Welcome to the CREATRIX School
⭐️ Become a creatrix and start living as your most authentic, powerful & successful self yet – invite more love, peace & joy into your life. ⭐️
Are you a creatrix?
Have you ever felt like you don’t quite belong? That you’re somewhat different from the rest of the people around you?
That there’s a yearning deep down, a knowing, that you are capable of more? That while you know you are talented and can achieve a lot, something is somehow still missing?
Then you are a creatrix. And it’s time to start living it.
I, too, felt this way as long as I can remember.
And I didn’t know what I was missing.
I had friends, a partner, a rewarding job. I was an artist, an activist and I created real change.
Yet, I also felt lonely, uncertain, sometimes hopeless and often stressed.
No matter what or how much I did, it never felt completely right or like I had arrived.
I felt responsible for many things (that weren’t my responsibilities), I always gave my best, I worked hard, and I tried to take care of everyone and everything – but myself.
To be honest, when it came to being there for myself, I didn’t even know where to start, or what I really wanted or needed.
Of course, I tried many different things, but nothing really worked.
✨ There’s no better time than now to start living the life you were always meant to live. 🔮
At some point, I realized that over the course of my life, I became so focused on helping and fixing things for everyone else (because I was pretty good at that!), that I forgot about myself.
It turned out that what was missing in my life was me.
My joy, my fun and my well-being.
Not superficially, don’t get me wrong, I was very good at distracting myself and acting like I was having fun or as if I were confident. I was djing, hosting parties and organizing events.
Speaking at the opening of an exhibition I curated – ‘before’.
But I had no grounding, no roots, no inner security, trust and peace, to come back to when things got tough.
Things were good as long as everything worked as planned, but if something extra came up, something didn’t work out – I was floored, and it took me a long time to pick myself back up again.
I didn’t think I had time to meditate, I wasn’t eating well, I drank too much, I didn’t work out (walking the dogs is enough, right?) and I was really far from prioritizing my needs and wishes.
And if you had asked me then, I would have doubted that I had superpowers because no one saw that in me, so how could I? And I would most definitely have thought you were crazy if you had told me, that I’d one day be teaching people how to successfully and happily live their lives as their true selves – and that I’d be guiding them by living as an example of what that means.
Because I had no idea who I really was and how to believe in myself. I really doubted that I was worth anything, if I didn’t sacrifice myself for the well-being of others.
My subconscious believe was: “As long as there are other people who suffer, why should I have the right to be happy?”
I believed that even thinking about my own needs, let alone stepping up for them, would make me selfish. To think of myself as powerful, beautiful, enough, seemed scary and like that was just for other people, not for me.
Fortunately, things never have to stay as they are.
I had to realize that all that busyness – busying myself with other people’s opinions and needs, the state of the world, trying to prove my worth – were just different ways in which I was distracting myself from feeling all the feelings that I kept hidden and suppressed since childhood, when I didn’t feel there was the room to deal with them.
And that suppression is what made me unhappy, unhealthy and unfulfilled.
Over the years, I found my way to myself, I learned how to let go of the conditioning that kept me from being my true and authentic, grounded, peaceful, loving, kind, powerful, adventurous, creative and open-hearted self, and stepped into becoming the CREATRIX of my life.
And I’ve turned what I learned into a one-year course – the CREATRIX School – so you can overcome your fears and challenges, get back in touch with your true self and step into your full power without spending as many years as I did!
I am someone who loves to share, and I love sharing what I have discovered.
There are many offers and approaches out there, to help you become your best and authentic self, develop your full potential and find inner peace – but if I’ve learned one thing, then it is that not everything works for everyone.
My offer is special.
It’s very personal, and I share a lot of my own experiences – while encouraging you to discover all that you are, by valuing your own and allowing yourself to see things differently.
I believe that we need to find clarity about who we truly are, where our souls come from and go to, what we want from this life that we’re given in this body, what each of us is here for, what is ours and what isn’t – what we can change and can’t change, what we are (not) responsible for, and to fully embrace our roles as humans and make the best of our time here, by building our trust in ourselves, and by being happy, confident and curious – and I see absolute beauty in the way that we are all unique and special.
