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Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School
Dear Creatrix,
I’m very excited that you are here and that we will explore this chapter of the CREATRIX School, together.
In the last moon phase, we talked about self-actualization and how to live a life without regrets. We covered a lot of ground there, organized our days and thought about the things we wish to achieve or experience in this life and did a lot of hard work of facing and overcoming some demons, or bringing light to some of our shadows.
In this chapter, we will be a bit softer as we will think and talk about our friendships and what it means to be a good friend and how to open up to new, deep, lasting and meaningful connections.
We always start slow so that we can take some time to really feel into our ideas about friendships and what we are looking for. We are each on our own journey, and you know best what is going on in your life and what you’d like to change.
So take a moment to feel into that.
Maybe you, like me, went through a spiritual awakening and lost friends because of the changes you’ve been going through. Maybe you never felt like you belonged with the friends you had so far and would like to explore new and different ways of connecting. Perhaps you’ve been bullied or you bullied others and you want a change.
Perhaps you are quite happy with your friends, and would just like to deepen your connection or learn more about how friends can actually help you heal and grow.
Wherever you are at, now is a great time to think about the friendships you have and had in this life and answer these questions:
How do you feel about the friendships in your life?
What do/did you like about them?
In what moments do you feel really seen and connected?
When do you feel held and uplifted by your friends?
Do you ever feel held and uplifted by your frineds? Or is this something that you are missing?
What are the different kinds of friendships you have?
How often do you see your friends?
What do you find easy to share with your friends, and what are things that you might keep from (some of) your friends?
And then also think about what you would like to change here.
When was the last time you were with a friend and felt disappointed?
Or like you couldn’t quite connect to them the way you wanted to?
What else comes up for you when you think about friendships?
Is there anything specific that you would like to think or talk about this month?
If so, please leave a comment below or share it in our Facebook group.
And then, I’ll tell you a bit more about what we are going to do in this chapter.
Friendship as an Antidote
Can we use friendship as an antidote to the problems we see in the world today?
I believe we can, and fortunately, I’m not the only one.
In a world of division, unresolved issues, misunderstandings, cancelling and calling each other out instead of calling each other in – each of us has the opportunity to choose a different path, if we choose to form friendships which can support us in our lives and growth.
Together with people we love and trust, that we welcome into ou…