Who would you be if you lived out all of your potential?
And how can you develop and live your full potential?
These are good questions, aren’t they?
Now, of course, it is difficult to answer these questions if we find ourselves in a position where we are not yet living our full potential, as this lies beyond our experience.
But the further away we are from the answer, the more important it is to ask these questions.
In the gap between living out our full potential and where we are now is where all our troubles and difficulties reside – fear, uncertainty, insecurity, doubt and so on.
Very few people on this planet are currently living out their full potential – but all of us could.
And what it takes to do that, or to get closer to living our full potential, is what we will look at in this chapter of the CREATRIX School.
We will be exploring these questions with joy and ease until we will eventually be able to know what it means to be in our full power, live our fullest potential and with that, begin to live the life we are meant to live.
Like Abraham Maslow, who coined the term self-actualization, said: “What one can be, one must be.”
When we allow ourselves to be all we can be, we can easily get into a flow state, become more creative, get more done in a shorter amount of time and do everything that we do because we enjoy and appreciate it and not because we feel like we have to.
Would you like to start exploring what that would look like and feel like for you?
Then you are invited to the CREATRIX School – to learn all it takes to live a life full of joy, confidence, love and ease and to begin to live your full potential, as your best self, or qu_ing self and start to experience what else is possible for you.
It’s the new way to live, and you can try it for yourself right here and now!
Who would you be if you were all you could be?
How would it feel if you lived according to your soul’s calling?
Is it time to level up your life?
In short: Are you ready to explore what else might be possible for you?
In this chapter, we will start by exploring the Wheel of Life (members, and non-members can download the worksheet in the first lesson) to see which areas of life we need to level up the most, so our ride through life becomes less bumpy.
Once we know where we’re at, we can begin to see where we want to go in life in general, this year and in the next three and ten years.
And then, I will walk you through the process of planning a new project from beginning to end.
We will look at how to best structure our days for success and see how we can get other people on board, as well as what it takes to follow through when things don’t work out as planned.
By the end of this chapter you will not only know where you are now and where you want to be in 3 years, ten years and at the end of your life, you will also know how to start and finish any project successfully (the Wheel of Colours will help us with that) and have begun to implement a project that will allow you to grow far beyond your current experiences – and with that get you closer to knowing your full potential.
Are you ready to start this wonderful journey?
Course Content
Learn how to set and reach any goal by exploring and following your desires and inner knowing
In the gap between who we are and who we could be is where all our unhappiness resides.
In this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course), we will explore how we can close that gap. Who are we when we release, discover and use our full potential? How can we make this possible, and what would we and our lives look like if we started to live as our best, our highest selves? Can we live a life without regrets?
Individual courses are €35 each. Membership options providing you with access to all 13 courses/chapters start at €15/month.
We will start this chapter as a group with the New Moon on December 30th, 2024 and again with the New Moon on December 20th, 2025. But as a member, you can also take it anytime you like.
Or, as a non-member, you can also buy the course individually once it’s available.
We always go with the energies of the moon and the seasons of the year in the CREATRIX School for the best results, so I highly recommend joining as a member – especially as you surely would like to have clarity, confidence and connection in all areas of your life – to thrive in and enjoy your entire life and not just some of it – and there is nowhere else where you can find a course like this – but here.
And if you like, you can also get a certificate for completing this chapter.
All Lessons
Self-Actualization – Week 1 – Pt. 1
Welcome to a new Chapter of the CREATRIX School
This is going to be such an exciting chapter! Self_Actualization means to become the best version of ourselves, the version we were always meant to be. In this introduction, we will have a quick look at where we are and start developing a first idea of where we might like to go.
Self-Actualization – Week 1 – Pt. 2
Where do you want to go in life?
In this lesson, we think about death and dying and that our days on this planet are limited – we look at the top five regrets people have on their deathbed and begin to think about how we want to consciously create the rest of our lives.
Self-Actualization – Week 1 – Pt. 3
How can you live a life without regrets?
Living without regrets doesn’t mean living without making mistakes. In this lesson, we look at how we can see mistakes as something to benefit from and learn the practical steps it takes to live a life without regrets.
