Discover the Effects the Colour Rose has on YOUR Life

This is the poster I created for the colour rose. You can use it to connect more to the qualities of the colour rose in your home & life. ORDER HERE

honesty ← see all colours

The Colour Rose – Sensing, individuality & Honesty

The Wheel of Colours has 13 fields and 13 colours – each field represents a different challenge, gift or lesson which we have to master in our lifetimes and the colours in our unique wheel show each of us how we can master them best, with our unique abilities.

We are all made up of the same colours, but the colours are arranged differently for each of us on our wheels.

For example, rose is the colour for sensing, individuality & honesty.

Like the colour brown, which shows us when and how we can use our body best to be human and to connect with other humans through physical encounters and creation, rose tells us when and where we need to use our senses to be ourselves.

Our senses help us find our way in life, our eye-sight shows us the world around us, we can hear what other people have to say, or the birds sing, we can talk and express ourselves, feel, smell, taste, and we can also use our psychic abilities to know what is going on in the formless world – and then we can honestly communicate our unique perspective and perception. 

For some of us, usually those who have the colour rose at the beginning of their wheel, it is important and natural to use their sensory and extra-sensory perception before important tasks in their lives, and they pay close attention to detail before they get involved in something, while others (those with rose in the second half of their wheel) have to learn how to use and trust and communicate what they are sensing through the lessons that they learn in life.

Which is true for you?
You might be able to guess, looking at your life and how you feel.

But if you want to be sure, you may also order your unique Wheel of Colours from me, to find out.

If you have your wheel already and/or think you can use some help to learn how to best use the qualities of the colour rose, how to use your senses in the best possible way to be yourself with others – then I’d be happy to show you some practical ways to do that, in this article. 

The classical field for the colour rose in the Wheel of Colours is the eleventh field.

The eleventh field shows us what we need to sense and thus get to know what is going on around us.

It makes sense to have rose as the classical eleventh colour because nothing can let us know more about our surroundings than our senses.

But our senses can also tell us a bit more about what we need to know than we might commonly think.

Our smell can tell us what we like and feel attracted to and what not, our taste also says something about how we see and value ourselves in this world, our view or perspective is more than just our vision and so on.

The classical position of the colour red in the Wheel of Colours

But what we see, feel, experience is always unique to us, we shouldn’t expect that things are a certain way (the way we see them) and will remain so, just because we saw or sensed them to be that way, as other people might see things differently and then also act differently.

I’ve been noticing this quite a bit when interacting with people who have rose at the beginning of their wheel, as they often expect things to be a certain way because that’s how they perceive them and then get frustrated when people do things differently and don’t meet their expectations.

As someone who has rose at the very end of her wheel, using my senses and trusting them is something I’m still training, as it can be incredibly useful when used well and wisely, but it’s not yet something I can do quickly or automatically, or before I enter into a situation – at least not always.

But because I had to learn this the hard way, I’m pleased to share what I’ve been discovering here with you, so that you, even if you can already automatically use your senses for guidance, can find out how to use them more consciously as well.

Because, if you, like me, were raised around a lot of western ideology and rational thinking, you were most likely not brought up or trained to avoid things based on their smell or your taste or to develop your psychic abilities to predict the future or prevent danger.

If you’d like to explore new possibilities here and find out how honesty and individuality go together, then I’d love to take you on that journey today.

1. Individuality – what can our senses tell us about ourselves?

When looking at the colour brown, we were looking at how we can use our body to be together with others, to use it for the greatest good of all and to leave an imprint on this earth that continues to keep our essence, even after we’ve passed away.

The colour rose also looks at our body, but in a different way.

It explores how we can use its senses to learn more about ourselves and to guide us on our way to be and act ourselves, while also seeing what is going on around us.

This has definitely been the hardest lesson in my life, and I still have plenty of growing to do here, as to learn to value myself enough to not give in to what other people see and need before considering myself, still often seems impossible for me to do, though it’s happening way more than it used to.

