CREATRIX School – 03 – Believe! // PURPOSE

What are you meant to do in this lifetime?

It seems like knowing the purpose of life would be the most obvious thing.

But, for many, it is not.

I had no idea what the purpose of life was until I turned 42, and I also didn’t know until then, that when I finally discovered it, I did not only begin to understand my life’s purpose (something we all share), but also to recognize my unique calling, my unique vision and my corresponding missions.

And finding out about it changed everything for me!

I promise you, it will do the same for you.

I wouldn’t have believed how huge the difference is, between being sure about what you are doing and why and living with uncertainty, if I hadn’t experienced this change it myself.

Living with uncertainty about something so basic as the purpose of life or what we are meant to do in this lifetime, destabilizes our whole life, it makes it hard to trust others, or ourselves, yet, as few people have certainty here, or many people may tell you different things – it can easily seem like there is no purpose or no way of really knowing.

But that isn’t true.

And for that reason, I won’t just be teaching you my answers here, though I will share my experiences, ideas and thoughts.

But what’s much more important to me, is to guide you on a journey to discover YOUR TRUTH for yourself.

Because that’s much more powerful – as when you find it out for yourself, you will know for sure.

And there’s no shame in not knowing or uncertainty either, it just makes life harder, and it means you have yet to discover some of the most beautiful things about yourself.

Which will be so wonderful and such a relief.

Because once you know how to find the answers to a question like: “What’s the meaning of life?” or “Who am I?” within yourself, you can be sure that you can also find the answers to all other questions within – it helps you to build your trust in yourself. And once you know how to trust yourself, it also becomes easier to trust others.

So, the next time, you wonder, why you are actually doing what you’re doing and what the purpose of all of this is – think of me and know that you can find the answers to all questions within – and that I’m here to show you how you can do that.

Because the freer, stronger, and more independent you become, as you start to understand your purpose and the meaning of all of this, the more you will begin to thrive.

And once you know what you need to do and feel and ask to get to where you want to go in life – your new-found joy and power, certainty and love will have a ripple effect on the world around you and thus help us all to level up together.

I’ve been looking for a meaning or the purpose of my life for almost all my life, studying different wisdom traditions, religions and schools of thought and I turned all I found on the way into this course so that it won’t even take you a month to be able to find the answers for yourself.

Because knowing what we are doing and why allows us to move through life gracefully, and it enables us to direct our actions and experiences, rather than reacting to what’s happening around us.

If you’d like to discover this for yourself, so you can feel happy and empowered, and live your life purposefully, then join us in the CREATRIX School. (And take advantage of the 30-day free trial)

It’s the new way to live, and this is your opportunity to find out about your purpose and callings and so much more — in just 4-weeks!

Do you sometimes wonder if you are on the right path? And if more or something else could be possible for you?

Would you like to know, once and for all, what you are meant to do in this lifetime?

Would you like to discover your unique gifts and callings that you came to share with this world?

In short: Do you feel like it’s time to have certainty about the purpose of life, what your callings are, your values, and to discover all your unique gifts that you bring to this world so that you can live the life you are meant to live and open up to more love, joy, health and abundance?

Would you like to find out how you can free yourself from the expectations of others, and instead begin to tap into your true genius and your superpowers to use them for the greatest good of all?

Then you are invited to join the CREATRIX School and to finally become the CREATRIX of your unique life.

In this chapter, we will find out what Astrology, the Wheel of Colours and our Numerology tell us about ourselves and our life’s path, what our unique values are and how we can use this information to live more authentically, develop our unique strengths and gifts and become really confident in becoming who we are meant to be.

We will also look at how we can use meditation and visualization techniques to get in touch with our inner knowing and intuition, so they can strengthen our trust in ourselves and give us the answers we seek, and so that from now on, we can always find the highest guidance on our way.

Course Content

Learn how to Discover and live your life’s purpose, your personal vision, and your unique calling(s)

and how to trust your inner guidance to find certainty, inspiration and belonging.

In this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course) we learn how we can follow our soul’s calling (and how to get in touch with it) to live a happy, meaningful and successful life – according to our original and unique blueprint or the choices our highest self made for us, before we were born. Which might be much more spectacular than we think now.

Individual courses are €30 each. Membership options providing you with access to all 13 courses/chapters start at €15/month.