Self-Actualization – Week 2 – Pt. 1
Let’s make a plan
In this lesson, we look at how becoming our best-self, doesn’t mean that we are not perfect already, but that we, ourselves, have to see that we are indeed perfect already and can trust ourselves a lot more than we might currently think.
Self-Actualization – Week 2 – Pt. 2
Why What We Think Matters so Much
In this lesson, we explore why it is so important to dream big, and not to let the fear of disappointment limit us.
Self-Actualization – Week 2 – Pt. 3
How to Reach any Goal
In this lesson, I share the sacred blueprint with you that you can use to reach any goal, personal or global.
Self-Actualization – Week 3 – Pt. 1
Are you ready to face yourself?
In this lesson, we look at why it’s so important to get to know ourselves and find clarity about who we are, and then we have a look at the first steps to become who we really want to be.
Self-Actualization – Week 3 – Pt. 2
How to Change the World
In this lesson, we look at how we can use what we’ve learned for the greater good of the world. It’s one thing to change ourselves for the better (and the whole world already changes for the better when we do) – but we can also consciously apply the same methods we use to create meaningful change for ourselves, to create something even bigger.
Self-Actualization – Week 3 – Pt. 3
Your Life Matters
In this lesson, we bring our attention to the fact that not only are our lives meaningful, every thought and every word that we speak or think, is. And every person, no matter how triggering they might be, has the right to exist – and if we develop the wisdom to see our triggers as teachers – we will eventually find peace.
Self-Actualization – Week 4 – Pt. 1
How to handle rejection
Nothing happens in a vacuum. If we want to succeed on a personal, community or even larger level, we have to collaborate with other people. But not all may be ready for our ideas or the right people for us to work with.
Self-Actualization – Week 4 – Pt. 2
What have we learned this month?
What a month it’s been. Here are a few highlights of what we’ve looked at and learned this month. What was your most important discovery?
Self-Actualization – Week 4 – Pt. 3
What would your qu_ing-self do?
It’s all about integration! Let’s have a look at how we can integrate what we’ve learned this month into our highest-self or qu_ing-self, so we can use our new knowledge most effectively.
Start Your Bullet Journal
Morning & Evening Checklist
starter & bread
The Colour for this chapter is: red
The Colour Red – Trust, Passion & Confidence
The colour red is the classical first colour in the Wheel of Colours because red helps us to strengthen our belief and trust in ourselves, and to go through life confidently and passionately – something we all need to thrive.
Once you activate this colour fully, you will be able to do anything you wish for – because you believe in yourself.
And when you believe in yourself, anything becomes possible – it’s the first colour to accompany us through the first month of the year, and it connects us to ourselves – because we are the most important person in our lives.
If anyone can learn this, why don’t they?
Because many people don’t believe that they actually have the power to change their lives – even though they do.
This is because they don’t know how to do it, or they’ve tried it in ways that didn’t work for them, as they likely wanted too much too fast – or didn’t dare enough. Maybe this is true for you as well?
There’s also a certain comfort in not taking full responsibility for the situation we’re in, for our lives, by blaming our circumstances, our upbringing or current world events – and believing that it’s not up to us to create the changes and the lives we now secretly dream about.
But if we wish to create changes, and if we’d like to dare to make all our dreams come true – it’s always up to us to start – because only when we start can the grand CREATRIX support us in our efforts and make even the seemingly impossible possible.
Because if we try for something better, we are never alone.
If we use our powers for the highest good of all, our efforts are always recognized and supported.
And what’s even better – if we initiate a positive change once, and see and experience with our own bodies, how much, what we think, and say, really matters, and how much more is possible for us, as soon as we start to see things differently – we automatically grow our confidence and realize how much power we really do have, with every new change we create in our lives.
And so, the CREATRIX School invites you, to find out for yourself, that you have the power to change anything you don’t like about your life right now, to something that makes your heart and your soul sing, by giving you the right exercises and guiding you through the process of self-actualization – the process of becoming your true and authentic, magnificent and most joyful, loving, creative and abundant self.