Recognizing through the Wheel of Colours that this is something that I still have to learn and integrate to live and experience life fully, has somehow allowed me to really invest in it though, and thus it became something that I value incredibly now – because I know from many years of experience how sad and lonely life can be without being able to be honest about who you are and value yourself enough to share the things that matter to you with others.

Developing our senses, learning to trust them and to experience what we experience fully and happily, and to acknowledge that as something real and valuable can help us with everything in life, as our senses, like our feelings, guide us to our connection to our highest self – if we acknowledge and value them.

How often have you been in a situation where you perceived something one way and another person read the situation very differently?

Is one person more right than another?

Of course not, but where one has to learn not to take their perception for granted and as a universal truth, people on the other end of the spectrum have to learn to value and share their perspective and perception.

As long as we’re not conscious of this, we tend to think that either others are always more right, or that what we see and think is naturally right.

Neither of which is true or very helpful, so our main learning with the colour rose is exactly that: to value our own perception equally to that of others – because, and this is what the Wheel of Colours shows so beautifully, we are meant to live different lives and have different experiences, and our senses help us to figure out what is right for us and not for someone else.

To use what we see and sense helps us to learn more about ourselves and our highest good, similar to our emotions, which tell us that to feel good about something is good for us as well, if we like the smell or the taste of something, that is also something that is good for ourselves.

Once we’ve brought this into consciousness, all we have to do, is to recognize that the same is true for anybody else, so that when others see and sense things differently, as their perception is relevant to their unique journey, like our impressions are necessary for us, then we can begin to talk about this all openly, which in turn will help us to live at peace as individuals, as well as collectively.

When we start to do this, we can support each other and learn from each other, and grow as individuals, without trying to adjust or bend in a way that is not for our highest good while at the same time limiting the expression of experiences to what those experience who are naturally loud and confident about their experience.


of all People have rose as their centre colour*


of all People have rose in the first half of their wheel*


of all People have rose in the second half of their wheel*

*According to the wheels I’ve made so far. I will update this occasionally. The centre represents our core, our essence, the first six fields show the colours which come to us naturally, that we are born with, and the later ones represent the colours/lessons we have to learn, often painfully, to thrive in all areas of our life. If you’d like to find out in which field the colour rose is especially important for YOU, order your Wheel of Colours now.

2. Honesty

I love the Buddhist concept of Right Speech – because it is not about saying everything as we see it, but about checking in first, to see if it’s the right time and place to say what we wish to say, and if it’s constructive and for the highest good of all.

It’s a rarely practised art form in today’s world.

And it’s also the sweet spot of the colour rose – because our senses are our guides, to tell us what’s good and right for ourselves, as individuals, they are not our guides to tell others what’s good or right for them.

So if this is something you struggle with, you can always ask yourself if what you are about to say is going to be useful for the other person on their way to being their unique selves or not and, if that still doesn’t make it easy enough to decide, to stick with the following rule: if you don’t have anything nice to say – don’t say anything at all.

And I can literally hear a lot of people starting to breathe heavily and feeling a strong need to protest because they just want to save people from disaster or making the wrong choices or whatever – but just think again:

When has it ever helped you when someone said something discouraging to you?

When you value your need of self-expression higher than the feelings or the well-being of others, it’s coming from your ego and not doing anything good for anybody.

And I have to say this so bluntly: Who do you think knows better, what’s right for another person? You or them? You can never know all about another person, of what’s best for them – we each have a hard enough time figuring this out for ourselves.

So honesty is not telling people what you think or believe no matter what, but sharing your honest opinion when you’re asked to do so, when it’s relevant and helpful, clearly stating that this is how you would do something, or how you see something and not telling another what to do (we practice this, and other forms of non-violent communication and conflict resolution in the RELATIONSHIPS chapter of the CREATRIX School) and not as unsolicited advice.

