Self-Actualization – Week 4 – Pt. 2

Photo by Celine on Pexels.


What have we learned this month?

Dear Creatrix,

How are you today?

Is it a good day to reflect on and summarize all we’ve learned this month?

If you’re ready, then let’s go! 😊

We started our self-actualization chapter in the CREATRIX School, by looking at our Wheel of Life and assessing every area of our lives – where we’d like to go and where we are now.

And I’ve also shared the playlist for this month with you.

We talked about what self-actualization means:

To become the best version of ourselves, which is our most authentic version, and not the dimmed down version we became by letting other people make us believe in limitations and lack.

Because in the gap between who we currently are and who we could possibly be is where fear, anxiety, self-doubt and all the things reside, that don’t help us in life.

So, by becoming our best selves and being on our way to embodying and living as all we could be, we also start to feel better.

Do you feel better?

Can you see that you are beginning to close this gap?

And if not, what’s missing?

What do you need to allow yourself to be your most authentic version?

Just take that question with you, write it on a piece of paper and put it on your bathroom window, and then just be open for the answer to come to you. You already know so much more about what that would look like now, than before we opened this chapter, right? So just keep going, you’re on your way!

And we will also look at this more closely in the next, and our last lesson of this chapter.

After that, we talked and thought about the fact that all good things also come to an end, even our lives.

And we looked at the top five regrets people have on their deathbeds and checked in with ourselves, what we can do NOW so that we can live a life that leads us to our deathbed without having those same regrets.

After that, we took it one step further and wrote our obituaries.

This way, we began to not only focus on what we want to avoid (and create instead), but also had a chance to begin to think about what we would like to be known for – what we would like to achieve, and what we wish other people will remember about us – the legacy we would like to leave behind.

And then, in the third lesson, we talked about how to avoid regrets in general, and see mistakes as an opportunity to grow (something that is so important to teach to our children as well!).

The last thing we did in the first week, to really find out what we want from life and this chapter, was to create our bucket list.

What do you desire to do in this lifetime?

Week 2

In week two, we started to move towards the things we actually want to begin to change, by making sure we know why we are changing things and how.

Our mindset and believes matter fundamentally for anything we would like to achieve, so having a critical look at how we think about ourselves helps us to move in the desired direction more smoothly and confidently.

And if we want to create something that we’ve not yet experienced, we can’t learn from our past, but have to imagine a new desired future and then trace the steps back from the desired outcome to us now – to get there.

If we try to learn from our past, we keep recreating different versions of it.

Then we looked at what we learned from the Wheel of Life and the other exercises in the first week and how we can use that information to start creating the changes we are looking for now.

We also came back to the fact that whatever change we want to create on the outside, we have to create on the inside first.

Everything is an inside job, really, as we are creating our realities because of how we see the world.

If we stop judging ourselves, others will too.

It’s a bit funny because it feels like it started from the outside and so naturally we feel like the end or solution should come from the outside as well.

It feels like other people, our parents, teachers, educators, judged us and crushed our spirits, and that’s why we feel the way we feel.

I believe that none of that happened without a reason, though, and that our souls chose the circumstances they were born into because they would provide us with exactly the lessons we needed to learn.

But whether that is what you believe or not, as grown-ups, adults, we have the choice to blame our past, upbringing and other people for our suffering or to take our lives into our own hands and change and learn whatever we need to so that we can be happy, love, feel loved and thrive.

If we want to change things now, we have the full power to do so, by learning to see ourselves as how we truly are, or want to be, and not how others saw or see us.

So, we looked at that and how exactly we wanted to see ourselves and live our lives, and how we can overcome our resistance to change accordingly.

After that, in the last lesson of week two, I then shared the blueprint with you that we can use to create any kind of change on personal as well as on a political, global or community level.

Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro on Pexels.

And I’d love to hear how this went…

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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