Just ask yourself: Are ready to find out, what else could be possible for you?
Do you feel like it’s time to allow yourself to release what doesn’t serve you any more, explore your hidden and possibly still untapped superpowers, and begin to use them for the highest good of all? Then this is for you.
What I offer here is revolutionary, yet it’s also very practical and down to earth.
And you might or might not be able to figure all of this out by yourself, over the course of your life, but if join the CREATRIX School now, you’ll have the best guidance – from someone who went through all of this herself – and with this support, you will be able to discover your true self in a much shorter time – and you will start to see the benefits of this in your life right away.
I’d love to accompany you through the process of your self-actualization, and I promise you that I’ve made this journey as fun, exciting, surprising and easily successful for you, as possible.
I wrote a lot of what you find in the CREATRIX School while I was going through these changes myself – so you’ll have my first-hand experience – my often catastrophic before, my messy in the middle and my happily ever after – to relate to and to guide you through.
From my experience, I know that to create the changes, we wish for, in our lives, we have to begin by being really honest with ourselves, and allow ourselves to dream big, often bigger than those around us, trust the process and allow ourselves to follow our soul’s calling.
And only as a next step, we can begin to take full responsibility for all our thoughts, words and actions and start to accept where we are now, and then begin to learn how to be really kind and loving to ourselves, so we can change with joy and care.
This way, we allow for the changes to stick, naturally, because they feel good, and so our new habits and ways can support our lives holistically and constantly.
And on top of all the positive change this will create in our lives, this won’t just change our lives for the better, it will also have a positive impact on the lives of all the people and future and past generations our lives have touched, and will touch.
Once we begin to accept ourselves for who we are (wonderful, perfect and special beings with immense power), we can relax, arrive and feel safe.
And when we feel safe enough to be, and know enough, remember enough about our true selves, we can begin to reinvent ourselves, and live as how we truly are, deep down, and not as the version we created to fit in, or please others, or to be safe, or loved, or successful – because that version has never really made us happy, has it?
Then, once we feel safe and confident enough to do so, we can begin to genuinely explore our own and unique ways to be human, to be weird, nerdy, special, grandiose, explorative and incredibly loveable in our perfect imperfection and re-learn, or remember, how to express ourselves, how to laugh, to love, to learn, to open up and to enjoy trying something and failing at it, as much as we enjoy mastering it – in our unique ways and areas of interest.
From here, we can also begin to see how everything in life happens for us, not to us. And that every experience, everything we try and fail at, helps us to learn and grow and be better next time.
Because, as humans, that’s what we are here on earth for: To grow and to learn, and to show and share our unique gifts and beauty, to share the gifts and perspectives we’ve been given, that make us special and unique, so we can contribute to the whole in our own unique ways and for the highest good for all.
We’re not here to make due, to please others or to follow conventions, to fit in, to struggle each and every day, to worry and fear. We’re here to love, learn, explore and expand.
If we begin to recognize our purpose, which is to love and explore, and see our journey through life as a self-actualization journey, which will eventually lead us to becoming our highest, truest, most relaxed, most generous and loving and abundant qu_ing selves, we will see that being on this journey also allows us to open up to and experience joy and love and abundance in our lives a bit more each day.
This allows us to break out of and away from the pressure, and start to be so rooted, grounded, centred in ourselves that we can begin to actually attract and allow for what we wish for.
Anyone can do this, really, and it can even be a lot of fun.
But it may also take some courage, to face your shadows and begin to transform them into light, I’m not going to lie about that. Yet again, the more we do it, the easier it becomes.
And insecurities and questions will come up, and so to do this confidently and continuously until we reach true inner peace might take some practice and encouragement, which can be difficult to bring up on your own.
The reason why most people don’t live as their highest and best selves yet, is that they don’t know how to get there.
They simply don’t know where to begin or what to do exactly, they don’t have the role models who can show them the way, or they don’t have the money to work with a personal coach or teacher on these topics individually. Which is precisely why I founded the CREATRIX School.