Though of course, you can choose to do all of that, but you will also have to deal with the consequences that behaviour creates and the unhappiness and misunderstandings that will be caused through that.

In the same way, it also helps immensely to communicate what you sense and see and to ask the other person if they see this and feel the same way, and if not, what they see or feel like or would like to do, so both parties, or all those involved, can decide how to proceed meeting everyone’s needs and wishes and not just those of those who are loudest or in the majority.

I’ve experienced it a few times that people with rose at the beginning of their wheel would tell me how they think we’re going to do all these fantastic things together, and as someone with rose at the end of the wheel, felt like: Oh, if they think that, then maybe that’s what should be happening – instead of checking in with myself to see if that’s something I would actually want to happen.

So these things are also always the responsibility of both sides – for one to not make assumptions and take things as given, and for the other to check in if this corresponds with their needs and their perception of the truth.

And in all honesty:

To say, something negative like: I really don’t like what you’re wearing – is not being honest, it’s having low impulse control.

You can think I don’t like what she’s wearing, and that’s just fine, as you will never have to wear what she’s wearing if you don’t want to.

To say, I don’t think you have it, is not honesty – but blaming someone else for the fact, that you’ve not found what you’ve expected in them.

If it’s someone who applies to work with you, you can say, I don’t think it’s the right match – as they might not have what you are looking for, but they might be a perfect match for someone else – there’s no need to be mean because you didn’t get what you wanted, it’s not on them, it’s on you.

And whenever we notice that we dislike someone, or something about someone, we can take that as a gift, to learn more about what we do like and want and to focus more on that.

It allows us to see that maybe we weren’t good enough at picturing and asking for what we wanted, so now we’re not getting it.

We really have to realize here, that whatever we see and think is according to our experience and how we think about the world, so what we believe creates our reality and is true for us – but that will never make it true for other people, who might have different beliefs.

If you believe that you can only have success by cheating and mistreating others, then it may be so until you see that while this might bring you success, it will not bring you happiness, realizing this, you can try out new ways to find both.

But it’s not true that other people can’t be kind and self-less and still successful, it’s just your belief that that’s not possible, your unique journey through life and what you have to learn and find out – whatever we believe manifests and reflects in everything we see and experience.

The greater truth, however, is always based on love, free choice and the highest good of all – regardless of personal opinions and experiences.

If you wear something and don’t feel well in it, it’s not the outfit that will lead you to success, but for somebody else who feels excellent when wearing this – it might be.

One person might not be great at doing one job because they are excellent at another, and they are not meant to do something that is not their thing.

And this is true for EVERYTHING, no exceptions.

What works and doesn’t work only depends on whether you believe it works or it doesn’t and whether it’s the right thing for you or it’s not – and your senses can help you figure this out – they are your guide to know what’s good for YOU.

And this is why, we say nothing at all, if we don’t have something nice to say – because if we don’t have anything nice to say about somebody else’s choices, all that means is that we’ve not yet arrived at a state of peacefulness in our hearts, not that we’re right or just being honest.

So, in the future, when somebody asks you how you like their outfit, and you don’t like it, how about asking them a question?

How about asking them what they like about it? How do they feel in it or about it, and why did they pick that outfit that day?

You may learn a lot.

And then, when you help them find a way to feel wonderful and confident about their choices, regardless of your personal taste, I’m sure you can find it in your heart to honestly encourage them to wear more of what makes them feel fabulous, as how they feel about themselves while they are on their way and doing what they are doing is all that matters.

And the same is true for you.

At the same time, honesty about our feelings is incredibly important when it comes to our lives, perspectives and ideas – when it’s not about another person’s decisions but about things that affect us all.

When we hold back on our perspective in a collaborative process, that will be a loss for everyone involved because only when all perspectives come together can we make the best decision for all.

The same is true in relationships, when one person offers many suggestions and has plenty of ideas and the other just goes along even when it’s not what they want to do – it’s dishonest.