Access to this course is FREE for members of the CREATRIX School.

We started this chapter with the New Moon on July 6th, 2024.

All Lessons

Purpose – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Purpose – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School

Let’s begin to explore the purpose of life and our unique role in it.

In this lesson we will just start by looking at where we are at right now, find out what answers we are looking for and get a bit in the mood of this chapter so we can open up to exploring our mystical side, our purpose and our callings in the next four weeks.

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Purpose – Week 1 – Pt. 2

Purpose – Week 1 – Pt. 2

Let’s find some clarity

We have a lot to explore this month, so we will use this lesson to find some clarity around the terms we will be using and start diving into the meaning and the purpose of our lives, as well as all the other terms.

And I share a bit about how I got here and how I discovered my callings and the purpose of life.

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Purpose – Week 1 – Pt. 3

Purpose – Week 1 – Pt. 3

Why you are whole and perfect as you are

In the last lesson, we looked at the purpose of life and all the other terms we are going to fill with our own unique meaning in this chapter – and today, we will look at ourselves and how we can possibly give ourselves a new, more powerful meaning as well, by discovering that we are perfect already just as we are.

Do you agree? Do you think you’re perfect – yet?

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Purpose – Week 2 – Pt. 1

Purpose – Week 2 – Pt. 1

Tools for Self-Recognition I: Astrology

In this lesson, we learn how to use our curiosity and our bliss, as well as our astrological birth chart to find out more about ourselves, our wishes, our personality traits, what drives and motivates us, what we like about ourselves, and what some of our challenges are – and then we see how we can begin to resolve them.

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Purpose – Week 2 – Pt. 2

Purpose – Week 2 – Pt. 2

Tools for self-recognition II: Numerology

After finding out more about ourselves through Astrology, we focus once again on what else is possible for us, when we begin to look at what’s great about ourselves instead of what’s wrong with us ;).

It really makes such a huge difference.

And then we use numerology to recognize ourselves even more and to consider the possibility of inviting in a new (nick) name into our lives, to help strengthen the qualities we would like to cultivate more from now on.

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Purpose – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Purpose – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Tools for self-recognition III: Wheel of Colours

Let’s dive a little deeper into getting to know ourselves.

This time we will use the Wheel of Colours to recognize more aspects of ourselves, and I’ll also show you how to use your Wheel of Colours to support you in the changes you’d like to create in your life.

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Purpose – Week 3 – Pt. 1

Purpose – Week 3 – Pt. 1

Visualise yourself!

I bet that you already see yourself in many new ways and that you are getting more confident and proud of who you are already.

Today, we are going to add one more exercise to help us see our excellent qualities and superpowers and to find out how to best use them for the highest good of all.

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Purpose – Week 3 – Pt. 2

Purpose – Week 3 – Pt. 2

Stepping Into Your Full Power

How much we’ve learned about ourselves in these last lessons!

Now it’s time to bring it all together and to see how we can use our new knowledge and understanding in the best possible way – so that we can really start to create our futures and enjoy our present, instead of reliving our pasts.

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Purpose – Week 3 – Pt. 3

Purpose – Week 3 – Pt. 3

Can you feel how connected you really are?

To anchor everything we’ve learned and to ground ourselves, we’re going to look at the different elements and how we can balance them – as earth, wind, fire, air and aether are we what we share with everything that is.

In this lesson, I also introduce a prayer and our new ritual and recipe for this chapter.

Let’s get mystical. ✨

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Purpose – Week 4 – Pt. 1

Purpose – Week 4 – Pt. 1

Let’s make sure we are well-supported

Now that we know so much more about ourselves, our purpose, the meaning of life and our role in it, we will look at two more things, which can help us to stay on track no matter what.

One is to find out about our core values, and the other one are the two Source Oracle Cards – because they represent the most important decision we have to make in every second – to proceed guided by love or driven by fear.

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Purpose – Week 4 – Pt. 2

Purpose – Week 4 – Pt. 2

Purposefully looking back

It’s time to review all that we’ve learned and thought about this month.

Can you remember how much you knew about who you are and your purpose when we started this chapter? And how much more do you know now?

It’s quite a gap we closed, isn’t it? Let’s look at it all again in short form, to make sure it really sticks.

