and thirties – until I decided to turn my life around and do what it takes to actually thrive, starting from what felt like point zero.

And to get from there to where I am now, I learned a lot – most of all that it only takes a few mindset shifts to start turning things around.

For these mindset shifts, you will have to be brave and take full responsibility for your life, though, stop lying and be willing to look at your shadows. If you are ready to do that, then I will happily show you the way through.

Because it feels so good to let go of all the (ego) struggles. 💖

Just ask yourself: Can you imagine living a stress-free life? A joyful life? A life in which you can freely decide how you spend your days, and are fully energized and healthy? A life in which you can trust yourself and your inner guidance, and know you can make the things that matter most to you possible? 

And if you do, but don’t quite know how to get there, then let’s talk and get to work.

As I see it, our world will change drastically in the upcoming years. If you’re here, you already know.

So, if it isn’t the most important thing already, nothing will be more important in every day from now on than being able to trust ourselves and our inner guidance and to be at the right place at the right time.

Once we know who we are, why we are here and what our purpose is on this planet, and begin to trust our inner knowing and guidance, we can always feel safe and confident, and know exactly what to do and why, or how to reach out to others, in the best way possible, in any situation.

Knowing ourselves, trusting ourselves, helps us to choose wisely, and it allows us to direct our lives instead of having to react to what others create – and with that, it becomes a lot easier to enjoy life, love, peace, success and adventure, while we navigate through the upcoming changes.

So, if you wish, and are ready, to let go of the negative beliefs you have about yourself, that might still hold you back now, and keep you from experiencing all your incredible powers, and talents and fully enjoying your life, and fully open up to love and expansion, then there will be no better day to start than today.

And if you start to step into your full power now, this will not only change your life for the better in the most magical ways, you will soon also be able to help, and lead others on their way to more joy, freedom and peace as well.

Are you ready?


Interview: Enlightened Empowered Evolved

Interview: Enlightened Empowered Evolved

Watch my interview on the Enlightened Empowered Evolved Podcast. Enlightened Empowered Evolved: We Educate, Motivate and Liberate YOU through Enlightening dialogues, Empowering music and Evolving content. watch on YouTube

Interviews: TalkReal & #MindTheGapStories

Interviews: TalkReal & #MindTheGapStories

TalkReal: Verena Spilker | Transnational Queer Underground TalkReal is a new nomadic media format discussing key political challenges of our time from a radical perspective. Episodes are recorded in English and Italian, with plans for more to come. Meet Verena...

Interview: Lola Magazine – Local Hero

Interview: Lola Magazine – Local Hero

Local Hero: Verena Spilker On Elevating Opportunities for Artists in Berlin and Beyond Verena Spilker On Elevating Opportunities for Artists in Berlin and BeyondThe TQU founder’s simple advice for those looking to support Berlin’s queer artists: ‘Be brave and be...

Who is Verena Spilker?

If you tell me that something can’t be done – and I’d like to do it – I’ll prove you wrong.

If I can think it, I can do it.

And the same is true for you – as soon as you start believing in yourself. If you have any doubts – I’d love to prove you wrong as well – with lots of love and compassion. 💖

Because we are all incredibly powerful. And only the thoughts and beliefs we have about ourselves determine whether we can achieve the things we wish for in our lives – or not – and that includes all areas of our lives: health, finance, love, and other opportunities – we first have to believe that we can change our fate, to be able to do it.

So, if you’d like to learn how to change the negative thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself (a doubt is a negative belief, hesitation is a negative belief, “I can’t” is a negative belief, etc.), so you can finally make all your dreams come true and if you would like to discover your true power – you’ve come to the right place.

Because I will be by your side and help you to see it through. You’ve got this. If you wish, everything can be possible for you now – and everything you need to know and do for that is right here.

Why I am here

I was always interested in finding out more about this world – and so I explored life beyond what was expected of me, by those around me. I am part of the first generation in my family who went to University.

I’m a cycle breaker, the typical black sheep, who wasn’t able to keep quiet about misalignment – which was my greatest blessing.

I grew up feeling misunderstood and like I didn’t belong – and it turned out I was correct, I didn’t.

Eventually, I fully remembered why I felt so odd – and that that was because I’m a spiritual being in a human body. I, like you, came to this earth to help all of us in our ascension to the New Earth.

