RELATIONSHIPS – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Photo by Ismael Sánchez on Pexels.


Welcome to a New Chapter of the CREATRIX School

Dear Creatrix,

Welcome to this new chapter of the CREATRIX School.

In this chapter, we are going to talk about love, past and present relationships, our hopes, dreams, wishes and desires in this area and then see what blockages we have to remove and which new skills we can try out, to actually make what we wish for our new reality.

But let’s start with you. How are you today?

We will begin this week by getting in touch with our feelings and anything that might come up around this topic, to find out where we want to go and what we each would like to focus on this month.

To help with this, I would like to invite you to check out this month’s Practice:

Releasing stuck emotions

Stuck emotions can limit us in our lives in different ways: They keep us from seeing new situations as new, they keep our nervous system activated and cause stress, and they generally keep us from moving through the world with joy and ease.

I’m really excited about this new chapter beginning, and I’ve already gathered a lot of ideas, topics and tools, to make this month as deep, useful and loving as possible.

As we do at the beginning of each chapter, I’d like for us to simply begin by tuning in to ourselves now and think about what we’re missing in terms of relationships and what we wish for.

Maybe you have been married for 20 years, or you are currently in a relationship with one partner or more, or maybe you are not in a romantic relationship at the moment and don’t know if you’d ever actually like to be in one again, or maybe you can’t wait to fall in love again.

No matter where you are at right now – simply think about the things that you love doing with that one (or more) special person (people), and what of that you currently have or don’t have and how you feel about that.

All feelings are valid, so maybe you can take an evening today or tomorrow to really feel into it and see if there’s pain, sadness, resentment or any other feelings that will come up.

Just be gentle with yourself and only do what feels helpful.

In the end, what we are looking for, is to make peace with what was, instead of just pushing things out of sight.

And to achieve that, we will have to allow for our feelings to come up, so we can feel them and let them go.

Please follow the link above, to learn more about how to do this exactly.

And then there is also a written exercise which I will suggest for today:

Write down your wishes for this month.

If you’d like to get a bit more of an idea of what we’re going to be doing this month, you can read this article on how to create your ideal relationship, but really take a moment to check in with yourself first, a…

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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Home – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Home – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School

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And to feel safe, relaxed and welcome, maybe even inspired, in our homes contributes to how we feel every day and thus has an impact on how we are and what, we think, is possible for us every day.

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Home – Week 1 – Pt. 2

Home – Week 1 – Pt. 2


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But we can pause for a second and check in.

Because however, we choose to live or end up living, and however you live now or how you would like to live in the future, it’s essential to become conscious about what you do and why, to make confident decisions for the highest good of all – and so that you can thrive and be happy about your life and your choices.

And that’s what we will begin to do in this lesson.

Home – Week 1 – Pt. 3

Home – Week 1 – Pt. 3


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And how does this relate to your past?

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Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School

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Community – Week 1 – Pt. 2

Community – Week 1 – Pt. 2

What do we mean when we say communities, and why do we need them?

There are different ways for communities to be organized. Sometimes, all people are equal and come together to organize things as equals.

Sometimes, there’s an initiator, or someone who finances the project and other people who organize and implement it.

Sometimes, there are some people who are paid and other people who volunteer.

What are the different kinds of projects or communities you have been involved in, or would like to get involved in, in your life?

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How do you envision our future?

It’s easy to think there are so many problems in this world – what am I supposed to do about it – I can’t do anything but make the best of it – and that’s true to some extent – but also not entirely.

Because we’re not just here to get by. We’re not just here to arrange ourselves with what is already here – we are life and a part of the great symphony of life that’s playing right now, in this moment, and we get to contribute to it.

Community – Week 2 – Pt. 1

Community – Week 2 – Pt. 1

How to learn to love triggers

In this lesson, we look at why it is so important to unite for a cause and not against someone or something – if we want to create lasting change – no matter how much we might disagree with them or something.

And we look at how love really is always the answer, even, or especially, when someone or something upsets us.

Community – Week 2 – Pt. 2

Community – Week 2 – Pt. 2

How can we create a real alternative to what we currently have?

In this lesson, we talk about how judgement can be a very useful tool on our journey to becoming our most authentic and best selves and create the communities we wish for, as long as we don’t use it to condemn other people or to establish superiority.

We also think about how every trigger is really here for us to grow, and not something to be afraid of or to avoid and how punishment, just like suppression, doesn’t lead to anything beautiful – and what we can do instead.

Community – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Community – Week 2 – Pt. 3

On Freedom, Responsibility and our Nature

In this lesson, we look at how freedom and responsibility are linked and what that has to do with consciousness.

And how with a raised consciousness also comes more freedom and thus, by raising our consciousness and finding more inner peace, we also obliterate the need for violence.

And we look at another essential thing, that will help us be more aware in our community interactions – our role as humans in nature, in this world.