It’s our difference and our weirdness that makes each of us so special and necessary to complete the whole.
And because of this, my approach is unique, it’s something that doesn’t exist anywhere else.
It draws from ancient wisdom as well as modern science, and a lot is channelled directly from my guides.
Creating this course was and is a labour of love, one I dedicate my life to, because I believe that it’s so important for all of us to learn how to be our true and authentic selves, if we want to live happy and healthy and successful lives.
My teachings are now here for you to discover and try and experience what more is possible for you – yourself. Because really nothing is impossible. Whatever you believe you can do – you can do – how to do that, I’ll teach you – and it’s easier and harder than you might think ;).
I add my experiences and teachings to the mix of all the wonderful work other people have done and will do, so you can choose for yourself and see what works for you.
And as you found your way here, this might be just what’ve you’ve been looking for.
To find out if this is the right thing for you, you can even get a 30-day free trial – so you can just see for yourself.
You may join as a member for the whole year, or take each of the 13 courses individually.
My promise to you is, that engaging with the content of the CREATRIX School will bring you back to yourself – it will build your confidence, your determination and strengthen your abilities to communicate what you want and need – because you know what that is now.
You will learn all the tools and techniques to re-discover your innate power, beauty, creativity, joy, pleasure and the freedom to create a life on your terms one that serves you well and with that contributes to the well-being and highest good of all.
Because really, the better you are, the better we all are collectively – whatever you do for yourself, you do for all.
And I can tell you, it feels pretty cool to be able to say and know and live that. Because it makes you free.
Free to enjoy, free to choose, free to be you. And what’s better than that?
Living my best life and doing what I love, now – ‘after’.
The CREATRIX School takes you through every part of your life, month by month, to guide you to make peace with your past, find out what you need now, and then create the necessary changes to have that.
In the course, I’ll share my story with you, to show you what became possible for me, but more importantly, I will share the questions and exercises with you that can guide you to discover and begin to cherish your true and authentic self.
Because the more we do, the easier it becomes to tap into genius, to live in the flow, and to start creating a life that is built on confidence and trust, joy, love, ease and that allows us to experience abundance.
And knowing and being ourselves really does solve all the problems – because the more we do, the happier we become, the nicer we are to the people around us, the less bullshit we tolerate, and thus, step by step, we begin to actually create the world we want to live in, well-resourced, loving and in our full power.
Join the CREATRIX School
Do you think that you might want more from life than you currently have?
That you would like to live with more love, peace, joy, trust, confidence, creativity, fun, excitement and abundance?
Wonderful. You’ve taken the first step. Congratulations!
Life can actually be very pleasurable and easy.
But you may have to let go of some beliefs and habits that block you from living a life of ease and love and joy now.
In the CREATRIX School, you will learn exactly what you need to do to let go of, so you can achieve that.
Individual feedback
Get your questions answered
Growing into a new and more authentic version of yourself will bring up questions and can easily be a little confusing in the beginning.
While all the answers to the questions you have lie within you, it can be very helpful to have someone, who already went through the process, point you in the right direction, help you to bring up the courage to access these answers or who can simply offer an outside opinion and a different view.
For that, I offer bi-weekly group coaching sessions for PREMIUM members because I want you to get all your questions answered as they come up – for everyone else, there’s a private Facebook group where I will try to answer all your questions as well.
Becoming a new version of yourself, means questioning what you have now and then letting go of current and old beliefs and patterns that don’t serve you any more. This can come with grief and resistance.
But only after that step has been taken, and we said good by to the things that limit us, the fun part can start, where we begin to trust our own abilities and judgement, feelings and intuitions and can let ourselves be guided by the collective consciousness/source energy/the universe to get to where we really want to go and live with ease and love, joy and abundance.
With the CREATRIX School, you don’t have to do go through the confusing and difficult part alone, which will make changes quicker, the uncomfortable period shorter, and it will surely save you many detours.