So honesty is not saying everything you think, but selecting what you say and using your voice wisely, when it helps to contribute to the well-being of all, and dishonesty isn’t necessarily in words, it can also be in holding back your truth.

Saying something honestly means, it’s coming from the heart, from love, and adds to the well-being of all, it’s uplifting and supporting other people in their differences, instead of crushing and silencing someone else or pushing our own agenda.

3. Extra-Sensory Perception

Our body is an astonishing tool. It’s incredible.

How it can heal and grow, how it allows us to feel and how women and others can grow new people within and men and others can add something to make that possible is really miraculous – and the most normal or natural thing at the same time.

And our senses are just as miraculous. We will get to the use of our traditional senses in a second, but before we go there, let’s have a look at what we can perceive beyond them.

We’ve already seen how we can use our feelings as guides, when thinking about the qualities of the colour yellow, and we’ve discussed our intuition, when exploring the qualities of the colour blue.

Now our extra-sensory abilities are the “claires”: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance and so on, it can involve seeing auras, channelling, tasting something that reminds us of something and I would also say being able to read and recognize the signs around us.

If we’ve grown up in the west, these have probably not been trained and encouraged very much, but we can start to train them at any point because like any ability, they need training.

We all have these abilities, it is just a question of how tuned in and interested we are in exploring and using them more.

Of course, knowing things in advance, knowing things about others, being tuned in to what is going on around us can have immense benefits for our lives, but it can also be overwhelming, so good training here helps to allow us to decide when we want to tune in and when not, to find a good balance in life, and make/keep life joyful.

Empathy belongs in this category as well, and I quite like what Teal Swan says about empathy: Often the people who are very empathetic had to develop this ability as a survival skill because the adults around them, when they were growing up, were unpredictable, and so they benefited from reading people because it kept them safe.

I’d just like to add that our souls chose to be born into the environment that we were born into because it wanted us to develop exactly those skills so we can use them in other situations as well, so later in life it’s up to us to learn to use them well and when and the way we want to and not at all times or to feel burdened by them.

Everything, even if born out of our need for survival, is a gift and if we have a hunch, or urge to dive deeper into other extra-sensory perception modalities and to grow them, then I think that can provide excellent help to ourselves and others.

But here, as with everything else, we are not all meant to have the same abilities and skills because we are meant to do different things on earth.

For a while, I thought it would be so cool to be able to channel, like Esther Hicks, or Sara Landon, but whenever I went there, I heard a voice saying that this isn’t for me, that I need to be conscious to channel because that’s the only way I can integrate what I hear and perceive and live it, so that others can learn how to live it as well.

I accept this and begin to enjoy and nourish it more and more.

And spirit is really funny in many ways, as it always gives us what we are asking for, just not always the way that we think.

I remember, very vividly, how I listened to an interview at that time, and the person (I forgot who it was) mentioned teachings from the Council of Light, and I thought: Oh, I wish I could listen to the Council of Light.

That evening, I felt a strong push to open up the Hay House audio app, and I was really protesting and saying that I didn’t want to listen to an audiobook, I wanted to hear the Council of Light speak to me, but eventually gave in – just to see a pop-up say: New Release – Listen to Messages from the Council of Light by Sara Landon.

We do always get what we ask for – and sometimes more immediately than we think 😉

So we might not all need or have the same extra-sensory abilities and that’s quite alright, as we can make the best use of what we do have, to contribute to the world in our unique ways, but if we decide to train any of our extra-sensory or psychic abilities, this might also mean that we have to say no to other things.

If we’re busy all the time, if we eat low vibrational food, if we watch TV instead of being silent and in tune with our surrounding, we won’t be able to hear and see and know things.

Saying yes to one thing, often means saying no to another – and the choice is always ours to make.

4. Using our Senses

Have you ever been able to smell a lie?

