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Food – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Food – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Welcome to a new chapter in the CREATRIX School

This is going to be exciting! We will look at our food stories, and how care and nourishment and food are connected, we will see what we need to have a healthy diet – and mindset, and how to create a sacred and mindful kitchen.

And, in this lesson, we look at all of these topics a little bit, to become more familiar with these topics and to be able to set our goals for this chapter well.

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Creatrix Crew Application Form

Creatrix Crew Application Form

Thank you for your interest in joining a CREATRIX Crew and creating your magical support system for your self-actualization journey, ascension journey, or growth journey.

This is where you can apply to get started. 💖

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Ritual: Connecting without Recreational Drugs

Ritual: Connecting without Recreational Drugs

Let’s make new friends – while being sober.

Drinking alcohol seems like such a normal part of the lives of many. Just looking for stock photos of ‘friends’, it’s difficult to find pictures without alcoholic beverages in them.

We get offered free drinks at restaurants, and often people act as if you are insulting them, if you don’t choose to have a drink with them. But we don’t have to be an alcoholic to not want to drink. We may simply wish not to cause unnatural highs and lows, that don’t serve us.

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Friendships – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Friendships – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School

In this chapter, we are going to focus on the friendships in our lives and how we can make new friends, in any phase of our lives, and how we can grow and also heal with with our friends.

And we will start this chapter by asking ourselves some questions to find out where we are and where we would like to go in terms of friendships and true connection.

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Friendships – Week 1 – Pt. 2

Friendships – Week 1 – Pt. 2

How can we overcome loneliness? 🩷

Let’s explore more of what we are wishing for and see how we can overcome loneliness – individually and collectively.

Because we do all need each other. Friendships can bring us closer to our shadows, and they can help us heal. More friends are not necessarily better than a few good ones – and in the end, it all boils down to what we really wish for.
What’s that for you?

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Friendships – Week 1 – Pt. 3

Friendships – Week 1 – Pt. 3

What would an ideal friendship look like for you?

In this lesson, we think about friendships past and present and what makes them great and also what makes us great friends.

It can be quite difficult to be really honest about the things we wish for in life, but we’ll do it anyway, as it is the only way that we can actually have all that we wish for and that our soul desires.

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Friendships – Week 2 – Pt. 1

Friendships – Week 2 – Pt. 1

How can we be a great friend?

In this lesson, I share a bit about my own story with friendships, and the different stages of letting go of my past.

So see, if you can relate.

And then from there we continue by thinking about what we would like to have in terms of friendship now.

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Friendships – Week 2 – Pt. 2

Friendships – Week 2 – Pt. 2

What are your friendship roles?

We start this lesson again, by looking back at what has worked for us in the past when making new friends, to see if we can still use some of the same strategies and what we’s like to change when meeting new people now.

And then we also look at the different friendship archetypes to see how to make sure that we are covered in all areas when forming new friendships now.

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Friendships – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Friendships – Week 2 – Pt. 3

What the Wheel of Colours can tell you about your needs when it comes to friendships

The Wheel of Colours can help us to understand ourselves better, and there are certain colours and fields that can help us with creating conscious friendships.

One of them is the colour white, which tells us in which are of our lives we need to the presence and connection to other people the most.

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Friendships – Week 3 – Pt. 1

Friendships – Week 3 – Pt. 1

Why does it get easier when we self-actualize together?

All problems in our world can be solved by raising our consciousness.

Because the higher the consciousness, the more we realize we’re all one, and that we all benefit from rising together, from helping each other to thrive as our unique selves.

So, in today’s lesson, we are going to explore this and how we can support each other in practical ways.

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Friendships – Week 3 – Pt. 2

Friendships – Week 3 – Pt. 2

How can we build conscious friendships?

In the last lesson, we opened up to the idea of creating a support system for ourselves, so we can thrive and grow supported by community.

Today, we will explore our values, to make sure that we will be supported in a way that aligns with our soul, and our unique needs and wishes.

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Friendships – Week 3 – Pt. 3

Friendships – Week 3 – Pt. 3

How to set our intentions

Let’s look at how to set our intentions for ourselves and to support others with theirs.