With the CREATRIX School, I can guide you through every step you need to take to get to where you want to go and bring clarity, confidence, joy, relaxation, abundance, playfulness and whatever else you wish for into every area of your life – for the price of three take out coffees a month, and without having to hire someone to work with you one-on-one.
Yet, with the same success.
As every good coach or spiritual teacher will tell you, we are here to ask you the right questions, the answers you will always have to find for yourself – because only then will you truly know.
And you do already have all the answers within – they are right there waiting for you to hear them.
You simply haven’t taken the time, or had the right guide, or the confidence, or the role models to know exactly how to ask those questions yet in a way that worked for you, or knew how to listen to your answers and then to actually start living according to your inner truth.
But this can all change right now.
And you still won’t be going through this on your own, as if you join the CREATRIX School, you will also be joining a growing community of people, who want to start creating and shaping their lives actively, who are taking their power back, who are beginning to enjoy life deeply, and who are thriving in their unique ways, using their unique talents, gifts and insights – and with this experience, we can all begin to create more and more communities, offers, programmes and turn this world into a world, in which we are all here to support one another.
Is this the right course for you?
Take a second to imagine what your life would look like if you were at peace with yourself and the world, surrounded by people who genuinely wish to support you, and you would discover that you had the possibility to do or have anything and everything you wished for.
Imagine being able to see yourself as the beautiful and wonderful and talented person you really are, like God /Allah/the Universe/our Creator/the Great Spirit, or, as I like to call them, the grand CREATRIX would see you, and that you would recognize that the future is entirely in your hands.
How would that feel?
There’s nothing holding you back, but the voices in your head, of conditioning, fear and a false sense of protection, which are limiting you and keeping you from going after your true desires and your soul’s calling. Can you begin to understand that your future only depends on what you allow yourself to believe to be possible for you?
If you wish, we can change these voices and limitations together and forever.
In our lives, we all had and will have to go through challenges – those aren’t going to go away, but we can change the way we react to them and see them, as if there were no more challenges or questions or new and scary ideas, our lives would be meaningless and over.
So, what you will learn in the CREATRIX School, is, how to deal with those challenges in the best way possible and how to stop avoiding, ignoring or suppressing them, or complaining about them or being angry about them, but to see them as the opportunities that they are, and you will learn how to alchemize them, and with that, how to allow them to open new doors for you.
Because that is what will move your life from being full of struggles and troubles to being enchanting and joyful.
You will also really begin to see how we are all always doing the best we can at all times. Until we know better, because only then can we do better. With this understanding, you will be able to confidently live, knowing that things will get better with every step, that you will take, from now on.
And you will begin to see that, if we continue to struggle with, and hold on to negative feelings, about our past, ourselves, other people or our present, we give our past the power to negatively impact our present and future as well – and that that is not a given, but that we – you – have the power to not let that happen any more – by reclaiming your power for yourself, and taking it away from those who hurt or harmed you, and by beginning to create your desired future and life, instead of just living the one that is a result of all that has happened in your life, so far.
In the CREATRIX School, I will show you step-by-step how that is possible – for any situation.
And while the results may seem magical, the process isn’t.
We simply have to analyse what we have now, decide what we want instead and then release what is holding us back (our hidden assumptions and subconscious believes – which I will show you how to detect) so we can freely take the steps towards creating what we actually wish to have and experience and not just what we get to experience because of the way we were raised, or what we have experienced, until now – you will learn all the tools and tricks you need to alchemize your life and make anything possible for yourself that you wish for.
This is the process of manifestation, of creating, of becoming a true CREATIRX – and the more we practise, the easier it becomes.
Do you think this way it might actually be possible for you to have more of what you want, of what you dream about or desire to have and less of what you had so far and didn’t like?
If you can answer this question with a yes, even if the yes is still shy, then this is the right course for you.
You have everything it takes to live the life your soul desires, a life that makes you happy and fulfils you – you have the right to be abundant, loved, adored and free – and it only depends on your choices whether you will actually have that or not.