My dog can smell it when people are afraid of dogs, she smells their feet and then barks, even on the streets, it’s quite a show, and not very helpful, for the person with fear to overcome, but she does it for her own protection – because people with fear can be cruel, and she lived on the streets long enough to know.

And have you smelled a baby lately? Or the hair of the person you love?

Our senses are quite magical that way, as they are another way for us to translate our highest knowing for us – if something doesn’t smell right – it usually isn’t right for us either.

The perfumes we like say a lot about us, the smell of a freshly cooked meal, the smell of the sea or the forest – one of the ways we can begin to understand just how magically our bodies work as a guiding system, is to acknowledge all that we perceive and notice.

Nothing is just a smell, if something smells like fish, it’s usually fishy. We can simply choose to trust ourselves and our senses, or not.

And taste has a very interesting connotation as well, of course, we first think of food, when we think about taste – but taste goes beyond that as well.

It’s in the clothes we wear and how we decorate our homes.

We already looked at the colour pink, which describes our natural impulse in how we shape and create things – taste as a quality of the colour rose is about why we decide for and against certain things, to show belonging, as in class or subculture or other kinds of affiliation.

I wrote about this in more detail in the HOME Chapter of the CREATRIX School – I once had a partner whose parents were artists, and she invited me on a journey to fully explore my taste – something I had never fully learned or dared before, and while that is an exquisite and mind-blowing and sense-awakening experience – I now also have an incredibly hard time with things I previously enjoyed – like going to restaurants that just have regular and not extraordinary food.

Sometimes, if we choose one, we have to give up another. One is not better or worse, we can decide what we want and have access to ourselves, but choices change our lives.

Again – it’s important to use judgement here – for oneself, to decide how each of us wants to live their lives – not to judge others – enjoyment is enjoyment, whether we understand it or not.

Vision and speech we’ve already touched on when addressing honesty – we generally see the things we wish to see or how they benefit us the most.

I guess the way we treat animals in meat production is a great example of this. We torture and kill behind closed doors so we can act as if it doesn’t happen and continue to eat meat that is full of toxins and low vibes – which has effects on our well-being as well.

We look away from the suffering of the animals, but we also refuse to recognize that we’re killing or making ourselves sick with it.

Doing this, we are actively ignoring our senses, which are here to guide us into well-being, and so they decline.

In the book The Power of Colors Noah Goldhirsh writes that people who need glasses often have a tendency to look away from things that don’t fit their view of the world, so their vision declines – I can’t prove that, as I have no personal experience, but you can explore this idea for yourself, to see if it seems true to you.

Either way, our vision is very biased because we need to filter information and can’t see and process everything around us at the same time, but we can begin to open our eyes more and more and to see different patterns occurring and reoccurring if we’d like to.

The big is in the small, the small in the big. If the food we produce makes us sick, instead of nourishing us, something is severely wrong – but only when we open our eyes to look at this, can we change this.

The same is true for our hearing and our listening skills – we select.

I always find it incredible when listening to an audiobook once and then listening to it again, after some time has passed, and after I have had the chance to integrate some of what I had previously heard – and with this changed perspective – I begin to hear very different things.

We’ve probably all experienced that if we don’t have the mindset, the experience, the knowledge for some things, we simply can’t understand them.

And what might be true for our eyes, might also be true for our ears.

I’ve always had problems with my ears, and I know that that is because I did not want to hear all the hurtful things people say all the time.

So I literally closed my ears to the world, and felt and feel the pain of the words and the suffering in the world in my ears now – something that I know I can heal with more love.

And then we have touch, with is probably the most immediate of the senses and an incredibly beautiful one as well.

It’s the first sense we use to explore the world around us when we are born, and to touch and feel warmth and other bodies is so important for our survival, development and thriving.

Touching the ground, the earth, or leaning against a tree gives us an immediate sense of connection, a touch can make us feel safe and at ease or unsafe, things can be hot or cold or just right – with touch we know what something means right away.