Setting intentions and supporting others with theirs is a spiritual practice as well, as it can teach us how not to limit ourselves and others, and it can help us to act in non-judgemental loving and supportive ways.

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Friendships – Week 4 – Pt. 1

Friendships – Week 4 – Pt. 1

Friendships – What’s mine? What’s yours?

Today we will have one final look at our friendships and get really clear on what is our responsibility and what isn’t – and when it’s time to be open to change with other people and when it might be wiser to move away from current friendships, relationships or other situations.

Becasue it can be difficult to move from the familiar to the unfamiliar – yet it’s worth it.

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Friendships – Week 4 – Pt. 2

Friendships – Week 4 – Pt. 2

What did we create this month?

It’s time to look back, because we’ve learned a lot.

We answered so many question to get closer to who we are and what we need, we used archetypes and the Wheel of Colours to understand ourselves better when it comes to friendships and we started to form CREATRIX Crews, to have support thoughout our lives from now on.

What a month! Congratulations!

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Friendships – Week 4 – Pt. 3

Friendships – Week 4 – Pt. 3

How to be a qu_ing with your friends

We’ve been gaining a lot of clarity on our friendship patters, needs and wishes when it comes to friendships this month.

Now it’s time to level up even a little bit further, by getting in contact with our highest self, our inner qu_ing, and seeing how they would be with their friends.

Let’s go.

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🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

Join the CREATRIX School

Are you a CREATRIX - yet? A CREATRIX masterfully directs their life instead of reacting to life's circumstances.
If you'd like to find out how - come and join us. You can now get a 30-day free trial because we all learn in different ways, and it's important to me that you have time to find out for yourself if this is the right way to learn for you - before you make a financial commitment.

I AM CREATOR School - Join Now

Clarity - Confidence - Connection

In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of our lives - and we look at a different topic each month - this month we look at our freindships.

To overcome loneliness, we first have to meet ourselves.

And to do that, we will explore our inherent goodness, in this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course), and bring in a lot of love and patience, overcome some fears and begin to safely open ourselves to the right people in new ways.

Join us to explore new ways of connection and support.

„I had a virtual meeting with Verena, and I felt really safe and comfortable opening up about my struggles with Verena.
She is such a good listener and she shared with me a list of practical and efficient tools/solutions to change my mindset and the way I talk to myself. It was eye-opening. I totally recommend talking to her - her expertise can be a precious resource for everyone!“ - Francesco

"I am at a stage in my life where I can (and want to) make a shift, but struggle envisioning the right direction to take and the action needed. Verena helped me to focus on my desires and what is keeping me stuck. Her approach is sympathetic, calm and down-to earth. It felt like she truly wanted to work with me towards my goals and my wellbeing, through small, concrete steps and kindness. She made me feel more confident, and now the change seems more approachable." – Elena

Verena holds compassion for herself and for me, listens and allows space and treats me as an equal.
She shows up with curiosity & presence, reminds me to listen to what's important to me, suggests simple, manageable practices, giving me concrete things to work with, all in one 60-minute call. Thank you again for this gift! – em

I always admired Verena's ability to bring together people of very diverse backgrounds and give others the space and the freedom to be who they are and to express themselves. It was amazing to watch her transform her life and herself and become much happier in the process. – Corinna

I’m so thankful for the email you sent yesterday about being a conscious digital citizen. 🙂 It really sparked my day and I must have agreed with every word you said […] maybe even more as I am opening up to start presenting my thoughts and work online to wider audiences, it is so important to be concise about adequate behaviour in the digital world and lead by example 😉 Thank you for reminding me of that! 🙂 😉 – Luisa

Book an Oracle card reading

Would you like to go deeper?

And resolve some personal issues? What are you missing when it comes to love, work, creating a healthy lifestyle, clearing blockages or living in alignment with your soul?

The colour cards paired with my knowledge and guidance can help you find answers to any question you might have.

You can book one single session, or different packages at a reduced price.



Are you ready to explore all that is possible for you?
Is it time to finally be yourself?
Is it time for your liberated life?

join us

To start becoming your true self, guided by me and together with other like-minded explorers. You are loved & so welcome.


Who you were always meant to be. And start living a generous, free and abundant and joyful life.