I wanted to write a little bit more about what it means to be a conscious creatrix of our lives, especially when it comes to saying goodbye to a pet, but this is also true for many other things. Like I said in my previous post, a couple of days before my dog Izabella...
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How to Create a Beautiful and Effective Facial Toner with Lavender
Our recipe for the purpose chapter
Making this facial toner was one of my most favourite things this summer.
To cut the lavender, which I grew in my garden, felt and smelled amazing. To bundle the lavender and to hang it up to dry feels like just a joy. And then you…
Make Your Own Inexpensive Shampoo Bars
Another very easy recipe – this time for inexpensive shampoo bars.
Like the D.I.Y. deodorant, this incredibly easy to make, mostly with household ingredients, and makes for very soft hair.
What Do You Do, When You Don’t Do What you Wanted to Do?
Photo by me from my archive.Dear Future Self, Yesterday I sat down to write this post, but no inspiration hit, so I decided to do something else, scheduling this to be published today. Then this morning called for other things as well, so this post published itself...
What is Freedom?
Dear Future Self, Just a moment ago, freedom was putting the laptop back to the side, to cuddle with a dog that was extra cute. Eventually, it became, asking the dog to move a little so we can still cuddle, while I write. To me, freedom is not something specific, it...
Life is Miraculous – How To Manifest A Garden
Yesterday we got to pick the first beans from our new garden. I hope you have a much bigger garden, but I am quite enjoying these first steps…
Intentions, Changes & Boundaries – What Are Yours?
Today is a difficult day for me because it’s the first day of sharing my new home with three other people for the next three weeks, and I’m still a little insecure when it comes to stepping up for myself and setting my boundaries.
How to Make an Excellent Deodorant at Home
This recipe for a deodorant is incredibly easy to make with household ingredients and works perfectly.
I’ve made my first batch a couple of weeks ago, and have been using it every day since. It feels nice, smells nice, leaves no stains and is…
How Conscious Shopping Can Bring More Love And Freedom Into Your Life
Dear Future Self, It's fun to write to you! I imagine you sitting on a deck chair somewhere warm while you read this, looking back, thinking: "Oh, how sweet, she felt like she had it all figured out. How little did she know." I'm excited to be you, I'm excited to be...
🌈 You have the power to create your reality.
Join the CREATRIX School
Are you a CREATRIX - yet? A CREATRIX masterfully directs their life instead of reacting to life's circumstances.
If you'd like to find out how - come and join us. You can now get a 30-day free trial because we all learn in different ways, and it's important to me that you have time to find out for yourself if this is the right way to learn for you - before you make a financial commitment.
Clarity - Confidence - Connection
In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of our lives - and we look at a different topic each month.
In the gap between who we are and who we could be is where all our unhappiness resides.
In this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course), we will explore how we can close that gap. Who are we when we release, discover and use our full potential? How can we make this possible, and what would we and our lives look like if we started to live as our best, our highest selves? Can we live a life without regrets?
Join us to find your own answers.
Book an Oracle card reading
Would you like to go deeper?
And resolve some personal issues? What are you missing when it comes to love, work, creating a healthy lifestyle, clearing blockages or living in alignment with your soul?
The colour cards paired with my knowledge and guidance can help you find answers to any question you might have.
You can book one single session, or different packages at a reduced price.
Are you ready to explore all that is possible for you?
Is it time to finally be yourself?
Is it time for your liberated life?
join us
To start becoming your true self, guided by me and together with other like-minded explorers. You are loved & so welcome.
Who you were always meant to be. And start living a generous, free and abundant and joyful life.