So our senses guide us to ourselves and how we see and experience the world, they are here to help us experience and make sense of this world, and thus we are meant to use and explore them for that and not to numb them, so we don’t have to feel the world.

Again, the choice is always ours – we can numb ourselves to be able to ignore a world in pain, or we can use our senses to guide us best to change the things that need changing.

5. Using the colour rose in our environment

And then, if we decide that we want to train and tune in to our senses more, we can also use the colour rose in our environment.

At this point, I think I have something rose-coloured in every room.

Just looking around from where I’m sitting I can see seven different items because I wish to be in tune more and, at least for me, it really opens up the soft and loving openness that we need to use our senses and allow ourselves to experience fully.

Would you like to sense more?

Can you wear rose-coloured clothes? Or get some rose-coloured cushions, or pictures, or flower pots? Or flowers or plants with rose-coloured blossoms?

How about curtains or a carpet? Anything that you like and brings you happiness goes. So, just try out a few things, if you feel so inclined, and see what feels best.

There’s also a poster I made for this purpose, that you can buy through my shop.

Rose, as a colour, helps us to be ourselves, to use our senses to find our way and to connect to the world around us, learn from it, take it in and then share what we see, sense, experience honestly to contribute to the wholeness and a more complete picture of this world.

What others say about the Wheel of Colours

“The Wheel of Colours not only reminded me what my strengths and weaknesses are, but also enlightened me about how I can solve my weaknesses and use them as a means of creating a better life.

It also showed me how precise our unconscious choices are and that we should trust our basic instinctive voices more.

Thank you, Verena, for reminding me of my flaws and apprising how to solve them!”


“Having Verena explain my Wheel of Colours to me was a very encouraging experience where I got to look at and appreciate a lot of aspects of my personality.

We talked about my gifts, but also the challenges I face according to my personal distribution of colours.

I particularly enjoyed the practical tips for the different areas of life that pointed me to things I want to work on and pay attention to.”


“I wasn’t aware of the concept of the Wheel of Colours and stumbled upon it accidentally.

At first, I was rather sceptical because I didn’t know how the whole process was supposed to work. But the result was amazingly accurate and gave me a lot more insight.

I knew myself quite well before that, but through this experience I was able to deepen my self-reflection even further and today I am putting some things into practice in a practical way.

This new perspective has brought me more clarity.”


“It was really good to find out that things I already had a vague idea about are actually true for me, and that I now know what I have to do to take advantage of these opportunities.”


“I find it amazing how coherent the wheel of colours is and how much truth you can find in it, even if what you learn might be difficult.

It’s very useful and makes a lot of sense to learn more about yourself this way, if you want to understand yourself better. Very insightful!”


“Right after I received the wheel, there was a situation where someone asked me what I was thinking and I could just point to the relevant part of the wheel and be understood.

I could never have said that so well and precisely in my own words.”


“The Wheel of Colours has helped me see my purpose in life, something I already had an idea about, but had a hard time acknowledging before seeing it so clearly.”


Order Your Wheel of Colours here

The Wheel of Colours is a traditional tool to help us understand what we need or can share in certain situations.

We are all made up out of the same colours, but they are arranged uniquely in each person – which is why we need or can give different things in different moments.

If you’d like to find out what can support YOU when starting a project, or working with other people, to successfully finish something, to heal, to spark your creativity or what your unique gift is, that you bring to the world, then the Wheel of Colours will help you to see this and yourself more clearly and show you how to use these insights in practical ways.

It will also show you how you can listen to your inner truth and that of others, what your most important lesson is in life and what challenges you might have to overcome.

Once you’ve learned what you need to learn, you can start the wheel again, this time more smoothly.

In the past, people often only got these insights and realizations towards the end of their lives – but you don’t have to wait until then.

You may use these insights right now to live your life happily and successfully.

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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