Set Your Focus
This is your unique journey
The curriculum of the CREATRIX School consists of 13 topics, which we all have to sort out in our lifetime, like our purpose, how to best handle family issues or relationships, how to find community, how to overcome negative thinking, how to find balance, how to celebrate and enjoy and so on.
But you have the choice to work on the topics that interest you more, more intensively, while taking it slower on topics that you don’t find as pressing.
The questions and inputs I will make available in three lessons per week, will guide you to meet yourself – so that you can bring clarity into all areas of your life during the programme – but you decide where you put your personal emphasis and how much time you spend on each topic.
You know best what’s most important for you (or you will begin to find out) and will have the option to decide where you would like to put your main focus and go deep and where you need less time.
Welcome to the CREATRIX School
Find the clarity to develop your life’s vision and live your purpose and your calling
Recognize your value and that you are the CREATRIX of your life and build the confidence to put your dreams into action
Strengthen your connection to your inner knowing, to source, and to those around you so you can enjoy life fully and freely
There’s no better time to start, than now.
Our planet needs us, and we need each other.
And we can support our planet and each other while also being able to enjoy our lives, thrive, grow and explore and feel more resourced and loved than ever before.
Right now, most of us are struggling to keep up with the changes going on around us, and we all know that many more are still ahead of us.
A global health crisis, one financial crisis after the next, all call us into action to find new ways of consuming and being and loving and working in this world.
And there is really no better way to deal with any kind of uncertainty than to stop struggling with yourself – and to learn how to trust yourself, in any situation.
Investing into being able to love and trust yourself is the one thing that no one will ever be able to take from you – and the biggest blessing one can have.
The Creatrix School will guide you step by step to get to know yourself so you can face any obstacle with certainty, while growing in your full power and capacity.
All you have to do is to join and begin to allow yourself to be completely honest and loving with yourself – how to do that, I’ll show you ❤️.
We will bring clarity into all areas of your life, so you can feel and be directive and confident and understand what you need to feel safe, well, successful, healthy, wealthy and loved.
We will develop new routines to give you the structure to deal with the important things first and the freedom to be creative and spontaneous in any way that you wish to be.
There is no better time to start, than now.
There is no better time, to fully be yourself, than now.
Let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment
This is up to you
Are you willing to make the necessary changes in your life to live a happy, fulfilled, purposeful life, no matter what is happening in the world around you, and what other people might demand or expect from you?
You have to make that choice for yourself…
If you are ready to learn the skills and open up to new perspectives that can help you gain more freedom and confidence over the next 12 months, then not only should you get your spot in the CREATRIX School.
Show up every week and every day for yourself from now on.
Do you really need to join the CREATRIX School to live your best life?
Well, you don’t, if you love what you do, you feel connected to those around you, know how to reach all your goals with ease and your life is filled with purpose, joy, love and personal success already.
But if that’s not 100% true, then this will help you to get there.
This is a great chance for you to catapult your growth AND get the support you need.
Join now and start a new chapter of your life, today.
The one where you create your own success story.
Join open-minded and ready to learn how to live your life with love, joy, and how to fill it with new and enlightening experiences. Because it will bring you much closer to enlightenment, when you allow yourself to be honest with yourself and others (but of course, this is just a side effect).
This is not a time to just wait and see and hope for the best, because you might have done a lot of that already.
It is time to learn the RIGHT skills, to practice how to be your AUTHENTIC AND BEST SELF, and to start acting accordingly so you can thrive instead of just continuing to struggle and to try and make things work.
you're not sure how to create your life according to your wishes
it seems difficult to change things, to break with unhealthy habits
you're not a 100% sure about your purpose and your future
you're often exhausted
In 12 months
You have a clear idea of what you want your life to look like
You know what you need and how to achieve your goals
You know your purpose and live it, every day
You have the energy and clarity to live and love joyfully
Why join the Creatrix school?
Because you would like to build the courage & confidence to become the CREATRIX of your life.
And because you would like to have some guidance while you are gently and confidently starting to allow yourself to become your true self.
Would you also like to try and practice your new sense of self, your talents, your new skills with other like-minded people, and get the questions answered that might come up along the way?
Then this is for you. You’re so welcome here.
