🌈 You have the power to create your reality.
What does it mean to live as a qu_ing or CREATRIX? What can we do to fully become who we are meant to be?
How can we live our lives joyfully, confidently, generously? ❤️
How to Use the Wheel of Colours in Your Life
How does this magical tool really work?
The Wheel of Colours translates your subconscious approach to life on earth into something that you can understand and work with, and it helps you to clearly see your essence, your strengths, your talents and what you might still have to learn to bring your life into balance.
It’s an all-encompassing approach and a philosophy to life, which, when embraced and embodied fully, will help you to live better than anyone you’ve ever known, and also enable you to help others to live their best lives as well.
Once you see yourself through the Wheel of Colours, you will have all the tools you need to thrive in life and to recognize yourself as the unique, perfect and magnificent being you really are.
Be the Qu_ing Book Introduction – be the first to read it!
Would you like to get a sneak peek into my upcoming BE THE QU_ING book?
Find out why I think every person can benefit from becoming a qu_ing, discovering their divinity and becoming their best self, and why I think it will help you more than any other person.
Why You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are
You Are Perfect ❤️
What is the first thing that comes to your mind, when you hear that you are perfect?
That you’re not perfect?
That you couldn’t be perfect because you made this mistake or didn’t do something like you were supposed to?
That you couldn’t be perfect because there was a time when you disappointed or hurt someone?
What if I told you that none of that mattered and that you are perfect, no matter what you do?
What if I shared with you that we are each perfect, exactly the way we are, simply because we exist?
Not Different, Just Love
It’s pride month, and, inspired by an interview I listened to, I thought, that I, and maybe you too, could do with a bit more clarity, and love, when it comes to dealing with our emotions, expectations and responsibilities, around coming out, but also when it comes to our families and love in general.
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I’ve Tested 9 Fair & Sustainable Espresso Beans
One of my daily joys is drinking a cup of espresso. I love the smell of the espresso beans, grinding them, and then seeing the coffee pour into my cup.
So, I was curious to find out what our choices are when it comes to fair and sustainably produced and roasted espresso beans.
My new favourite Sustainable & Sonic Electric Toothbrush
I really enjoy brushing my teeth with an electric toothbrush and that if given the choice, I’d not want to go back to just a regular toothbrush.
But wouldn’t it be great if there was a more sustainable option here as well? There is!
We’ve Tested 3 Sustainable Dog Food Brands – This Is What We Found Out!
Why sustainable dog food? – As I’m on my journey to reducing rubbish and living more consciously, dog food caught my attention as the big cans I was buying for the dogs constituted a big part of what I had to recycle. Listening to Saving Us by Katharine Hayhoe, I became curious about the idea of feeding dogs food based on insects…
The 5 Best Green Web Hosting Services 2023
What are the 5 best green web hosting services in 2023? Let’s find out!
Most of us have at least one website, for our sustainable businesses or the blog we write to help make this world a better place. And while we try to take all measures to implement what matters most to us, technology often slips out of sight when it comes to sustainability. But to make it easy for you…
The Colours of YOUR Life
The Wheel of Colours can help you to get to know and understand yourself better – and to live an enlightened life.
You can order your personal and unique Wheel of Colours from me – and I also wrote some articles about the colours and their qualities, to help you activate them in your life – so you can have all you ever wished for (and more!).
Learn how the Colour Green can help you to Create & Manifest
The Colour Green – Focus, Manifestation & Creative Power
With green, we enter into the second circle within the Wheel of Colours, that of manifestation.
Green invites us to take the first step in the process of creation or manifestation, by helping us to make up our minds and to focus on what we want or wish to achieve.
Manifestation is our human superpower, and in this article, you can learn how to use it for your own well-being and that of others.
Let the Colour Pink fill your Life with Creativity
The Colour Pink – Creativity, Innovation & Unique Expression
To thrive, create and manifest in life, we have to be true to ourselves and express ourselves freely and creatively.
This world is such a wonderful and beautiful place and we each have so much to offer to add to this beauty, not by trying, but simply by being ourselves.
Our unique way of expressing, of smiling, of seeing the world, of moving and of being is what allows us to find our unique spot in this world.