But not by running away from this earthly experience – but by learning how to live and embrace it fully – because as soon as you remember who you truly are, you will remember this as well – you’re here to help – by being happy, by being relaxed, by being in community, by being creative and by thriving naturally.

For that, we have to heal the wounds and traumas that living in an unhealed world has caused us, and I’m here to help with that, because I know what it feels like to move from feeling pretty powerless to stepping into your full power, by learning to trust your inner voice and guidance and unlearning all that doesn’t serve us any more.

So, whether you just want a card reading or a coaching session to clear up some questions, or whether you’d like to dive deep into one topic or all of the topics of the CREATRIX School – or would like to explore your true self fully, through the Wheel of ColoursI’m here for you and I can’t wait to see you shine as brightly as you were always meant to shine.

Because you are here to enjoy this life – and with a few mindset shifts, I will help you get there.

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

Join the CREATRIX School

Are you a CREATRIX - yet? A CREATRIX masterfully directs their life instead of reacting to life's circumstances.
If you'd like to find out how - come and join us. You can now get a 30-day free trial because we all learn in different ways, and it's important to me that you have time to find out for yourself if this is the right way to learn for you - before you make a financial commitment.

I AM CREATOR School - Join Now

Clarity - Confidence - Connection

In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of our lives - and we look at a different topic each month.

In the gap between who we are and who we could be is where all our unhappiness resides.

In this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course), we will explore how we can close that gap. Who are we when we release, discover and use our full potential? How can we make this possible, and what would we and our lives look like if we started to live as our best, our highest selves? Can we live a life without regrets?

Join us to find your own answers.

Verena Spilker

Verena Spilker (°80) is a coach, anthropologist, writer, speaker, artist and designer living in Hamburg (Germany). She holds an MA in Cultural Anthropology, Political Sciences and Russian philology and graduated with honours from Leipzig University in 2010.

Since then, she’s been working for different NGOs in Germany and Ukraine, is engaged in various fields related to music, art, equality and queer-feminist work. She’s the founder of Transnational Queer Underground and was the host of a radio show for 15 years.

She was working as a freelance web desinger since 2002 and now works as a freelance coach since 2022.

Formal Education

2022 // Heroic Coach Certification

2022 // Graduation Inner MBA

2010 // M.A. from Leipzig University

2000 // High School Graduation

1998 // Foreign Exchange Semester, USA


2010 // Graduation University M.A. [Grade 1,7]
Subjects: Cultural Anthropology, Political Sciences and Russian Philology
2001-2005 Georg-August-University Göttingen
2005-2010 University Leipzig

2000 // High School Graduation
Gymnasium Bramfeld, Hamburg, Germany
Majors: English and Art
Minors: Philosophy and Math
Grade representative [12th and 13th grade]

1998 // Foreign-Exchange Student Chula Vista High School, San Diego, USA

Other Work Experiences

2002-2021 // web and media designer, freelancing, Göttingen, Leipzig, Berlin. working for a.o. Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung, Lola für Lulu in MV, DeutschPlus, Initiative Burak Bektas.

2016-2018 // Coach, self-employed, Expath, Berlin – Supporting highly qualified workers from different countries to transition to living in Germany.


German – mother tongue

English – fluent

Hungarian – good knowledge

Russian – good knowledge

Spanish – good knowledge

Ukrainian – basic knowledge

Romanes – basic knowledge


European Enterprise Awards 2024 – Best Self-Actualization Coach (Germany)

European Enterprise Awards 2023 – Best Self-Actualization Coach (Germany)

European Enterprise Awards 2022 – Best Self-Actualization Coach (Germany)

Winner Berlin + East Germany Prestige Awards 2020 – Web Design Specialist of the Year


2022-now // Holistic & Spiritual Self-Actualization Coach – founder of the CREATRIX School, the Sustainable Business Directory, the Generous Life Movement.


2021-2022 // InnerMBA A nine-month immersion program.

2022 // Heroic Coach Training – A 300-day training programme on virtuous and optimal living by Heroic.

2021 // Professional Life Coach Training – Transformation Academy

2010 // Conflict Management Training – Together For Peace / Batumi, Georgia


2024 // Enlightened Empowered Evolved Podcast

2019 // Lola Magazine: Local Hero

2018 // Siegessäule: Stirn Bieten

2018 // GAY.CH – Einmalige queere Kultur-Sphäre

2018 // Kaltblut – #TheGalleryProject – a queer art exhibition

2018 // Pelican Bomb – Queer Traces: Transnational Queer Underground’s #TheGalleryProject

2017 // Sleek Magazine – The Platform Showcasing Queer Art From All Over The World

2017 // NoStrings Nigeria – German journalist talks about exhibiting Queer Art with NoStrings

2017 // FELGTB – #TheGalleryProject

2017 // LULU FM – Kunst verbindet – und das weltweit.

