Wheel of Colours

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How to Use the Wheel of Colours in Your Life

How to Use the Wheel of Colours in Your Life

How does this magical tool really work?

The Wheel of Colours translates your subconscious approach to life on earth into something that you can understand and work with, and it helps you to clearly see your essence, your strengths, your talents and what you might still have to learn to bring your life into balance.

It’s an all-encompassing approach and a philosophy to life, which, when embraced and embodied fully, will help you to live better than anyone you’ve ever known, and also enable you to help others to live their best lives as well.

Once you see yourself through the Wheel of Colours, you will have all the tools you need to thrive in life and to recognize yourself as the unique, perfect and magnificent being you really are.

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Find out how the Colour Red can help you to live life confidently and passionately

Find out how the Colour Red can help you to live life confidently and passionately

The Colour Red – Trust, Passion & Confidence

The colour red is the classical first colour in the Wheel of Colours because red helps us to strengthen our belief and trust in ourselves, and to go through life confidently and passionately – something we all need to thrive.

Once you activate this colour fully, you will be able to do anything you wish for – because you believe in yourself.

And when you believe in yourself, anything becomes possible.

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Discover how the Colour Yellow can help you to thrive in life

Discover how the Colour Yellow can help you to thrive in life

The Colour Yellow – Warmth, Authentic Connection & Support

The colour yellow is the classical second colour because once we believe in ourselves, we can make even more possible, when we start to collaborate with other people and give and receive support, unconditional love, and have each other’s backs.

And we can use our feelings and emotions to help us guide ourselves back to our true and loving essence here. Because what feels good is good, and the more of what feels good and is good we allow into our lives, the better our lives become.

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Let the Colour Blue help you to tune in to your Intuition

Let the Colour Blue help you to tune in to your Intuition

The Colour Blue – Intuition, Truth & Inner Knowing

Blue is the classical third colour and finishes the first circle within the Wheel of Colours.

Red teaches us to trust ourselves and enables us to start any project, or enter into any new situation and relationship confidently, yellow then connects us with those we need to succeed on our journey and blue leads us back to ourselves, to make sure we are on our unique way and not on somebody else’s by bringing in our intuition and highest knowing.

Once activated, we can always know if we’re doing what’s right for us and therefore can follow through and finish everything that we have started in the best possible way for our life’s journey.

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Learn how the Colour Green can help you to Create & Manifest

Learn how the Colour Green can help you to Create & Manifest

The Colour Green – Focus, Manifestation & Creative Power

With green, we enter into the second circle within the Wheel of Colours, that of manifestation.

Green invites us to take the first step in the process of creation or manifestation, by helping us to make up our minds and to focus on what we want or wish to achieve.

Manifestation is our human superpower, and in this article, you can learn how to use it for your own well-being and that of others.

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Let the Colour Pink fill your Life with Creativity

Let the Colour Pink fill your Life with Creativity

The Colour Pink – Creativity, Innovation & Unique Expression

To thrive, create and manifest in life, we have to be true to ourselves and express ourselves freely and creatively.

This world is such a wonderful and beautiful place and we each have so much to offer to add to this beauty, not by trying, but simply by being ourselves.

Our unique way of expressing, of smiling, of seeing the world, of moving and of being is what allows us to find our unique spot in this world.

And it’s time for all of us to simply become ourselves and allow ourselves to show and express all the beauty we carry inside.

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Find out how the Colour White can Strengthen the Relationships in Your Life

Find out how the Colour White can Strengthen the Relationships in Your Life

The Colour White – Relationships & Conscious Connection

As human beings, we are made to be in relationship with each other, but some of us are more introvert and others more extrovert, some thrive when they have lots of people around them and others feel like they need to recharge after interacting with others.

Yet, we are meant to connect and to live with and support each other. We simply have to find out how each of us can do this best and the qualities of the colour white can help us with that.

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Let the Colour Purple guide you to Completion and Wholeness

Let the Colour Purple guide you to Completion and Wholeness

The Colour Purple – Completion, Fulfilment, Healing & Wholeness

The colour green helps us to focus on what we want, pink helps us to create in our unique ways, and white supports us by aligning us with the right people and allowing us to connect with other people in the best possible ways.

Purple then completes the circle of manifestation by seeing what we wish for completed and living in gratefulness with the outcome of our manifestation/creation.

When we use the power of purple, everything, even the most daring ideas, become possible.

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Discover how the Colour Orange can help you to Learn and Teach to Grow in Life

Discover how the Colour Orange can help you to Learn and Teach to Grow in Life

The Colour Orange – Learning, Experiencing & Teaching

Whenever we choose to live and learn, we thrive in life. Whenever we see an obstacle and choose to overcome it, we open up to new possibilities for ourselves.

It’s a bit like climbing up a mountain: the higher you get, or the more knowledge and experiences you gather, the more you can see and understand how things are connected and what the bigger picture looks like.

Orange helps you to keep climbing and experiencing and loving your experience, as you begin to understand that expansion is your destiny.

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Learn how the Colour Grey can help you to live a Peaceful Life

Learn how the Colour Grey can help you to live a Peaceful Life

The Colour Grey – Authenticity, Equality, Honour & Respect

Finding a good balance between honour and respect and authenticity is something that many people struggle with.

Questions that arise here, and that the qualities of the colour grey can help us with, are around what’s right or wrong, what’s worth more or less, and how each of us fits into this whole system and can find their place and freely flourish and shine.

We need to honour ourselves and others equally to live in peace with each other – after all, we are all but different expressions of the same divine core.