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Purpose – Week 4 – Pt. 3

Purpose – Week 4 – Pt. 3

Let’s gather ourselves in all our wholeness and come together as one

Honestly, this was so cool and fun and insightful, wasn’t it?

But we don’t just stop where we are, if we can go further, we will. And that’s why we will finish this chapter by looking at ourselves from our highest perspective to see if we can see ourselves even more clearly from there.

And of course, it’s time to celebrate!

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creating a
perfect day


facial toner

The Colour for this chapter is: Purple

The Colour Purple – Completion, Fulfilment, Healing & Wholeness

In the Wheel of Colours, the colour green helps us to focus on what we wish for, pink helps us to create and express in our own unique ways, while white supports us by connecting us with the right people in the best possible ways.

Purple then completes the circle of manifestation by helping us see what we wish for completed and living in gratefulness for the outcome of our manifestation/creation.

When we use the power of purple, everything, even the most daring ideas, become possible – and this makes it the perfect colour to help us to align with our purpose.

If anyone can learn this, why don’t they?

Because many people don’t believe that they have the power to change their lives. Even if they haven’t even tried — yet.

Or because they’ve tried it in ways that didn’t work for them, as they likely wanted too much too fast – or didn’t dare enough.

There’s a certain comfort in not taking full responsibility for the situation we’re in, by blaming our circumstances, upbringing or current world events – and believing that it’s not up to us to create the changes we need and seek.

But if we want to create changes, it’s always up to us to start – as only once we do, source energy can support us in our efforts.

And once we’ve experienced that we have consciously created one positive change, we also know we can do it again. For this reason, the CREATRIX School invites you to find out for yourself, that you have the power to change anything you don’t like about your life, by giving you the right exercises to try and see for yourself, how powerful and magnificent you truly are.

It’s revolutionary, yet also very practical and down to earth. And it’s not like you won’t be able to figure this all out by yourself, it might just take a few years to get there.

January - Self // Self-Actualize!

So, if you would like to have the best guidance for overcoming your challenges and discovering your superpowers now and if you would like to gain new skills and perspectives quickly, so you can begin to enjoy your life more, today, then this is for you.

I’d be happy to gracefully guide you through the process of your self-actualization, and to make this journey as easy, fun, exciting, surprising and successful for you, as possible.

Because I’ve just went through a lot of these changes myself.

From my experience, I know that, to create the changes, we wish for in our lives, we have to begin by taking full responsibility for our thoughts and actions and start by being honest with ourselves.

From here we can find our own unique ways to be ourselves, to laugh, to love, to learn, to open up and to enjoy trying something and failing at it, as much as we enjoy mastering it.

Everything in life happens for us, not to us.

Every experience, everything we try and fail at, helps us to learn and grow and be better next time.

Because, as humans, that’s what we are here on earth for:

To grow and to learn, and to show and share our unique gifts and beauty, so we can contribute to the whole in our own unique ways and for the highest good for all.

If we begin to recognize our purpose and see our journey through life as a self-actualization journey, that will eventually allow us to be our highest, truest, most relaxed and abundant qu_ing self, it also allows us to open up to joy and love and ease in our lives a bit more every day.

Anyone can do this, really – and it can even be a lot of fun.

But it can also be difficult, to face our shadows and begin to transform them into light.

And to do this confidently and continuously until we reach true inner peace might take some practice and encouragement, which can be even more difficult to bring up, when you’re going through these changes alone.

Also, do you really know where to begin or what to do exactly to get to where you want to go?

Of course, you can also get a coach or spiritual teacher to work with you individually, or go to different classes, workshops and try here and there, but that will cost you a lot more.

And because I, myself, and most of the people I knew when I embarked on this journey, did not have the means to pay for a personal coach for a year or two to help them find confidence in all areas of their lives, yet we all need this information, these tools and skills to be able to build our confidence to get to a place from which we can afford anything we wish for – I founded the CREATRIX School.

This way, I can guide you through every step you need to take to get to where you want to go and bring clarity, confidence, joy, relaxation, abundance and playfulness into every area of your life – without you having to pay full price for a personal coach.

Yet with the same success.

Because, as every good coach will tell you, we are here to ask you the right questions, the answers you will always have to find for yourself. So in the CREATRIX School I will ask you all the right questions.