The more you recognize and live this truth – that you are the only one who can decide what your life will be like, from now on – and start to create the changes you wish for, instead of just hoping that they might one day just magically appear or happen – the more confident you will become in walking your unique path, and the more balanced, joyful, abundant and love filled your life will become – and you can keep it this way, as you now know what you needed to do to get there.
There is nothing special about people who make all their dreams come true – other than that they won’t let others or themselves stop them from going after their dreams.
And there is nothing secret or special about learning how to live a fulfilled, happy and successful life, we each just have to understand the Laws of the Universe and how the world really works, and ask ourselves some questions and find our unique answers to them.
These questions have been asked again and again by wisdom seekers all around the world in all centuries of human history, and are as easy or as difficult as: “Who am I? Why am I here?”
Or: “What do I need to eat to be healthy?”
Or, as we will see in this chapter: “How can I use my thoughts, beliefs and actions to create the life I was always meant to live?”
And now it’s simply your turn to ask and answer these questions yourself, with my guidance, so you can walk through life having your own answers and with this knowing, build a deep-rooted confidence and the understanding that you belong here and are exactly right as you are.
Once you have answered these questions for yourself and by yourself (though with the guidance, I provide for you in the CREATRIX School), you will find peace and calm and a sense of safety and clarity, that is difficult to imagine possible before you allow yourself to find your own answers.
Other people’s opinions, guidance and wisdom can be great and super helpful, but it will never match your unique situation 100%, and so no guidance will ever be as good as the one you find within. And if you’re insecure about that, especially in the beginning – I’m always here to answer your questions and guide you back to your inner wisdom – because it is all there.
How much my life has changed since I embarked on my own journey to become my true self, first as a CREATRIX and now as a qu_ing, is something I wouldn’t have dared to imagine possible, just a few years ago.
Real freedom, confidence & success are possible – for anyone who dares to look within, to discover themselves and who consciously begins to create their lives – according to their unique needs and using their unique gifts and talents.
“I feel incredible, invincible and unstoppable now. I know that everything I set my mind to, I can make happen, and I’m happy to be where I am now. And this even though I was really insecure, doubtful and unhappy for (almost all of) the first 40 years of my life.
Without that past, however, I wouldn’t be here in this capacity now – I wouldn’t know what and how our perspective needs to change to get from where things seem difficult, if not impossible to change, to knowing how to change things with love, joy and ease.
I now know that when we change the way we see things, when we change our perspective, we change our whole lives. Going through this process, I’ve learned so much, I’ve changed so much, and now I’m especially grateful for the hardships I endured in my past because they are what pushed me towards being here now, and they are what enables me to serve competently, confidently and full-heartedly.
I have no regrets, and I am genuinely grateful that I got to experience deep pain – because I know now how to alchemize it – and that this is where my power comes from.
Because overcoming the struggles of my life allowed me to see that I can free myself from any situation, by changing my mind about it. I got to experience first hand, that with every hurdle and with every challenge, I overcame, new powers emerged and with every dark valley I crossed, the horizon opened up again and showed me previously unknown colours and opportunities.
Today, I truly enjoy every step I take, especially if it’s challenging, because I know it is, and it will continue to be, worth it, and that challenges can even be fun, if we don’t abandon ourselves, and our power, or take them personally.”
And I’d love for you to be able to develop this sense of ease and joy and confidence about everything that happens in your life as well, if that’s what you wish, because we are all here to explore, learn and grow and not to have it all figured out already – and we can learn to embrace every challenge joyfully instead of shying away from it and allowing it to limit us in our lives – and when we do that we can really start to make all our dream come true – in a grounded, joyful and confident way.
So, if you believe new opportunities are waiting here for you, if you’d like to start building a deep-rooted trust in the universe/God/Allah/the grand CREATRIX, yourself and your abilities – then this is the right course for you.
And all you have to do is sign up to get started.
Isn’t it selfish to focus on myself?
Especially when there are other people out there who are struggling much more?
If you ask this question, aren’t you struggling yourself?
Don’t you find it difficult to sleep peacefully at night because you worry about your personal situation and/or the state of the world?
The thing is, we can only safely reach out a hand to other people, if we know how to stand strong and confidently ourselves.