And it’s time for all of us to simply become ourselves and allow ourselves to show and express all the beauty we carry inside.
Find out how the Colour White can Strengthen the Relationships in Your Life
The Colour White – Relationships & Conscious Connection
As human beings, we are made to be in relationship with each other, but some of us are more introvert and others more extrovert, some thrive when they have lots of people around them and others feel like they need to recharge after interacting with others.
Yet, we are meant to connect and to live with and support each other. We simply have to find out how each of us can do this best and the qualities of the colour white can help us with that.
Would you like to accelerate your growth? In the CREATRIX School we learn and grow together.
Creatrix School
The CREATRIX School can guide you through the year to bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of your life.
Every week, three new lessons are added, with exercises, ideas and inspirations to help you start creating the life you truly desire.
Community – Week 1 – Pt. 1
Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School
Starting today, and for the next four weeks, we will think about how we can be at our best with others and how we can use our unique abilities, gifts and talents to contribute to the greater good of all.
As the first week of each chapter in the CREATRIX School is all about assessing where we are, so we can let go of what doesn’t serve us any more, and invite more of what we do want, we start this chapter by looking at our hopes for the future of our world as well as the experiences we’ve made in community so far.
Community – Week 1 – Pt. 2
What do we mean when we say communities, and why do we need them?
There are different ways for communities to be organized. Sometimes, all people are equal and come together to organize things as equals.
Sometimes, there’s an initiator, or someone who finances the project and other people who organize and implement it.
Sometimes, there are some people who are paid and other people who volunteer.
What are the different kinds of projects or communities you have been involved in, or would like to get involved in, in your life?
Community – Week 1 – Pt. 3
How do you envision our future?
It’s easy to think there are so many problems in this world – what am I supposed to do about it – I can’t do anything but make the best of it – and that’s true to some extent – but also not entirely.
Because we’re not just here to get by. We’re not just here to arrange ourselves with what is already here – we are life and a part of the great symphony of life that’s playing right now, in this moment, and we get to contribute to it.
Community – Week 2 – Pt. 1
How to learn to love triggers
In this lesson, we look at why it is so important to unite for a cause and not against someone or something – if we want to create lasting change – no matter how much we might disagree with them or something.
And we look at how love really is always the answer, even, or especially, when someone or something upsets us.
Community – Week 2 – Pt. 2
How can we create a real alternative to what we currently have?
In this lesson, we talk about how judgement can be a very useful tool on our journey to becoming our most authentic and best selves and create the communities we wish for, as long as we don’t use it to condemn other people or to establish superiority.
We also think about how every trigger is really here for us to grow, and not something to be afraid of or to avoid and how punishment, just like suppression, doesn’t lead to anything beautiful – and what we can do instead.
Community – Week 2 – Pt. 3
On Freedom, Responsibility and our Nature
In this lesson, we look at how freedom and responsibility are linked and what that has to do with consciousness.
And how with a raised consciousness also comes more freedom and thus, by raising our consciousness and finding more inner peace, we also obliterate the need for violence.
And we look at another essential thing, that will help us be more aware in our community interactions – our role as humans in nature, in this world.
Every chapter of the CREATRIX School comes with a recipe, a practice and a ritual.
This way, we transform what we learn into something visible and something we can feel with all our senses.
This helps to make the changes stick and see the results of our changed realities.
Ritual: Clearing the Energies in Your Home
We’ve done a lot of mental and practical work in this course, and with our ritual, we also look at the spiritual side of our homes.
Let’s look at some ways we can clear stagnant energies in our home using smoke and sound.
Recipe: Build Something for Your Home
What are the things you’ve created, using your hands, for your home — yet?
Let’s explore our creativity by building something, to bring something unique into our homes.
Recipe: Simmer Pot
I thought a while to pick the right recipe for this chapter – but I feel like I found it: A simmer pot.
Fill your home with nice smells – to activate your senses for the future you wish to create.
Ritual: How to Analyse Your Dreams
Analysing our dreams
Our dreams are a window into our subconscious, and analysing them and other messages we receive during the day can help us a lot to learn about ourselves, and what we really believe about something.
