3 Ways to Become a Qu_ing (and How That May Change Your Life)

Do you remember the times when you thought anything was possible?

When did doubt creep in?

Growing up, most of us were told that there are limitations to what is possible. Well-meaning elders tried to protect us from hurt, by passing on the limitations they’ve experienced.

And if we don’t question these stories, we can end up experiencing the same and passing the same experience of lack and limitation on to others.

But we also have the opportunity to live a different life, experience love, joy, abundance, connection and to flourish as our true selves if we consciously choose to do so.

I believe that you are divine and so am I and so is everyone else.

But we forgot how to live it.

Each of us is a part of consciousness, a reflection, a thought turned into form, part of creation and creator.

All we have to do is to acknowledge that, try to understand what that means for us, and then to open up to live it a bit more every day.

A Qu_ing lives this life, an empowered life, a divine life, a life in which they remember that anything is indeed possible – if we begin to ask the right questions.

I’d like to share with you how you too can live like a Qu_ing, or even become the Qu_ing you were always meant to be, starting today.

What’s a Qu_ing?

The word qu_ing is a mix of the word queen and king.

A qu_ing rules over their life with clarity, grace and great care. A qu_ing is a person, in their full power, who is living out their highest potential. A qu_ing is generous, present, kind, patient, honest and open.

A qu_ing knows themselves and is excellent at what they do.

A qu_ing knows how to reach any goal they set for themselves with joy and ease.

A qu_ing knows that they are a representation of the divine. And so are you.

And the best thing: any person can be a qu_ing, independent of their sex, gender identity, or where they are and how they feel about their lives right now.

All it takes is a wish to change your current experience and to allow yourself to experience what else is possible.

Where does the term Qu_ing come from?

As many nouns in German (my native language) are gendered, we’ve been trying to use different ways of writing, which are more gender inclusive.

One variant uses the “_” (underscore), which is the one I use in German and like best because it shows the fluidity of gender and not just the inclusion of two or more genders.

Like everything else, gender and sex exist on a spectrum*. With female on one end, male on the other and all other gender expressions in-between.

In many cultures and traditions, the people who don’t identify with only one gender or don’t feel quite fit to follow the traditional gender roles in their cultures, become healers because they have access to more than one world.

Even in Western societies, those who don’t quite fit gender norms often revolutionize their fields because, I believe, once you’ve broken the rules of one norm, it becomes obvious that those norms can be questioned and other ways are possible and might even be better for all.

A Qu_ing creates their life with confidence because they know who they are, where they come from and where they are going. They dare to lead, and guide and direct people towards wholeness.

They live a life of service to all, and thrive to represent the best version of themselves each day.

Embodying goddesses has helped me immensely on my journey to step into my responsibility here on earth, the work of Abiola Abramns and Acharya Shunya has had lasting effects on my life and I really recommend checking out their books and other offers, if this is something you’d like to explore more fully.

And while people of all genders can also embody a goddess and their qualities, not everybody might feel comfortable to do so.

I chose this term, embodying my qu_ing self, as a way to create something that, I think, is missing, but can be beneficial to all.

I believe that a raised consciousness is calling for new terminologies and with creating and establishing new words, we can grow into the new possibilities that are opening up, as a result of our bigger understanding.

Many of the terms like king and queen, god and goddess evoke images of famous people or gods and goddesses who inhabited these roles, and the stories told about them.

Not all of them have been gentle or kind and most, if not all, have also taken advantage of their power position at one point or another.

They all have their right and their function, but more and other ways are possible.

I believe that we are entering a new time and that with this new time we can and need to find new words, new ways and new roles.

If we really want to live and celebrate and express and experience our oneness, then we can do that in a representation of the highest self, one that has not existed before, one that is free from an image, does not belong to a certain race or tradition, does not assign to a gender or sex and can truly represent our shared divine nature.
That’s why I created the Qu_ing – to allow the growing potential of oneness to unfold in all of us.

Book a Qu_ing Coaching Session

Qu_ing Coaching - First Session
Are you ready to take a step forward and become your best self? I’m proud of you already!

Let’s meet to define your current goals and see how you can best get started on becoming your best, most authentic, most powerful, most loving, creative and kind self.

In this first meeting, we will evaluate where you are at and find out what will work best for you:

Qu_ing Coaching, CREATRIX School, a Wheel of Colours consultation or something tailored to your unique ideas and needs.

Why become a qu_ing?

Many people live way under their potential and don’t trust themselves enough to change something about that.

As this is the majority of people, they might not even notice it because everyone around them is not living out their full potential either.

But our body knows and tries to send us messages to let us know that we are out of balance.

Back pains, headaches, low immune system, all kinds of sicknesses manifesting are the only way for our body to tell us that it needs for us to change our thoughts and actions so it can come back to balance and thrive.

On top of that, if we’re not living our highest potential, we have to deal with doubt, uncertainty, insecurity, a lack of direction, stress, poor boundaries, confusion and, as a result, also with failure, low self-esteem and other manifestations of the unhappiness we experience.

To live as a Qu_ing and explore our highest potential means to start defining our lives for ourselves. It means to start exploring and finding out about all we could possibly be, how to be it and then bit by bit starting to embody it.