It’s the same reason why we are told to put an oxygen mask on ourselves first, before we help others – because if we don’t have air, or energy or love, or food, or hope, or confidence to sustain ourselves, we cannot inspire and support other people – sustainably, over a longer period of time.
Equally, we can only create a better, and more equal world, if we ALL have access to all the resources we need to learn how to live free, happy and abundant lives.
It’s why I will always encourage you to share everything you learn in the CREATRIX School with other people.
Sharing what you’ve learned deepens your knowledge and holds you accountable, and it opens doors for others to see things in a new and more self-empowered way. Because we are all in this together.
The more you know and understand and the more you learn to love yourself, the better – because the more you know and the more love you have, the more knowledge and love you can share.
If we think that we can or need to change the opinions or ways of others to create change, instead of changing ourselves – we enter into a frustrating and often violent game – and, most of the time, cause more damage than good.
If, however, we learn how to live what we preach and can set an example, if we can show other people how it can be done, we can inspire them into change as well, and we are so much more likely to succeed in creating the changes we wish for in this world. It’s what I do now and what you might already be doing in some ways, and what you will be able to do even more effectively, after joining the CREATRIX School.
The undeniable truth is, that to create change on a larger scale, we always have to start with ourselves – we have to be the change we wish to see it in the world.
If we are strong, we can act powerfully, if we know how to be healthy, we can share that knowledge with others, if we love ourselves, we can share and give and receive love unconditionally and help others heal.
By embodying the changes we wish to see, and sharing what we already have and know, and give and recieve freely what we wish to have more of, it can all multiply indefinitely.
So, to create the changes we wish for, we have to start by learning how to meet our own needs first. If we want to help other people, we have to know how to take care of ourselves first – otherwise we will eventually burn out.
Looking at it this way, we can realize that it’s never selfish to learn how to take good care of ourselves – as long as we are willing to share what we learn and experience to inspire more – and don’t just keep it for ourselves.
Everybody can have their dream job, live in their dream home and experience peace and joy – we just don’t all know how yet, and only once you do know, because you made it happen for yourself, you can help other people to have it all as well.
If you don’t know how to be happy and enjoy your life, how will you help others to have or do that?
The reason why we have wars, exploitation, hate, fear, devastation, sickness, is because the people involved in these actions, don’t know how to solve things peacefully – they’ve not yet understood that they are fighting themselves.
They are ruled by their egos.
But we, you and me, have a choice.
We can be like most people, take sides, hate one and love the other – and with that continue to keep up a system that thinks killing, discrimination or exploitation of others can be justified and is what’s right – even though it’s just what creates more karma, that we will then have to work through in other lifetimes – or we can feel helpless in the face of all the devastating things going on in the world, and get so overwhelmed that we ignore it altogether or break down, give up and become depressed.
Or we can choose to strengthen ourselves, to gently overcome our ego and begin to live a life in service for the highest good of all – because we are all one and what’s good for all is also what’s best for us.
When we choose this, we – you too – will discover that we can actually have all that we wish for – love, freedom, material wealth, great health, peace and justice included – and that to keep it, and for it to spread to others as well, all we have to do is to keep enjoying and sharing it.
Which option do you think will bring the best results for you and all those whose lives you touch?
We can each make a start and begin to learn what it takes to live in peace with ourselves so that we can also live peacefully with other people and teach them, show them, inspire them to do the same. Violence and oppression have got us here. Now it’s time for our, for a peaceful revolution – one that you can help lead if you start with yourself.
In the CREATRIX School you have the opportunity to remember your purpose, your calling, to discover your strength, your power, your unique gifts, and once you do, you can share your knowledge and your experiences with confidence so that, over time, if we all do this, all people who are interested and ready, will have access to the knowledge and can learn to live self-actualized, happy, healthy and successful lives.
In the end, it is up to each one of us to decide if it’s time to start living a life in which we can fully become ourselves, develop all our skills and ideas and grow with ease to live a life that matches our desires, no matter what our life has been like until now – and with that contribute to our own well-being and learn how to enjoy this life and also contribute to the well-being of all, or not.
