berlin based queer feminist zine

make out magazine

Make Out Magazine

– for us, that means:

locking lips, letting sexy sparks fly, igniting new ideas, developing concepts, questioning social structures and comprehending the world.

Make Out Magazine – also known as MOM – doesn’t strive to condescendingly point fingers like a traditional heteronormative mother, but rather gleefully stick them in that place where it squeaks really nice. So we can say it with a clear conscience:

Listen to your MOM!

make out magazine’s


It was one of those days when the world seemed to make no sense. But instead of starting a frustrating, drawn-out search for meaning, we just decided to start a queer-feminist-radical-left zine dealing with cultural and socio-political issues. Our concept? It should be fun, raise eyebrows, bring together academics and punks, and at the very least, transform the world.

Because some change is goddamn necessary: as long as our society is pervaded with ideologies that degenerate humans into blokes, bimbos, airheads, nazis, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, mindless consumers, and all their blind followers, there is plenty for us to think about and criticize. And despite all this, not everything is total shit. There are a lot of cool things happening too, here and now, to be shared and experienced. All of which you’ll find in our zine.

So then, we will print not only highly theoretical texts or crazy word collages, but also DIY craft ideas, photos, comics and everything our (and your) hearts desire. We are not some theory circle or a clique – we’re about, music, social injustice, sex, everyday shortcomings, dog kennels, bipolar motors and queer food. In addition, each issue of the zine will be devoted to a particular theme. We’ll start with nerds – each of us is one in some way. The chosen theme won’t determine every last word of the entire zine, though, but will serve as a focus for selected pages, offering deeper insight into (for example) the diversity of nerdiness.

Our project brings together a variety of experience: For years Dana has organized some of the finest indie concerts with agency La Moustache and illustrates impressive poster and CD cover designs for various bands and events. With his blog Expatriarch and his monthly radio show of the same name (broadcast by BLN.FM and coloRadio, Dresden), Joey orchestrates queer chaos and emits it through fiber optic lines and the airwaves, and he can otherwise be found behind the DJ booth of various clubs getting Berliners to move in tempo.

Verena has been doing the radio show balm&creak for nine years, DJs, organizes events, and writes both professionally and for leisure about queer feminism and music. With Transnational Queer Underground she has brought to life a platform linking musicians across and beyond all borders. Zoé writes as a freelance journalist, most passionately articles about queer feminism and/or critiques of capitalism, and plays bass with the band Käptn Awesome.

Make Out Magazine – for us, that means: locking lips, letting sexy sparks fly, igniting new ideas, developing concepts, questioning social structures and comprehending the world. Make Out Magazine – also known as MOM – doesn’t thrive to condescendingly point fingers like a traditional heteronormative mother, but rather gleefully stick them in that place where it squeaks really nice. So we can say it with a clear conscience: Listen to your MOM!

And we need your help! It’s crucial to bring together a variety of interesting perspectives on board and to widen our activist network. We want queer/feminist players to gain an audience outside of our local framework so we can disseminate inspiration to others. The plan is a first edition of 1,000 copies to be sold for 3 EUR at selected locations (bookshops, etc.). The articles will be written in either German or English, accompanied by an introductory summarization in the other language.

The print will be black and white with certain pages in full color. Our website offers information about us, where to buy and possibly an option to buy direct online. In addition, we will post excerpts from the zine to provide a taste, and hopefully to create hunger for more. We are committed to seeking initial funding, but also plan to raise money ourselves through fundraising events.

If you want to join, write, translate, proofread, offer hand labor, criticize or do whatever else to help, please send an email to: no email anymore

Berlin, April 8th, 2011

Make Out Magazine – Issues

MOM #1 – Nerd
Published May 2012
>> view/download magazine

MOM #2 – Heidi
Published March 2013
>> view/download magazine

MOM #3 – Dirt
Published May 2015
>> view/download magazine

Make Out Magazine – Parties

MOM #3 release party

In May, we launch Make Out Magazine #3: the DIRT issue. Inside its pages, you’ll find dark room stenches, messages from the beyond, how to make Bloody Marys from menstrual blood, souvenirs from love affairs, sexy comics, and much more. To celebrate these fabulous stories, we’re holding a launch party on May 16th at Bei Ruth.

MOM #2 release party

Bald hüpfen die kleinen Lämmer wieder über grüne Wiesen und Heidi lässt die Röcke fliegen, denn die 2. Ausgabe vom Make Out Magazine ist da! Schwerpunktthema ist diesmal – wie könnte es anders sein: HEIDI. Um euch angemessen auf Ostern vorzubereiten und euch die neue Ausgabe vorzustellen, haben wir eine kleine Lesung mit Michael Zander vom ak mob und anderen Autor_innen organisiert.

MOM #1 Release Party

We finally made it: Make Out Magazine is being printed at this very moment! We’re all really excited about it and we’re going to celebrate like hell. The release party will be on Saturday, November 26th at Scharni (Scharnweberstr. 38) with live music from …

Would you like to get a sneak peek into my upcoming

Find out why every person can benefit from becoming a qu_ing, discovering their divinity and becoming their best self, and why it is so valuable to learn how to trust yourself and your unique superpowers.

Is it time to start to free yourself from limitations & begin living as your qu_ing self?

Would you like to accelerate your growth? In the CREATRIX School we learn and grow together.

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Are you a CREATRIX - yet? A CREATRIX masterfully directs their life instead of reacting to life's circumstances.
If you'd like to find out how - come and join us. You can now get a 30-day free trial because we all learn in different ways, and it's important to me that you have time to find out for yourself if this is the right way to learn for you - before you make a financial commitment.

I AM CREATOR School - Join Now

Clarity - Confidence - Connection

In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of our lives - and we look at a different topic each month - this month we look at our freindships.

To overcome loneliness, we first have to meet ourselves.

And to do that, we will explore our inherent goodness, in this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course), and bring in a lot of love and patience, overcome some fears and begin to safely open ourselves to the right people in new ways.

Join us to explore new ways of connection and support.

4-week courses

In the CREATRIX School we look at the 13 most important areas of our life in one year and practice how to bring clarity, confidence and connection to them. It's a lot of content for a relatively short amount of time - given that it has the potential to really change your life forever. If you're not ready to commit for a whole year, or are afraid it might be too much information at once, you can also take each of the 13 chapters as stand-alone courses.

Each chapter is designed to be taken within 4 weeks, but if you buy them individually, there's no hurry and pressure to keep up - you can take as much time as you like and need. If you feel like you need the pressure to stay focused though, and would like to get 3 weekly reminders, work on the same topics at the same time as other people and attend the bi-monthly live Q&As - then the membership options might be a better fit for you.

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And resolve some personal issues? What are you missing when it comes to love, work, creating a healthy lifestyle, clearing blockages or living in alignment with your soul?

The colour cards paired with my knowledge and guidance can help you find answers to any question you might have.

You can book one single session, or different packages at a reduced price.