Self-Actualization – Week 2 – Pt. 3

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How to reach any Goal

Dear Creatrix,

How did you experience the last two weeks?

Was it fun? Was it exciting? Was it challenging?

I’ve come to understand, that finding solutions to our daily problems can be very challenging and triggering, as it shows us what we’ve been hiding from and what we haven’t looked at yet.

What we do in the CREATRIX School isn’t always easy because easy would mean that it doesn’t challenge us enough to actually create changes in our lives – easy would just keep us in our comfort zones.

And being nicer to ourselves, beginning to build trust in ourselves, can be incredibly challenging because it often goes against anything we’ve believed about ourselves so far.

So just know that I know that, and that I often find this incredibly hard as well.

If you face resistance, if you want to just close this message and look for something you know and feel more familiar with – that’s absolutely OK.

Go do that for a while when things get too much.

Just come back when you’re ready, and feel more prepared because you know that the magic lies outside your comfort zone, and nothing feels better than overcoming your fears and resistance.

I came up against a lot of resistance this week because I’m very attached to struggling, it’s what I’ve done all my life, it’s how I met most of my friends, and I know that looking at the solutions and really making a clear decision about what I’m doing with my life would free from it.

I know it, and it’s why haven’t been doing it so far.

There’s a part of me that is really scared to be free because I’ve never been that – I am much more comfortable with the limitations I’ve set for myself than with something that I don’t know yet.

There’s a part of me that really desperately wants to change and wants things to be different and another part that doesn’t want that, and does everything in its power to keep me safe and right where I am, as we know what’s happening here, and we can handle it like we always have.

The only question is who’s going to win. And that is a decision you and I each have to make.

Just know that if you come up against resistance, that is perfectly normal, and it doesn’t mean you can’t do it, it doesn’t mean it’s not for you or that you’re not ready.

All it means is that you are about to create lasting change, if you overcome your resistance, and that you will have more and different opportunities on the other side.

The decision is always yours. And so are the consequences.

When we move into the unknown, we don’t know what we are going to get, and a lot of times it can really feel like dying, to go through something and to let go of beliefs or habits.

But the more often we do it, we also see that we’re not actually dying and that more freedom and more joy and more love and new ideas wait for us on the other side.

Talking about this reminds me of this wonderful poem by Atticus Poetry:

“She was powerful
not because she wasn’t scared
but because
she went on so strongly
despite the fear.”

With this preparation, I’m going to share the blueprint with you today, that you can use to reach any goal and make any dream your reality.

If you overcome your fears and resistance.

Because they are the reason why this blueprint can exist, and why even though it is simple to use, we are not all using it all the time.

So I will tell you before we get started, that like everything, this knowledge comes at a cost.

By sharing this with you and by beginning to practice it myself, I do take something away from myself and from you.

And that is the excuse that we don’t know how to do it.

So if you’d rather continue not taking charge of your life, and continue to make excuses as to why you can’t have the things you want in life, then now is the time to turn away.

If you want to stop making excuses and start doing what it takes to get what you desire, then let’s go.

Just because it’s scary, it won’t stop us, right?

So in a second, I will share all the steps with you, which you can take to conquer anything.

Then you can take the weekend to see which of the things from your bucket list you’ll try to make a reality this way – first.

Because you will be able to use this for anything in your life from now on – if you choose to be brave and reach shores you’ve never seen before.

It is a bit like a magic formula, and I can’t wait for you to try it and to tell me how it’s working for you.


OK, so are you ready to find out how you can reach…

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 2

The Basic Laws of Life

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Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Letting go of Resistance & Attachment

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We learn a bit more about manifestation, how the laws of clarity and intention can help us and see what it means to be in the FLOW of life and what’s blocks it.

Are you ready to create your life?

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Growth – Week 3 – Pt. 2


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We will explore the law of balance and polarity and how we need to have all options to be able to choose what we want, and to guide us back into balance.

We also learn about the law of responsibility, as it really enables us to be free, and the law of affirmation, as it can help us to grow into the person we wish to become.

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Home – Week 1 – Pt. 2


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But we can pause for a second and check in.

Because however, we choose to live or end up living, and however you live now or how you would like to live in the future, it’s essential to become conscious about what you do and why, to make confident decisions for the highest good of all – and so that you can thrive and be happy about your life and your choices.

And that’s what we will begin to do in this lesson.