And you do already have the answers.

You may just not have taken the time yet, or the confidence, to ask them, to listen for your answers and then to act on what they show you because it goes against everything that most of us were taught – you may have simply not trusted yourself enough, so far, or you may have not had the right guide, who can help you to build your trust in yourself.

But this can all change today.

Is this the right course for you?

Look around you now, and think of your biggest fear or worry.

And then take a second to imagine what your life would look like, if you knew exactly how to solve this, what you needed to be happy and fulfilled, and what you were meant to do with the rest of your life.

How does that feel?

And do you know how to get there on your own?

Wouldn’t it be nice to know that this could be your new reality in just four weeks from now?

And even if you don’t fully get there in those four weeks, you will surely be a lot closer to there, than you are now, or than you will be if you leave this page, and still have no clear plan about how to get there.

If you join the CREATRIX School, you won’t just get that, but you will also start to acknowledge your gifts and learn how to nourish them so they can develop fully, and I’ll give you ideas of how you can use them to contribute to the well-being and prospering of all – and maybe even turn them into your new business.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

And if it was, then do you also feel ready to open up to new ideas, leave behind some of those old ideas, especially about yourself, that don’t serve you any more, and to invite in gentle but effective changes?

Would you like to develop a clear vision of who you could be, and begin to train your mind, body and soul to support you to get there in the best possible way?

Are you ready to create a vision so strong that it will help you to let your future unfold right in front of you?

If you can answer any or all of these questions with a yes, even if the yes is still shy, then this is the right course for you.

You have everything it takes to live the life your soul desires, that makes you happy and fulfils you – all you have to do is allow yourself to learn how.

So what are we going to do?

The more we recognize and live our truth and follow our internal guidance (and stop trying to meet other people’s expectations – as once we are our true selves we can easily surpass them), the more confident we become in walking our unique path, and the more balanced and happier our lives become.

And to live a fulfilled, happy and successful life, according to our unique needs and talents, we each have to ask ourselves some questions and find our unique answers to them.

These questions have been asked again and again by wisdom seekers all around the world in all centuries of human history, and are as easy or as difficult as: “Who am I? Why am I here?”

Or: “What do I need to eat to be healthy?”

Or, as we will see in this chapter: “How can I find out what I came to do here on this planet?”

And if you join us in the CREATRIX School it will be your turn to ask yourself these questions and find your own answers to them.

Because once you do, you can walk through life with a deep-rooted confidence and the understanding that you belong here and are exactly right as you are and where you are.

Once you have answered these questions for yourself and by yourself (though with guidance I provide for you in the CREATRIX School), you will begin to really trust yourself and that will lead you to finding peace and calm and a sense of safety and clarity, that is difficult to imagine before you get there – but it feels fantastic.

Other people’s opinions, guidance and wisdom can be great and super helpful, but they never match your unique situation 100%, and so no guidance will ever be as good as the one you find within.

The trust, wisdom and confidence you get through this, as I experience it now, is something I wouldn’t have dared to imagine possible before I started my own self-actualization journey.

Real freedom, confidence & successes of all kinds are possible – for anyone who dares to look within and try new ways.

“I feel incredible now, but I was pretty insecure, doubtful and unhappy in my past.

Without that past, however, I wouldn’t be here now – I wouldn’t know what it takes to get here and what kind of change is possible.

I’ve learned a lot because of the hardships I endured in my past, especially from the most difficult parts.

Today, I am genuinely happy about everything that has happened in my life, even the challenges that have caused a lot of pain.

Because with every hurdle I overcame, new powers emerged and with every valley I crossed, the horizon opened up and showed me new options.

Today, I truly enjoy every step I take because I know it is and will continue to be worth it.”

And I’d love for you to be able to develop this sense of ease and joy about everything that happens in our lives as well, because we are all here to explore, learn and grow and not to have it all figured out already.

If you believe new opportunities are waiting here for you, if you’d like to start building a deep-rooted trust in yourself and your abilities – then I’m happy to welcome you.

All you have to do is sign up, and you can get started today.

Isn’t it selfish to focus on myself?

January - Self // Self-Actualize!

Especially when there are other people out there who are struggling much more?

If you ask this question, aren’t you struggling yourself?