2016 // Stichting Quast – Glimp!

2016 // Fair Planet – Help to change history written by white men

2015 // couch.fm – Queer Music


2018-2020 // support worker at a therapeutic shared housing facility, KommRum e.V., Berlin, Germany

2010-2011 // Coordinator for Voluntary Service Programmes, Amaro Drom e.V., Berlin, Germany

2009-2010 // Mentor, Roma-Gadje Dialogue Through Service, Berlin, Germany

2008-2009 // Volunteer (full-time), Diakonisches Jahr im Ausland, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

2002-2005 // Sales Clerk, DisRecords, Record shop, Göttingen, Germany

2000-2001 // Volunteer (full-time), Diakonisches Jahr im Ausland, Szernye, Ukraine.

Network & Projects

2019 // Practitioners’ Lab: Arts and Culture under Pressure, Zagreb, Croatia
2019 // Tallinn Feminist Festival, Tallinn, Estonia


2019 // ArtGora Forum, Riga, Latvia

2011 // Study Visit, Discover Caucasus – Volunteering in Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

2012 // Team Leader, Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

2011 // Teamer Leader, Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

2011-2015 // Publisher, Make Out Magazine, Berlin, Germany

2010 // Organizer, be_cunt, FLT*I Sex-Party/Events, Berlin, Germany

2010 // Organizer, Lad.i.y.fest, Berlin

2011 // Study Visit, Volunticipate – Volunteering in Roma and Jewish Organisations, Bánki Tó, Hungary

2010 // Conflict Management Workshop, Kobuleti, Georgia

2009-2020 // Publisher, Transnational Queer Underground, Berlin, Germany

2007 // University Excursion, Shutka, Macedonia

2005 // DAAD Scholarship, Summer School, Lviv, Ukraine. 

2004 // DAAD Scholarship, Summer School, Bischkek, Kirgistan. 

2004 // Artist Residency, EU Presidency Enlargement Arts Event, Dublin, Irleand

2006-2007 // Organizer, Queer Reeding group, Leipzig University, Germany

2006-2007 // DJ & Event Organizer, A Queer Night Out, Staubsauger, Leipzig, Germany

2005-2008 // Journalist, Persona Non Grata, Leipzig, Germany

2004-2005 // DJ & Event Organizer, Analog Disco, Kabale, Göttingen

2003 // Team Leader, Children International Summer Villages, Knoxville, TN, USA

2002-2004 // DJ & Event Organizer, Musik & … , Rodeo Bar / King Kong Klub, Göttingen, Germany

2001-2017 // Radio show host balm&creak, Stadtradio Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany.


2019 // Transnational Queer Underground and queer life + work in Berlin. Bedtalks Berlin, Deutschland

2019 // A queer Perspective on Art, Culture & Activism, TALFF, Tallinn, Estonia

2019 // A queer Perspective on Art, Culture & Activism, KRETS Malmö, Sweden.


2019 // Identity in Germany, NY Universtity, Berlin, Germany.

2019 // A queer Perspective on Art, Culture & Activism, ArtGora Forum, Riga, Lettland.

2012 // Roma zwischen Romantisierung und Ausgrenzung, Hamburg, AG Queer Studies, Universität Hamburg, Deutschland.

2011 // Roma und Sinti in Europa, Hamburg, Kolloquium Forschungsgruppe Intersektionalität, TU Hamburg

2010 // Queer Music, Wiesbaden,
Gegenbeispiele zum Sexismus in der Popkultur, Schlachthof Wiesbaden

2009 // Queer Music – Repräsentation und Manifestation, Leipzig, Gender Kritik Reihe II, Universität Leipzig

2009 // Wert- und Wortverschiebungen bei Roma in Transkarpatien, Leipzig, FTF-Netzwerken – Workshop für Wissenschaftler_innen

2009 // Economy and Prestige in Roma-Families, Uzhhorod, Ukraine, Roma-Gadje Initiative Dialogue Through Service, Seminar for Volunteers

2008 // Romani Education and Family Relations, Oradea, Rumänien, Roma-Gadje Initiative Dialogue Through Service, Seminar for Volunteers

