Photo by Min An on Pexels.
Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School
Dear Creatrix,
Welcome to this new chapter in the CREATRIX School.
In this chapter, we are going to talk about rest and integration and why it can be challenging to take time for ourselves.
We will look at how everything becomes easier once we sync our lives to the natural rhythms, like the circadian rhythm and the seasons.
We will also check in to find out how we sleep (better), what we can do to improve our sleeping habits, and what else we need to give ourselves the time and space that we, as humans, need to integrate our experiences and what we learn every day.
Of course, rest and integration have a lot to do with self-love and care as well.
To allow ourselves to rest as much as we need to, is necessary so we can reimagine ourselves and our lives. To learn how to and then to start taking the very best care of ourselves is really a rebellious act.
To quit just giving ourselves the bare minimum of rest that keeps us alive and functioning, requires for us to value, respect and love ourselves – and to treat ourselves accordingly. Are you ready for this?
As the first week of each chapter in the CREATRIX School is all about letting go of the beliefs and assumptions that don’t serve us any more, we will start this first lesson by exploring what beliefs and ideas we can let go of when it comes to rest and being busy.
And for that, we start by getting in touch with our feelings.
What do you feel when you ask yourself:
Do I need to rest more?
And then notice what comes up for you.
Whatever it is – it will provide you with valuable information about where to start.
When I first did this, as I started to prepare this chapter in 2023, tears came up.
Photo by Quân Thiều Quang on Pexels.
That’s how exhausted I was.
The chapter on relationships/love…