Hi, I’m Verena and I will be your teacher and guide in the Creatrix School.
I am a spiritual teacher, a guide to help you uncover all the beauty that you hold within you, and a supportive companion who wants to see you become your most powerful, joyful and loving self – yet.
I’m here, and I created this programme, to offer a patient, kind and open and very intentionally and consciously created space for us to meet.
It’s my goal, with this programme, to support you to discover, develop and explore your unique strengths and expressions in this world so you can become the bright and shining, unique and powerful being you truly are.
And if you doubt that this is what you are, then the CREATRIX School will be even more valuable for you.
We will look at a different aspect of our lives each month. In each aspect, we always see a reflection of the whole. Everything is connected and with each aspect that we fill with clarity, confidence, connection and love, we will also find more of that in other areas of our lives. This way we can safely spiral up, and bring in more and more awareness, joy and love, step by step.
You can join the CREATRIX School any time.
I don’t want to create more stress in your or my life, but less. So this offer is here for you, whenever YOU are ready.
Just be aware how quickly things slip our attention and if you click away now, you might forget about this – and miss the chance of a lifetime. But you can also start today (and try it for 30 days for free) and begin to see your life change for the better today as well.
(And you know it won’t be easier to make changes tomorrow than today – the moment you start, your life will become better, & you’ll win in so many ways.)
Of course, you will get the most benefit if you stay for a whole year, but you choose if you want to commit for a whole year or just start with one course for more flexibility. This is for you.
Do what feels best.
VIP and PREMIUM Membership options are only available for a limited number of people each year, so sign up now, to make sure you won’t miss out on this special opportunity to be coached by me personally.
„I had a virtual meeting with Verena, and I felt really safe and comfortable opening up about my struggles with Verena. She is such a good listener and she shared with me a list of practical and efficient tools/solutions to change my mindset and the way I talk to myself. It was eye-opening. I totally recommend talking to her – her expertise can be a precious resource for everyone!“ – Francesco
“I am at a stage in my life where I can (and want to) make a shift, but struggle envisioning the right direction to take and the action needed. Verena helped me to focus on my desires and what is keeping me stuck. Her approach is sympathetic, calm and down-to earth. It felt like she truly wanted to work with me towards my goals and my well-being, through small, concrete steps and kindness. She made me feel more confident, and now the change seems more approachable.” – Elena
“Verena holds compassion for herself and for me, listens and allows space and treats me as an equal. She shows up with curiosity & presence, reminds me to listen to what’s important to me, suggests simple, manageable practices, giving me concrete things to work with, all in one 60-minute call. Thank you again for this gift!” – em
These are the topics we are looking at:
Every month, for every topic, we ask ourselves:
► What do I have now?
► What doesn’t serve me any more?
► What would I like here, and how can I get that?
And then, we make it happen!
In each course, you'll be supported with teachings, questions, exercises, inspiration and first-hand experiences to guide you through this process of bringing clarity, confidence and connection into each area of your life.
Is it time to start living your best life?
Full Membership
€180 per year
€19 per month
- Access to all CREATRIX School Courses
- Worksheets & Exercises to deepen the practice
- occasional Special Guest Interviews
- Replays
- Private Facebook Group
- Yearly Discount available
- Discount on your personal Wheel of Colours
most popular
Premium Membership
€540 per year
€50 per month
- Access to all CREATRIX School Courses
- Worksheets & Exercises to deepen the practice
- occasional Special Guest Interviews
- Replays
- Private Facebook Group
- 2 monthly Group-Coaching Sessions, live (90 mins each)
- Yearly Discount available
- Get your personal Wheel of Colours for free upon sign up
VIP I Membership
per year
- Access to all CREATRIX School Courses
- Worksheets & Exercises to deepen the practice
- occasional Special Guest Interviews
- Replays
- Private Facebook Group
- 2 monthly Group-Coaching Sessions, live (90 mins each)
- 1 individual Coaching Sessions per Month (30 mins each)
- Get your personal Wheel of Colours for free upon sign up
- Limited Availability!