To live as a Qu_ing means to replace doubt, uncertainty and insecurity with clarity about who we are and where we want to go in life and to take the steps to get there.

This will inevitably lead us to live healthy, happy, fulfilled, empowered and generous lives, it allows us to enjoy and cherish what we have and to create more of what we love.

It allows us to see and regard ourselves as the divine beings we are, and all other people and beings as well.

If you’d like to explore and discover your Qu_ing self, come and join the I AM Creator School, where we practice and explore all it takes to grow into your best self, together.

Or you can book a Qu_ing Coaching Package with me.

How to become a Qu_ing – Get started right away!

Regard yourself and all other beings with the highest respect

The greeting “Namaste” means: “The divine in me sees the divine in you.”

As a first step to becoming a Qu_ing I suggest you start to practice saying this, every time you see yourself in the mirror and every time you see another person.

Because you are divine and so is everyone else. It’s time to live and show it!

We come from stardust, and the fact that all the particles that we are made of stay together in form is a miracle in itself. One we (re)create every day.

Our powers and possibilities go way beyond anything we can imagine, our thoughts can literally change our genes and our whole existence.

We all hold the power to create miracles, which we can discover and explore if we allow ourselves to do so.

Just imagine what this world would look like, if each of us paid full respect and gratefulness to their own existence as well as to that of everyone they encountered.

By practising this kind of respect for ourselves and all life, each of us can become a true Qu_ing.

Get Know yourself

We can so easily spend all of our days and our lives trying to understand the world around us without daring to look within.

I’m learning every day, in new ways, how much easier life becomes once we get to know ourselves, when we begin to listen to our inner voice, instead of trying to suppress and ignore it, and let it guide us – because it knows so much better than we could with our human minds.

Once we know how we work best and what we need (meditation can help with that), we can also learn to communicate that clearly, which makes life easier not just for ourselves (because we might actually get what we want and need), but also for everyone else around us.

Most people really want to help, but if we don’t even know what we really want for ourselves, how can we expect other people to know?

So to become a Qu_ing, we learn what we desire, how to act in alignment with our desires and how to communicate them.

And of course, we do this in the awareness of our oneness, and that our needs, desires or wishes are never more or less important than those of others and that to stay in the flow of life means to live in reciprocal relationships.

How to manifest your ideal relationship - two people holding their arms up to from a heart together

Share your Gifts

There is no better way to be in this world than by sharing our gifts.

Our hardest lessons can also empower us to help others, if we decide to accept the challenges we face and use them as an opportunity to learn and grow and eventually to step into our full power.

We all face obstacles, we’re all afraid at times, but it is our job to resource ourselves so that we can do it anyway. And then to enjoy the results we produce.

You, and every person on this planet, is here for a special reason, to complete something that only you can do.

What do you need to acknowledge and share your unique gifts?

QU_ING Coaching

⭐️ Experience your divinity, step into your full power and become the conscious creatrix of your dream life – for the greater good of all ⭐️

Who would you be? And how would you live? If you close the gap between your current self and your best self?

Today we have the opportunity to live a different life, experience love, joy, abundance, connection and to flourish as our true selves if we consciously choose to do so.

You are divine, you are a qu_ing, and so am I and so is everyone else.

But we forgot how to live it.

*Gender goes beyond male and female

What do Albanians, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Aboriginal Australians, Indians and many other cultures have in common? They all have more than two traditional genders.

There are Hijras in South Asia, Sistergirls and Brotherboys among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities in Australia, Two-Spirit people among Indigenous North American communities, Muxe in Southern Mexico and many more.

I can also highly recommend Thomas Laqueur’s book Making Sex for a view on the history of sex and gender in Western societies and Anne Fausto-Sterling’s Book Sexing the Body for learning about contemporary ways of trying to put something that exists on a spectrum into two distinct boxes.

Get Your Personal Wheel of Colours

The Wheel of Colours is a traditional tool to help us understand what we need or can share in certain situations.

We are all made up out of the same colours, but they are arranged uniquely in each person – which is why we need or can give different things in different moments.

If you’d like to find out what can support YOU when starting a project, or working with other people, to successfully finish something, to heal, to spark your creativity or what your unique gift is, that you bring to the world, then the Wheel of Colours will help you to see this and yourself more clearly and show you how to use these insights in practical ways.

It will also show you how you can listen to your inner truth and that of others, what your most important lesson is in life and what challenges you might have to overcome.

Once you’ve learned what you need to learn, you can start the wheel again, this time more smoothly.

In the past, people often only got these insights and realizations towards the end of their lives – but you don’t have to wait until then.

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

Join the CREATRIX School

Are you a CREATRIX - yet? A CREATRIX masterfully directs their life instead of reacting to life's circumstances.
If you'd like to find out how - come and join us. You can now get a 30-day free trial because we all learn in different ways, and it's important to me that you have time to find out for yourself if this is the right way to learn for you - before you make a financial commitment.

I AM CREATOR School - Join Now

Clarity - Confidence - Connection

In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of our lives - and we look at a different topic each month.

In the gap between who we are and who we could be is where all our unhappiness resides.

In this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course), we will explore how we can close that gap. Who are we when we release, discover and use our full potential? How can we make this possible, and what would we and our lives look like if we started to live as our best, our highest selves? Can we live a life without regrets?

Join us to find your own answers.