INTEGRATION – Week 2 – Pt. 2

Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.


Let’s Seize the Day

Dear Creatrix,

Have you ever been without electricity for a longer period of time?

Most of us were born in a time and space where and when being able to turn a light switch and light up a room is the most common thing in the world.

So much so, that few people born in the west ever lived any other way.

In a way, we were (seemingly) born with some kind of god power, that enables us to be the god_desses of night and day.

Since the invention of artificial light, we are no longer forced to rest when the sun goes down, but can freely choose our waking and active hours.

Our body, though, has evolved for a very long time and is designed perfectly to go with the natural rhythm of night and day.

We can count the few generations before us on one hand, which have grown up with electricity in their homes.

So while light and electricity have existed all our lives, and seem like the most common and natural thing to us, who have never lived without it, our body still works in tune with the natural rhythms, and if we turn our nights into days, we confuse our body and work against its natural rhythm.

Why am I saying this? Because it’s important to question the things that are common in our society, but not necessarily good.

I’m no fan of conspiracy theories, and I don’t think that there is an evil force that keeps us from making the right choices in our lives.

I do believe everybody is always doing their best at all times.

It’s just, that while celebrating our technological advances, we’ve neglected to look at their side effects.

But they do show. I’m not going to prove the negative effects of not sleeping regularly to you, if you like, you can google that yourself.

I’m simply asking you to tune into your body and listen to its needs, and I promise you it will guide you towards what the right decisions for yourself.

And we can always come back to the question of: What do we want?

Do we want to be healthy, happy and free in an almost effortless way? Or do we want to struggle through life, exhausted and stressed?

If you choose the former, then we don’t need to make it harder on ourselves, by going against our natural rhythm.

Now there are theories out there, that say that some people are night owls and can work better at night and so on, but I would really ask you to be honest with yourself here if you think that’s you.

I most definitely thought I was one of those people, a night owl.

But it turned out I wasn’t (like no one is, as we’re all natural beings, biologically primed to go with the natural rhythm of time).

When I’m honest, then what I really liked about the nighttime and why I could get so much done then, was the fact that there are just not that many distracting energies around when most people are sleeping – something I’m very sensitive to.

Plus, no one was calling or wanting anything from me at night, so I enjoyed that peace and quiet to do the things I loved.

But now I also have that when I get up early, plus by learning to set and protect my boundaries, I can also choose when I’m available to calls and distractions during the day.

I really learned to value my sensitivity.

But instead of letting it make social situations uncomfortable for me, I learned to shield and protect myself so that I can live a free life and choose what’s best for me and am not forced to act in certain ways to avoid others or situations I can’t handle because of it.

So, if you consider yourself to be a night owl, just see if this might be true for you as well and decide how you want to live.

You have everything it takes to set your boundaries and live a life that supports your needs – and you are learning and practising this more every day now, that you are in the CREATRIX School.

If you choose a free life, centred around your needs – so that you can also contribute to this world in the best possible way, and explore and enjoy as much as you like of it – then we will start setting up a new sleep routine now, and I will share all the science and tips and tricks we can use for that with you.

Today, we will begin by seeing how and why it helps us to flow through life with the daily rhythms instead of working against them.


As humans, we are creatures of habit, so having a…

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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Why a gratitude Practice?

I think we’ve all heard, that knowing how to find balance, or inner peace, is the highest good in today’s world.

It’s actually valued higher than money because no money in the world can buy you inner peace.

Yet, we can all have it for free.

All we have to do for it is to stop trying to please others and just be ourselves and listen to our heart’s desires.

I feel extremely grateful that I figured out a way for myself to live in balance and experience inner peace, if not at all times, then at least at most times.

And I’d like to share with you, today, how you can have that as well.

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Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School

This will be so much fun!
Every chapter is my favourite chapter, but this one is extra special.

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Are you ready to become (almost) fearless? And to open up to the joys of life? And to experience the natural flow of life?

Then let’s go! 💖

Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 2

Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 2

How would you like to grow?

In this lesson, we are diving into our desires and wishes and, most importantly, the questions we currently have about the world, our lives, and all there is.

Because this first week is about exploring where we are and getting to know ourselves better so that we can learn about in which direction we want to grow.

Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 3

Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 3

Letting go of fear

Today, we start freeing ourselves from some of the baggage we’ve been carrying around with us. Because we wish to be free, right?

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Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 1

The Spiritual Laws & The Law of Projection

In this lesson, we begin to learn about the Spiritual Laws and how they can help us.

And we also think about how often we don’t even know that we ‘re not well, because we’ve never actually been well, and see how we can choose the surrounding influences, and stop what actually harms us more than it serves us, to allow us to become ourselves and feel better, more and more.

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 2

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 2

The Basic Laws of Life

In this chapter we go deeper into exploring the basic laws of life and how they can help us to creating a solid basis for our lives.

Because as we’ve learned in the past week to move into new and unknown territory, which we always do when we grow, can bring us out of balance and if the ground on which we’re standing is shaky and insecure already it becomes much harder to dare to move forward, as we don#t want to add more insecurity if we are already insecure.

So the stronger the foundation we stand and build our lives on the easier it becomes for us to dare to grow and move beyond what we and previous generations might have thought possible for themselves.

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Letting go of Resistance & Attachment

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When we learn to relax and let go, we can allow for things to come to us.

It is a practice and can be really difficult. Because often we are much more used to trying to manipulate and influence things with our actions then actually being able to wait for things we desire to come to us.

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Growth – Week 3 – Pt. 1


In this lesson, we explore the laws of creation because they are the basis for our lives as CREATRIXES.

We learn a bit more about manifestation, how the laws of clarity and intention can help us and see what it means to be in the FLOW of life and what’s blocks it.

Are you ready to create your life?