In this ritual, we will start using a dream journal and explore how we can change our perspective when thinking about and analysing our dreams so that we can learn and grow with them.
Let’s be grateful and practice our gratitude
Why a gratitude Practice?
I think we’ve all heard, that knowing how to find balance, or inner peace, is the highest good in today’s world.
It’s actually valued higher than money because no money in the world can buy you inner peace.
Yet, we can all have it for free.
All we have to do for it is to stop trying to please others and just be ourselves and listen to our heart’s desires.
I feel extremely grateful that I figured out a way for myself to live in balance and experience inner peace, if not at all times, then at least at most times.
And I’d like to share with you, today, how you can have that as well.
Ritual: A Perfect Day
Creating a perfect day
What would a perfectly purposeful day look like for you?
What would you do when you wake up? When would you have breakfast, and how can you fill everything you do with purpose and meaning?
Let’s explore this together and see how we can make a purposeful day our new reality.
Practice: Your Daily Cards
Let’s pull some cards
To be honest, I was quite sceptical about Tarot and Oracle Cards – until I started pulling daily cards every morning and every evening and wrote them down for a while.
Recipe: A Unique Birthday Cake
How about something special?
Have you ever made a birthday cake that says something special about the person it is for? That represents their uniqueness, their preferences, something about their lives? Maybe now is the time 🙂
Ritual: Would you like to rewrite your history?
When have you ever felt disempowered?
In this ritual, we do something profound.
We travel back in time to correct misunderstandings and misperceptions we’ve experienced in the past, and I’ll show you how to rewrite your history, so it cannot negatively impact your presence and future any more.
👑 What if you realized that everything was exactly right the way it is? What would you do next?
Archetypes Oracle Cards
I’ve created an Archetypes Oracle Cards Deck, and here you can learn more about how Archetypes and Oracles Cards work and how they can support you on your self-actualization journey.
The Wheel of Colours Oracle Card Deck
The Wheel of Colours Oracle Card Deck helps us to integrate the 13 fields and the 13 colours of the Wheel of Colours into our lives, and it supports us in making the best use of what we’ve learned about ourselves through the Wheel of Colours.
You can find out what the cards mean and how to use the deck here.
How to Work with Archetypes for Empowerment and Clarity
What is the cause for your biggest frustration right now? I'd like to bet, that whatever might be upsetting you, could be resolved, if you felt like you had the power to change the situation, and the clarity to know what to do about it. Feeling disempowered and...
Source Archetypes: the Energy & Destroyer Archetype & how they work!
This is where it all begins Today, I'd like to introduce the Source/ Energy and Unsource/ Destroyer Archetype to you, so you can see how they show up and influence YOUR life. This is the first part of a series in which I'll be introducing all the Archetypes from my...
Inner Child Archetypes and How They can Support Your Healing Journey
Meet the eight Inner Child Archetypes and find out how to work with them. They are the Magical/Innocent Child, the Curious Child, the Dependent Child, the Nature Child, the Divine Child, the Wounded Child, & the Orphan Child.
Interview with Archetypes Oracle Cards & Posters Creatrix
I’m Verena and I am the artist and creatrix who made the Archetypes Oracle Cards & Posters, and a few more things.
In this interview, I speak about why and how I created the Archetypes Oracle Cards Deck.
Dear Future Self
Dear Future Self is an ongoing series which takes a look at the presence in its impermanence. The idea is to capture a certain moment in time, a feeling, a wish, an encounter or experience and to recognize that the perspective on that moment will change.
My future self will know more than I do now, will have had more and different experiences than my current self, and will therefore have a different view on what I’m noticing now. Going back and forth, between these notes, also documents the steps in personal development and shifts and changes on an individual level.
Self-Actualizing, personal development, the search for more options, or simply experiencing growth and change for any reason, might feel weird, scary or uncertain. Yet impermanence or becoming is something we all share.
What does it mean to be a conscious creatrix of your life?
I wanted to write a little bit more about what it means to be a conscious creatrix of our lives, especially when it comes to saying goodbye to a pet, but this is also true for many other things. Like I said in my previous post, a couple of days before my dog Izabella...