Don’t you find it difficult to sleep peacefully at night because you worry about your personal situation and/or the state of the world?

The thing is, we can only safely reach out a hand to other people if we stand strong ourselves.

It’s the same reason why we are told to put an oxygen mask on ourselves first, before we help others – because if we don’t have air, or energy or love, or food, or hope to sustain ourselves, we cannot inspire and support other people – sustainably.

Equally, we can only create a better and more equal world, if we ALL have access to all the resources we need to live free, happy and abundant lives.

It’s why I will always encourage you to share everything you learn in the CREATRIX School with other people.

Sharing what you’ve learned deepens your knowledge and holds you accountable, and it opens doors for others to see things in a new and more self-empowered way.

If we think that we can or need to change the opinion of others to create change – we enter into a frustrating and often violent game – and, most of the time, cause more damage than good.

If, however, we live what we preach and set an example, show other people how it can be done, we are so much more likely to succeed.

The undeniable truth is, that to create change on the larger scale, we always have to start with ourselves – we have to be the change.

If we are strong, we can act powerfully, if we know how to be healthy, we can share that knowledge with others, if we love ourselves, we can share and give and receive love freely.

By embodying what we wish for, sharing what we have and giving freely, all that we want more of, can multiply indefinitely.

So, to create the change we wish for, we can only start by meeting our own needs first.

If we want to help other people, we have to know how to take care of ourselves.

Looking at it this way, we can realize that it’s never selfish to learn how to take good care of ourselves.

Everybody can have their dream job, live in their dream home and experience peace and joy – we just don’t all know how yet.

The reason why we have wars, exploitation, hate, fear, devastation, sickness, is because the people involved in these actions, don’t know how to solve things peacefully.

They are ruled by their egos.

But we, you and me, have a choice.

We can side with them, take sides, hate one and love the other – and with that continue to keep up a system that thinks killing, discrimination or exploitation of others can be justified – or we can feel helpless in the face of all the devastating things going on in the world, and so overwhelmed that we ignore it altogether or break down and become depressed.

Or we can choose to strengthen ourselves, to gently overcome our ego and begin to live a life in service for the highest good of all – and the highest good of all is also always what’s best for ourselves – as in the end, we are all one and your suffering is my suffering and vice versa.

Which option do you think will bring the best results for you and all those whose lives you touch?

We can each make a start and begin to learn what it takes to live in peace with ourselves so that we can also live peacefully with other people.

Once we’ve found our purpose, our calling, our strength, our power, our unique gifts, we can share our knowledge and experiences with confidence so that, over time, all people who are interested and ready, will have access to the knowledge and can learn to live self-actualized, happy, healthy and successful lives.

In the end, it is up to each one of us to decide if it’s time to start living a life in which we can fully become ourselves, develop all our skills and ideas and grow with ease to live a life that matches our desires – and with that contribute to the well-being of all, or not.

No one will stop you, from becoming your true self, but you.

If you let other people and their opinions or judgement hold you back, it will not make you or them any happier or help you or them. If you allow yourself to make excuses, to think now is not the time, or that this might not be the right thing for you – use the thirty-day free-trial to find out.

But if you want to begin changing your life for the better and inspire others to do the same – because they will see you change and shine and thrive, then join the CREATRIX School now, to bring peace, clarity, confidence, joy and abundance into every area of your life.

Find out if this is the right course for you, by taking advantage of the free 30-day trial.

Do you want to begin living more joyfully and peacefully?

Is now the best time to start?

You will know that now is the right time to start living your purpose, when you don’t want to wonder any more if you are actually doing what’s best for you and this world or if there is really something else that you should be doing instead.

Now is the right time, to open this chapter in the CREATRIX School, and in your life, if you want to bring clarity, confidence and connection into your life – and understand your mission, vision and your calling(s).

Now is the right time, if you would like to base your life and what you do each day on love, on understanding, on forgiveness and on being able to deal with whatever comes up feeling empowered and able to handle it, instead of insecure, or intimidated.

To dare to find clarity on something that has been a somewhat blurry for as long as we remember might seem scary or challenging.

Yet, I dare you to try, as it is very possible to get this clarity, without having to lose everything you have now, and to experience the freedom of feeling empowered and more certain in many situations, or all, which you thought you could not change until now.