VIP II Membership
per year
- Access to all CREATRIX School Courses
- Worksheets & Exercises to deepen the practice
- occasional Special Guest Interviews
- Replays
- Private Facebook Group
- 2 monthly Group-Coaching Sessions, live (90 mins each)
- 1 individual Coaching Sessions per Month (60 mins each)
- Get your personal Wheel of Colours for free upon sign up
- Limited Availability!
Free 30-day trial
Join as a LIGHT or FULL MEMBER via Steady and try the CREATRIX School for free for 30 days.
How Can We Live a Generous Life?
I found out that one of the main reasons why we find it hard to focus on what’s important and good for us, is because we’ve learned to silence our inner voices and instincts.
We are bombarded with new trends and ideas, things to do and not to do, and research will continue to come up with new and better ways to ‘improve’- but the question is:
What do we really need? And how can we know?
As you will come to understand and experience as well, if you join the CREATRIX School, the only way to know what is right or wrong or good or bad FOR YOU, is by learning to come back to your inner voice and knowing and by learning how to be able to connect to the collective consciousness, our inherent wisdom.
Many of us think that we only need one more course, or one more article, or one more workout, a new partner or this great new job to finally be at peace.
But we really need none of that.
As long as we are looking for relief or fulfilment outside of us, we struggle.
But once we align ourselves with who we really are and begin to live as our authentic selves, we gain the confidence to explore and realize that we are able to achieve any goal we set for ourselves.
Once we have that, life feels fantastic.
Yet, I also had to take all the courses I took, and learn and experience all the new things, until I got to this point – and I created this 12-month course so that you can have it all in one place and don’t have to collect your bits and pieces from here and there and spend years and years to find this freedom, joy and ease.
I invite you to come into my world, dive into deep experiencing and find out what works best for you and what doesn’t.
Because you won’t know until you’ve tried.
You can keep what you like and share it with others, and disregard what doesn’t fit your own growth journey and situational needs.
What I offer in the CREATRIX School focuses especially on learning how to take good care of ourselves, how to meet ourselves, how to get to know ourselves better and with that how to find the clarity and confidence and connection to venture on in life in our own ways.
If we are not stable and grounded, we can’t provide stability and ground for anyone else.
If we’re not happy, we won’t find happiness in someone or something else.
Whatever it is we are looking for, we have to find it in ourselves first.
With this course, you can learn to listen to and trust your inner voice and guidance and with that, you will automatically begin to orient yourself towards the best possible options available to you to reach any goal with ease.
Are you ready to live your best and most generous life – yet?
You are invited to join a private Facebook community to meet other participants & get your questions answered.
PREMIUM & VIP Members are invited to an intimate Q&A via Zoom twice a month to receive live feedback and coaching.
Easy access and comfortable delivery
You can participate from any place as long as you have an internet connection.
Links to the new lessons and invitations to live sessions and replays will be delivered directly to your mailbox.
all in one place
You will be able to access all the contents on this website, which includes links to all worksheets and additional video and audio materials.
free trial
Sign up without regrets. Together with the Steady platform, I’m happy to offer you a 30-day free trial – that means that if you sign up and find out that the membership is not the right thing for you after all – you won’t have to pay a thing.
Why should you become your best self?
Because you are here for a reason and your life has a purpose, but your lifetime is limited.
It’s up to you how you spend the rest of it.
Most of us are caught in the past. We relive the patterns we learned from past generation, which have been formed under different conditions, without the access to a lot of the information we have now. We can meet that with love and compassion.
But we do not have to stay stuck with unhealthy behaviours and believes that don’t serve us any more. We can break the circle and allow for a way of living that supports us today and opens us to many new possibilities.
The strategies are all there
– you just have to start implementing.
And it’s not going to get any easier than right now by joining the CREATRIX School.
Start playing a different game
Instead of seeing life as a challenge, begin to see it as a gift.
A gift that has been waiting for you to unwrap it and embrace it fully.
Life is full of possibility and love and beauty, once you shift your focus, you will see this for yourself.
Over the 12 months of the CREATRIX School you will learn how to live with ease, find clarity and not only see life as a gift, but discover that you are a gift to the world as well.