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Find out how the Colour Brown can help you to become Immortal

Find out how the Colour Brown can help you to become Immortal

The Colour Brown – Transformation and Practical & Physical Action

The qualities of the colour brown go beyond what we think and believe about why we are and do things a certain way, and that is because brown is about the form, about our physical body, and what it can do.

As human beings we cannot just think and listen, understand, speak or explain – we also need to act and be physically active to be well and alive in this world.

This way what is internal can show up in the external world as well.

Whatever we create in physical form will leave traces and so mark our appearance on this earth forever.

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Discover the Effects the Colour Rose has on YOUR Life

Discover the Effects the Colour Rose has on YOUR Life

The Colour Rose – Sensing, individuality & Honesty

Our senses help us find our way in life, our eye-sight shows us the world around us, we can hear what other people have to say, or the birds sing, we can talk and express ourselves, feel, smell, taste, and we can also use our psychic abilities to know what is going on in the formless world – and then we can honestly communicate our unique perspective and perception.

Our senses help us to know and understand the world around us, and can warn us of dangers or guide us in the right direction – and back to ourselves.

Because the insights we gain through our senses are right for us and not necessarily for others, which can sometimes be difficult to understand and what makes this lesson so incredibly important.

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Let the Colour Black direct you back to yourself so you can Discover all the Amazing Insights you hold within

Let the Colour Black direct you back to yourself so you can Discover all the Amazing Insights you hold within

The Colour Black – Meditation, Introspection & Reflection

The colour black takes us inside to ourselves, our internal world, to see what we make of the things we sense and see and invites us to reflect on them so that we can move on and forward in the best possible way.

For some of us, usually those who have black at the beginning of their wheel, it might seem hard to break out of their shell, yet it’s easy to go deep and look within, reflect and rejoice. For others, it’s easy to be out and about and harder to get calm enough to go deep within.

Yet, we need to find a balance between the two and to discover the incredible wisdom within as well as expressing it by living according to it.

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How the Colour Crystal can help you to live an Enlightened Life

How the Colour Crystal can help you to live an Enlightened Life

The Colour Crystal – Clarity, Transparency, Enlightenment & Mastery

When we reach full clarity about who we really are, when we recognize the divine within and how everything is connected and always works out for our highest good, then we reach a state of enlightenment.

But enlightenment isn’t just one thing. We can reach different states of enlightenment, and also have crystal clarity in some areas of our lives and not in others.

When we use our clarity and communicate and live transparently, we become free, from all lies and entanglements that limit us. A clear conscience is the basis for mastery in life, and to gain that we need to understand that we are always loved and that nothing could ever be wrong with us.

Once this is realized, we can begin to live an enlightened life.

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🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

Join the CREATRIX School

Are you a CREATRIX - yet? A CREATRIX masterfully directs their life instead of reacting to life's circumstances.
If you'd like to find out how - come and join us. You can now get a 30-day free trial because we all learn in different ways, and it's important to me that you have time to find out for yourself if this is the right way to learn for you - before you make a financial commitment.

I AM CREATOR School - Join Now

Clarity - Confidence - Connection

In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of our lives - and we look at a different topic each month.

In the gap between who we are and who we could be is where all our unhappiness resides.

In this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course), we will explore how we can close that gap. Who are we when we release, discover and use our full potential? How can we make this possible, and what would we and our lives look like if we started to live as our best, our highest selves? Can we live a life without regrets?

Join us to find your own answers.

„I had a virtual meeting with Verena, and I felt really safe and comfortable opening up about my struggles with Verena.
She is such a good listener and she shared with me a list of practical and efficient tools/solutions to change my mindset and the way I talk to myself. It was eye-opening. I totally recommend talking to her - her expertise can be a precious resource for everyone!“ - Francesco

"I am at a stage in my life where I can (and want to) make a shift, but struggle envisioning the right direction to take and the action needed. Verena helped me to focus on my desires and what is keeping me stuck. Her approach is sympathetic, calm and down-to earth. It felt like she truly wanted to work with me towards my goals and my wellbeing, through small, concrete steps and kindness. She made me feel more confident, and now the change seems more approachable." – Elena

Verena holds compassion for herself and for me, listens and allows space and treats me as an equal.
She shows up with curiosity & presence, reminds me to listen to what's important to me, suggests simple, manageable practices, giving me concrete things to work with, all in one 60-minute call. Thank you again for this gift! – em

I always admired Verena's ability to bring together people of very diverse backgrounds and give others the space and the freedom to be who they are and to express themselves. It was amazing to watch her transform her life and herself and become much happier in the process. – Corinna

I’m so thankful for the email you sent yesterday about being a conscious digital citizen. 🙂 It really sparked my day and I must have agreed with every word you said […] maybe even more as I am opening up to start presenting my thoughts and work online to wider audiences, it is so important to be concise about adequate behaviour in the digital world and lead by example 😉 Thank you for reminding me of that! 🙂 😉 – Luisa

Book an Oracle card reading

Would you like to go deeper?

And resolve some personal issues? What are you missing when it comes to love, work, creating a healthy lifestyle, clearing blockages or living in alignment with your soul?

The colour cards paired with my knowledge and guidance can help you find answers to any question you might have.

You can book one single session, or different packages at a reduced price.



Are you ready to explore all that is possible for you?
Is it time to finally be yourself?
Is it time for your liberated life?

join us

To start becoming your true self, guided by me and together with other like-minded explorers. You are loved & so welcome.


Who you were always meant to be. And start living a generous, free and abundant and joyful life.