Excuses as to why now is not the right time will always come up, but they are just what they are: EXCUSES.

Maybe you don’t feel worthy enough to invest in yourself – if that is so, screw that – you don’t even know how much you need this, you are only worth the best and should only be treated in the best possible way, no matter what.

And if you don’t feel like you have the money, then you can also at least take the 30-day trial to take this one course and cancel after.

In the end, the sooner you start to create a life according to your soul’s desire and align your body, mind and soul for your highest good and that of all, the sooner you will be able to fully enjoy your life as well.

So, let me give this question back to you:

Is it time for you to live in a way that nourishes you and makes you feel safe, happy, loved and at ease?

Is it time to start living on purpose, knowing your vision, mission and callings and living them?

Then, yes, this is the very best time.

Am I the right guide for you?

Hi, I’m Verena, the founder of the CREATRIX School and the Generous Life Movement and, if you wish, I will be your personal guide on your self-actualization journey.

If we want to live a healthy, happy and joyful life, it’s good to know who we are and what we’re meant to do, to not get confused about our purpose and callings.

Yet, to many people, knowing what’s the best thing for them to do, often seems like an unsolvable riddle.

Maybe we know that we are good at arts, or sports or organizing or business, but does this mean that it is also what we are meant to do?

And how can we be sure?

Verena Spilker stands smiling and thinks: Let's make this happen!

Living on purpose gives me energy.

Lucky for us, we have a very reliable internal guidance system – we just have to learn how to use it right. Our emotions (how we feel about something), our intuition and following our interests will always guide us in the right direction.

We can also ask our (internal) guides, as well as use visions we might receive, all our senses can help us with this really – if we dare to look and listen carefully and look within instead of to the outside world for our guidance.

And if we’re not yet used to and super comfortable trusting our internal guidance, or getting in touch with it, we can also get help from tools such as Oracle Cards, the Wheel of Colours, Astrology and Numerology – and I’d love to show you how to use all of this in the best possible way and explain to you why it can give us such good guidance.

What most of us have been trained or conditioned to use: rationality or following rules and doing what other people do or trying to please others, are not our best guides (or good guides at all) to living a magical and fulfilling life – they might help you to get by, to fit in, to not draw attention to yourself, but they will not support you to thrive and live your unique and beautiful life freely, generously, lovingly, joyfully and abundantly.

So, in this chapter of the CREATRIX School, I’m going to show you all the tricks I’ve learned over the years to make beginning to live your purpose as fun, effortless and natural as possible.

And I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am about this.
Verena Spilker stands smiling and thinks: Let's make this happen!

Living my purpose also allows me to feel at ease.

I quite like the expression: to be on purpose.

To act purposefully, to be aware, to give meaning to what we do.

To live our purpose essentially means to live mindfully, to be present and to become aware of why and how we act and how we can influence that so that it serves us and all around us.

We often spend a large part of our lives trying to figure out exactly what we need, and in some areas of our lives we fail again and again until we finally find out – though for some of us it really only happens when we die.

But as I was lucky enough to experience myself, even if we live our lives with uncertainty up to a certain point, we do not have to continue this way.

We have fantastic tools, to help us figure out exactly what we need in most situations and, with this help, can begin to live accordingly.

The Wheel of Colours is one of these tools, which completely changed my life.

It can guide us through the challenges in our lives, and it can also help us to discover our calling, our gifts and our strengths, and through that awareness it helps us to live life with a lot more ease because we understand what we are made of and what we need.

Once we’ve gained a better understanding of where our strengths and weaknesses and challenges in this life are, we can start to work with that. And the more we use this knowledge and begin to understand ourselves, and what we need, the more empowered we feel, as we begin to succeed more.


So, if you are curious to experience all of this yourself, then I am the right guide for you, as I can show you how to get there.

Knowing yourself, your unique needs and callings, really changes everything in and about life.

I’m not saying it is all easily accessible at first try, or will be easy to obtain immediately, but all the information you seek will become available if you practice and persist.

Self-actualization also requires some allowing and the bravery to change things, but I promise you, that you won’t regret it.

I’ve entered on my own journey to become who I am, today, because I just wanted to be a little bit healthier and happier.