When am I Healed? 10 Steps to Kickstart Your Healing
When am I healed? Last week, a client opened our session by saying: “I think I’m healed!”
I was happy that they felt so much better than when we started working together three months ago …
My Surprise Meeting with Archangel Michael
The last year has been full of surprises, one of them was for me to have a very brief but very powerful encounter with Archangel Michael. Now, I had never met an angel before. I’m not actually sure…
start your future self journaly
Get your future self cheat sheet here ↓
When am I Healed? 10 Steps to Kickstart Your Healing
When am I healed? Last week, a client opened our session by saying: “I think I’m healed!”
I was happy that they felt so much better than when we started working together three months ago …
How Can We Best Be of Service To This World?
What does it look like to be of service to the world?
I wake up happy, I go to bed happy. I get so much more done in a day than I ever would have imagined.
I’ve solved a washing machine problem this morning, tended to my plants, had breakfast, planned for some future articles, checked my emails and danced a little in the kitchen.
In no way would this have been possible a year ago.
🔮 What would your life look like, feel like, taste like, if you lived as your authentic self?
To be able to live a long, healthy, successful and joyful life, we need to bring balance into our lives and align body, mind and soul.
If you’d like to find out which area of your life might need the most attention right now, you can download the FREE Wheel of Life worksheet.
Depending on your analysis, you might then want to learn more about healthy eating, exercise or other forms of physical self-care. For this, you’ll be able to find a lot of useful information in the BODY section of this blog.
If you’d like to focus on your mindfulness, your meditation practice, how you can change your thinking to support you better in life and other ways to train your mind for resilience and love, you’ll find information on that in the MIND section of this blog.
And lastly, we all need community, relations and collective growth – our soul wants you to experience that you are connected to all that is, so we can rejoice in this connection. You can find out more about this and other ways of creating loving and peaceful relationships in the SOUL section.
How to Overcome Loneliness and Find Oneness
How can we overcome Loneliness? Loneliness and a fear of loneliness have been constant companions of mine, for the first 40 years of my life. Yet, I was never alone. I felt like I was playing a role, and I was. This only changed when…
How to Turn Your Home Into a Sanctuary, Today
Let’s turn our homes into places where we can restore and resource ourselves. For that, I’d love to show you how you too can start to turn your home into a sanctuary, today!
I think we can all agree that things have to change, if we want to sustain our planet and ourselves.
Practice: 3 Tips to Help You START Meditating
If you struggle to find the time to meditate, I have three tips for you, that will enable you to start meditating, no matter how much time you have.
Interview: Enlightened Empowered Evolved
Watch my interview on the Enlightened Empowered Evolved Podcast. Enlightened Empowered Evolved: We Educate, Motivate and Liberate YOU through Enlightening dialogues, Empowering music and Evolving content. watch on YouTube
Interviews: TalkReal & #MindTheGapStories
TalkReal: Verena Spilker | Transnational Queer Underground TalkReal is a new nomadic media format discussing key political challenges of our time from a radical perspective. Episodes are recorded in English and Italian, with plans for more to come. Meet Verena...
Interview: Lola Magazine – Local Hero
Local Hero: Verena Spilker On Elevating Opportunities for Artists in Berlin and Beyond Verena Spilker On Elevating Opportunities for Artists in Berlin and BeyondThe TQU founder’s simple advice for those looking to support Berlin’s queer artists: ‘Be brave and be...
Would you like to get a sneak peek into my upcoming
Find out why every person can benefit from becoming a qu_ing, discovering their divinity and becoming their best self, and why it is so valuable to learn how to trust yourself and your unique superpowers.
Is it time to start to free yourself from limitations & begin living as your qu_ing self?
🌱 What keeps you from being truly happy right in this moment?
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Book an Oracle card reading
Would you like to go deeper?
And resolve some personal issues? What are you missing when it comes to love, work, creating a healthy lifestyle, clearing blockages or living in alignment with your soul?
The colour cards paired with my knowledge and guidance can help you find answers to any question you might have.
You can book one single session, or different packages at a reduced price.