2008 // Roma/Ciganyi in Transkarpatien, Leipzig, FTF-Netzwerken – Workshop für Wissenschaftler_innen

2005 // Die Rolle der Frauen in Roma Gesellschaften, Münster, Training für Lehrer_innen und Sozialarbeiter_innen

Publications (selection)

2019 // Wheel Of Fortune – illustration, published in Fool’s Journey – Poems by Jane Flett

2018 // Horses, in Leopardskin & Limes (online literary publication)

2018 // Dogs are Amazing! in S_he’s Amazing! – a queer zine, published in Berlin, Germany

2011 // Post Privacy – Denkanstöße vom Gender Camp
In: Sona, Zoé u.a. (Hg.): Make Out Magazine # 1: Nerd-Issue

2011 // Queere Subkultur – Geboren aus der Randständigkeit, bedingt durch den radikalen Moment
In: Engelmann, Jonas u.a. (Hg.): testcard #20: Access Denied – Ortsverschiebungen in der realen und virtuellen Gegenwart, Ventil Verlag

2010 // Queer Theory – Queer Music. Making an Appearance.
In: Nagelschmidt, Ilse u.a. (Hg.): Interdisziplinäres Kollquium zur Geschlechterforschung, Peter Lang Verlag

2009 // Unter Anderen – Roma und Homosexualität in Mazedonien
In: Streck, Bernhard (Hg.): Shutka Shukar. Zu Gast bei Roma, Askali und Ägyptern, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2009

Exhibitions (my own work)

2019 // Suwon Festival: MirrorLand, (group exhibition), 1.-10.11.2019, Suwon, Korea

2019 // Batumi Photo Days: MirrorLand, (group exhibition), 30.08.-15.09.2019, Batumi, Georgia

2019 // Drawing/Connection (single exhibition), 14.06.-31.07.2019 Frauen*Nachtcafé, Berlin, Germany

2018 // A Window To The World (group exhibition), Altes Spital Viechtach und Bahnhof Kötzting, Germany

Exhibitions (curated)

2019 // Berlin, Germany – Photo Exhibition: Climate Crisis/Climate Change

2019 // Malmö, Sweden – Photo Exhibition: Climate Crisis/ Climate Change

2018 // Berlin, Germany – #TheGalleryProject

2017 // Prague, Czech Republic – #TheGalleryProject

2017 // Podgorica, Montenegro – #TheGalleryProject

2017 // Sofia, Bulgaria – #TheGalleryProject

2017 // Tallinn, Estonia – #TheGalleryProject

„I had a virtual meeting with Verena, and I felt really safe and comfortable opening up about my struggles with Verena.
She is such a good listener and she shared with me a list of practical and efficient tools/solutions to change my mindset and the way I talk to myself. It was eye-opening. I totally recommend talking to her - her expertise can be a precious resource for everyone!“ - Francesco

"I am at a stage in my life where I can (and want to) make a shift, but struggle envisioning the right direction to take and the action needed. Verena helped me to focus on my desires and what is keeping me stuck. Her approach is sympathetic, calm and down-to earth. It felt like she truly wanted to work with me towards my goals and my wellbeing, through small, concrete steps and kindness. She made me feel more confident, and now the change seems more approachable." – Elena

Verena holds compassion for herself and for me, listens and allows space and treats me as an equal.
She shows up with curiosity & presence, reminds me to listen to what's important to me, suggests simple, manageable practices, giving me concrete things to work with, all in one 60-minute call. Thank you again for this gift! – em

I always admired Verena's ability to bring together people of very diverse backgrounds and give others the space and the freedom to be who they are and to express themselves. It was amazing to watch her transform her life and herself and become much happier in the process. – Corinna

I’m so thankful for the email you sent yesterday about being a conscious digital citizen. 🙂 It really sparked my day and I must have agreed with every word you said […] maybe even more as I am opening up to start presenting my thoughts and work online to wider audiences, it is so important to be concise about adequate behaviour in the digital world and lead by example 😉 Thank you for reminding me of that! 🙂 😉 – Luisa

Book an Oracle card reading

Would you like to go deeper?

And resolve some personal issues? What are you missing when it comes to love, work, creating a healthy lifestyle, clearing blockages or living in alignment with your soul?

The colour cards paired with my knowledge and guidance can help you find answers to any question you might have.

You can book one single session, or different packages at a reduced price.