And so I began to look for ways that would help me to be that, which, because I am who I am, quickly turned into a couple of years of research and training.

I have an M.A. in Cultural Anthropology, Political Sciences and Russian, finished a 9-month course in mindfulness and business and a one-year coaching training, and how people work in this world has always been my main point of interest.

If you’re interested in my formal qualifications, you can find them on the about page.

What I found out, however, in the last couple of years of self-organized research, and what I didn’t necessarily learn through formal training, is, that with just a few specific changes in the way we think and act, everything in our lives can change for the better – and this is true for anyone who is willing to be honest with themselves and who is not afraid of change.

We can all live abundant, happy and healthy lives – all we have to do for this is to find out HOW and then practice it – and the HOW is waiting right here for you in the CREATRIX School.

If you want to bring clarity to your purpose and callings – then I’d be more than happy to guide you through this process of self-actualizing, becoming your best self, or your qu_ing self and begin to live the life, you (secretly) know, you are meant to live and to show you how to open up to live and love and move fully and freely.

I can’t wait to welcome you to the CREATRIX School and to introduce you to our wonderful community of people who dare to be generous, happy and free!

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

Are you ready to go deep?

The CREATRIX School isn’t for everyone.

But it’s for you if you are ready to go deep and (re)discover all that you’ve been hiding and running away from.

We can all live in Heaven on Earth, but first we have to learn how to forgive and love ourselves and begin to understand that everything in life happens for us, not to us.

We can become the CREATRIXES of our lives, but for that, we have to be honest, clean up our messes, become aware of how much power and influence we have through every thought we think and every word that we say.

If you are willing to take full responsibility for your life, and are ready and brave enough to begin living, acting and speaking as your authentic self, then, this is for you.

You don’t need to bring anything, I’ll guide you towards the questions you can ask yourself to begin to become your own best guide, trust your intuition and allow yourself to be fully YOU – and possibly find love, happiness, freedom, creative expression and all that you’ve been wishing for on the way.

How Does the creatrix school work?

Every course covers a different topic or area of our lives, but is structured similarly:

In the first week, we assess what we have in life right now regarding each topic and begin to think about what we would like to have instead.

In the second week, we turn to our past and clean up, so we can let go of what doesn’t serve us any more, find hidden assumptions that have been blocking us and drop the baggage that has been making our lives difficult and heavy.

In the third week, we focus on what we want to create now and begin to take the steps that will get us where we want to go. That might mean acquiring new skills, reaching out to new people, cleaning up our homes, doing exercises, making art, taking on new practices and so on.

In the last week, we reflect and integrate. Because that is just as important as doing the work if we want to create lasting change.


Each week is split up into three separate lessons, which you find on this page.

To read the content takes between 5 and 20 minutes, depending on whether it’s more practical or theoretical.

To follow along 30 minutes will be your minimum weekly time investment.

But just reading the content will only bring you minimum results.

Every lesson comes with exercises and questions for you to work on.

The more time you invest here, the deeper you go, the better your results will be.

Don’t let this time commitment discourage you, though.

This is an investment you make now, which will save you tons of time in the future.

Because if you invest time now, to find clarity about your life and your desires, you will win this time back many times: by not making the same mistakes over and over again, by knowing what to do and how and by simply being good to yourself instead of boycotting what you really want with distractions, avoidance and procrastination.

What else is included?

Each course or chapter comes with a playlist, recipes and rituals, so we can use all our senses to joyfully integrate the topics we are working on.

This also helps to make the changes we create on the inside visible on the outside.

We will also refer to some chapters of my upcoming qu_ing book, which you will get access to through the course content, and in some chapters we will work with the Archetype Oracle Cards Deck I created.

The cards and descriptions we’ll be using will also be made available to print if you join the CREATRIX School.

There is a private Facebook Group you will be invited to join, and I offer bi-weekly Q&As, so you can get all the questions answers that might come up along the way.

In some chapters, we will also look at our individual Wheel of Colours, as it is a super useful tool to bring more clarity into our lives and to find out what we each need in certain situations.

As I make the Wheel of Colours individually for each person, it’s not included in all course packages, but you will get a discount if you join the CREATRIX School. And you can also participate without knowing your Wheel of Colours. It might just be more fun.

Now all that’s left for you to do is to join and see for yourself.