You’ll be able to start tapping into your full potential and learn how to put it to good use.
Your life experiences, good or bad, make you who you are, give you unique insights and present you with skills that you can now share with the world.
Your perspective is valuable, you have meaning to contribute to all of our lives, and the world is waiting to see you live your purpose and to shine bright.
Still not convinced? Sign up for the CREATRIX School, and you’ll be surprised by how differently you will start to experience the world – and yourself in it.
(And if you find out it’s not for you, you don’t have to pay anything for the first 30 days, so you can just cancel your membership.) But you might also gain something incredibly valuable – life as your true self.
“The reason that I am writing to you is, because I’ve been thinking about you and all the great work you have done!! In Nicaragua we have a bird (guardabarranco) that commits suicide when it is locked in a cage. It prefers to die rather than to be in captivity. And although I have thought about it, I would never hurt myself physically – mentally, I have felt like that bird many times.
The CREATRIX School, together with my willingness and my belief, has opened the door of that cage, the door to mental freedom. (…) I feel very good, I feel in peace, and the most important, I feel in connection with me on a transcendental level. I am in the best moment of my life, thanks to you and thanks to me 🙏🏽.”
Every change starts with you.
We’ve been taught to believe that we need to control our outer environment to find inner peace or happiness.
Yet, it’s the other way around.
Once we learn how to switch our perspective and start doing our inner work, the world around us changes.
If you start changing yourself, you will see how you also change the world.
Much more effectively and effortlessly, than you ever have before, by trying to change it directly.
ROADMAP / Topics
Why is this for you?
You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t want MORE for your life – less anxiety and more hope, less confusion and more certainty, success, impact, joy, love and freedom…
The CREATRIX School, is a fun, loving and gentle, yet effective way for you to find what you’re looking for.
Think about what you’ve learned in your life and what you’re passionate about.
What do you want to bring back or want more of? What is there that you have yet to experience?
What do you not want in your life any more?
Let’s make the life you truly deserve and desire your new reality.
I can’t wait to see you thrive.
And I promise you, that you will, if you allow yourself to be who you really are and begin to take care of yourself first.
Start the rest of your life, today.
Full Membership
€180 per year
€18 per month
- Access to all CREATRIX School Courses
- Worksheets & Exercises to deepen the practice
- occasional Special Guest Interviews
- Replays
- Private Facebook Group
- Yearly Discount available
- Discount on your personal Wheel of Colours
most popular
Premium Membership
€540 per year
€50 per month
- Access to all CREATRIX School Courses
- Worksheets & Exercises to deepen the practice
- occasional Special Guest Interviews
- Replays
- Private Facebook Group
- 2 monthly Group-Coaching Sessions, live (90 mins each)
- Yearly Discount available
- Get your personal Wheel of Colours for free upon sign up
VIP I Membership
per year
- Access to all CREATRIX School Courses
- Worksheets & Exercises to deepen the practice
- occasional Special Guest Interviews
- Replays
- Private Facebook Group
- 2 monthly Group-Coaching Sessions, live (90 mins each)
- 1 individual Coaching Sessions per Month (30 mins each)
- Get your personal Wheel of Colours for free upon sign up
- Limited Availability!
VIP II Membership
per year
- Access to all CREATRIX School Courses
- Worksheets & Exercises to deepen the practice
- occasional Special Guest Interviews
- Replays
- Private Facebook Group
- 2 monthly Group-Coaching Sessions, live (90 mins each)
- 1 individual Coaching Sessions per Month (60 mins each)
- Get your personal Wheel of Colours for free upon sign up
- Limited Availability!
Free 30-day trial
Join as a LIGHT or FULL MEMBER via Steady and try the CREATRIX School for free for 30 days.
Book an Oracle card reading
Would you like to go deeper?
And resolve some personal issues? What are you missing when it comes to love, work, creating a healthy lifestyle, clearing blockages or living in alignment with your soul?
The colour cards paired with my knowledge and guidance can help you find answers to any question you might have.
You can book one single session, or different packages at a reduced price.