No one will stop you, from becoming your true and best self, but you.
If you let other people and their opinions or judgement hold you back, it will not make you or them any happier or help you or them. But if you want to begin changing your life for the better and inspire others to do the same – because they will see you change and shine and thrive, then you now have the opportunity to join the CREATRIX School, and to bring peace, clarity, confidence, joy and abundance into every area of your life.
And you can easily find out if this is the right thing for you or not, by taking advantage of the free 30-day trial, so there’s no risk in signing up now and giving it a try – but if you do, you may encounter a lifetime of joy, love, happiness, abundance and freedom. 🙂
Is that something that you’d like?
Is now the best time to start?
You will know that now is the right time to tap into your full potential when you are curious to meet yourself in new ways, when you find yourself asking what else is possible for you or think that there must be more possible for you in life than what you already have.
Now is the right time, to open this chapter in the CREATRIX School, and in your life, if you want to bring clarity, confidence and connection into your life and create the rest of your life in a way that allows you to be all that you can be.
Now is the right time, if you would like to base your life and your interactions on love, on understanding, on forgiveness and be able to deal with whatever comes up feeling empowered and able to handle it, instead of insecure, or intimidated.
To dare to change something that we’ve been doing a certain way for as long as we remember might seem scary or challenging.
Yet, I dare you to try, as it is very possible to change things, and it is very freeing to feel empowered in a situation, that you thought you could not change.
Excuses as to why now is not the right time will always come up, but they are just what they are: EXCUSES.
In the end, the sooner you start to create a life according to your soul’s desire and align your body, mind and soul for your highest good and that of all, the sooner you will be able to fully enjoy your life as well.
So, let me give this question back to you:
Is it time for you to live in a way that nourishes you and makes you feel safe, happy, loved and at ease?
Is it time to start creating and living the life of your wildest dreams?
Then, yes, this is the very best time.
Am I the right guide for you?
Hi, I’m Verena. I will be your guide and teacher in the CREATRIX School, and I’m going to help you to recognize your full potential and to begin to live it.
For most of my life, I did not live out my full potential and had to deal with the resulting consequences: insecurities, confusion, phases of depression and anxiety and a pretty pessimistic world view.
But at some point, I realized that I did not want to continue like that and began to find out what it takes to live my best life.
To be honest, I’ve entered on my journey to become who I am now because I just wanted to be a little bit healthier and happier.
And so I began to look for ways to be that, which quickly turned into a couple of years of research and training.
I have an M.A. in cultural anthropology and political sciences, so how people work in this world has always been my main point of interest.
If you’re interested in my formal qualifications, you can find them on the about page.
I believe that we’re actually super lucky to live in a time and place where we can choose how we want to live and can learn from each other, instead of having to stick to the limitations previous generations have set for themselves.
But I did not only learn about his from books, I also lived in different places and continents myself, so I got to experience the beauty and variety of different customs and points of view first hand.
On top of my own experience and what I’ve seen and learned in my past, what I found out in the last couple of years of research, from the latest scientific discoveries, which also matches ancient wisdom, is, that with just a few specific changes in the way we think and act, everything in our lives can change for the better – and this is true for anyone who is willing to be honest with themselves and who is not afraid of change.
We can all live abundant, happy and healthy lives – all we have to do for this is to find out how and then practice it – and the how is waiting right here for you in the CREATRIX School.
We all need to learn who we are and what we’re meant to do on this planet – because it is essential for everything else.
And we do that by creating a healthy relationship with ourselves, tuning in to our desires and inner knowing, becoming more confident and loving and, most importantly, by allowing ourselves to receive and enjoy.
So if you are looking to be better resourced, open, receptive and relaxed so that you can become all you can possibly be (and a lot more than you might now allow yourself to be now) then I’d be happy to guide you through this process of self-actualizing, becoming your best self, or your qu_ing self and begin to live the life, you know you are meant to live and open up to live and love fully and freely.
And I can’t wait to welcome you to the CREATRIX School and to invite you to our wonderful community of people who dare to be generous, happy and free!