Photo by Ismael Sánchez on Pexels.
Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School
Dear Creatrix,
Welcome to this new chapter of the CREATRIX School. I’m really excited to take you on this journey.
In the last chapter, we explored the Universal Spiritual Laws, to see how they can help us to balance our lives and to grow, and we will build on this in this chapter, when we are going to talk about love, past and present relationships, our hopes, dreams, wishes and desires in this area in this chapter. Because opening up to loving and supportive relationships will help us to balance our lives.
We’ve never been meant to do it all alone, but as few of us had the chance to see healthy relationships when we were growing up, or were loved unconditionally, so that we would automatically know how to do the same, we often find ourselves in difficult relationships, and it is my aim to make this easier for all of us with this chapter – by getting clear on our roles, desires, wishes and abilities in our relationships and by cultivating a lot of love and compassion for ourselves, so we can heal.
We will also have a look at what blockages we may have to remove and learn a few new skills, which we can try out, to actually make what we wish for when it comes to love and relationships our new reality.
But before we start, I want to make one thing very clear: I don’t judge, and I hope you don’t either.
Let’s make this a safe and inclusive zone for everyone.
I make my choices – you make yours. And everyone else can make theirs.
If you choose to be monogamous – that’s fantastic. If you choose to be polyamorous – that’s fantastic as well. If you’re gay, straight, non-binary, non-defined – all are welcome here.
I don’t expect anyone to choose like me, and I will do everything in my power, in this and every course I offer, so you can learn to choose like YOU, in full confidence, and I won’t ever tell you what to do, as only you know, in your heart what really makes you happy. Because there is no right or wrong way.
But there is a right and a wrong way for each of us – and only when we find our right way, we are happy and fulfilled because then we live in alignment with our soul and our callings.
So be free to be you. And if you don’t know all about yourself yet, well then we’ll find out.
And we will start right here: Do you have a preference when it comes to romantic partners?
Are you more into boys/men or girls/women? Are you attracted to people who are androgynous or very feminine or masculine?
Do you think of yourself as asexual, bisexual, demisexual, sapiosexual or anything else?
What qualities do you like or even love in other people?
What do people look like, you feel attracted to?
What do they do?
Or talk about?
What could somebody do to swipe you off your feet?
Just get into the mood of exploring your desires and patterns of attraction a little, because surely you are not into all men, or all women or all queer people. Our preferences go beyond gender, so if you can, start here, and don’t skip this step, because you think it’s so natural to you, and not something you are conscious about – yet.
As a queer person myself, I had to come out at some point, and make this a conscious choice, if you are heterosexual, you might not have had the chance to make your preferences conscious yet. So now is the time.
I was lucky that society kind of forced me to do this, as a conscious choice gives us the opportunity to become aware of what we are doing and why and not just to expect things, or take things for granted.
This also helps us with our boundaries and, sooner or later, with being happier, as when we know what we are doing and why, then we can also consciously change things when they don’t work for us any more.
So maybe you’ve always been with men, because it’s just what happened, but you also felt attraction towards women sometimes, but haven’t dared to act on it yet. If that is so, what kind of women do attract you?
Exploring your interests can really help you to get to know yourself better, and that, in turn, will help you find the right partner, who can meet all your needs.
Maybe you are more interested in feminine men, or masculine or butch women. Again, no judgement, just explore what you feel attracted to – as it will help you to understand who you are.
In this chapter, we will get in touch with our feelings and really explore how we can love and support ourselves, so we can become the best partners and with that can also attract the best partners for ourselves. We’ll look at our Wheel of Colours for that, and the Romantic Archetypes, and much more.
I’m really excited about opening this new chapter, and I’ve already gathered plenty of ideas, topics and tools, to make the upcoming four weeks as deep, useful and loving as possible.
Photo by Laura Stanley on Pexels.
So, as we do at the beginning of each c…