Inner Child Archetypes and how they can Support your Healing Journey

Where do we come from?

Today we will look at the Inner Child Archetypes. There are eight different ones: The Magical Child Archetype, the Divine Child Archetype, the Nature Child Archetype, the Curious Child Archetype, the Dependent Child Archetype, the Orphan Child Archetype, the Responsible Child Archetype and the Wounded Child Archetype.

We all have aspects of all of these in ourselves, and bringing them to our awareness can help us to (re)discover our strengths and heal old wounds.

These eight cards can help us to get a better understanding of where we are coming from, can give us ideas about things we might want to work on to heal them, and thus make us feel more at peace with ourselves and confident in our lives.

Working with Archetypes, and with Oracle Cards in general, can help us to translate and understand our higher knowing and bring light to what is going on in our subconscious, and with this, help us to direct our lives consciously and more gracefully.

Working with Verena’s Archetypes Oracle Card Deck specifically can help us to get a better understanding of who we are, and acknowledge what we need to do, to get where we want to go.

This is part two of a series in which Verena introduces all the Archetypes of the Oracle Card Deck.

In part one, she introduced the Source & Unsource Archetypes.

The Inner Child Archetypes

In my Archetypes Oracle Card Deck, there are four different types of Relational Archetypes.

The first type of the Relational Archetypes are the Inner Child Archetypes, which, when it comes to the order of the deck, come right after the Source Archetypes.

The Source Archetypes represent the fundamental choice between good and evil, empowerment and disempowerment, right and wrong, giving life, supporting the flow of life and the destruction of life or stopping of the flow.

With that, the Source Archetypes form the basis for the existence or absence of everything that is alive on this planet and represent the choice we have to make in every moment: Do we act in alignment with ourselves and our inner knowing to bring love and peace, or against it, and cause harm and struggles?

The Inner Child Archetypes represent internal parts of ourselves as they show how we first related to ourselves, other people and our surrounding.

To look at them now can help us to get a better understanding of the qualities and problems we have developed as a result of experiences in our childhood, and can allow us to look at ourselves with kindness and compassion and resolve issues that no longer serve us.

Each of these Inner Child parts can be found in each of us.

Depending on how we were raised and the experiences we had growing up, some of these might be stronger or weaker than others as a default.

But nothing is set in stone when it comes to our lives.

The more aware we become of our internal parts, the more we can balance them and choose the parts we need in each moment.

The more we raise our consciousness, and learn to act purposefully, the more we will be able to see that we can decide which part of ourselves takes over in any given moment and with that empower ourselves, instead of letting old (unhelpful) patterns unfold automatically.

Becoming aware of what is going on and why we react the way we react, without judgement, can help us to learn to align our actions with our intentions and with this open ourselves to new experiences and opportunities.

The other three Relational Archetypes include Family, Friendships and Romance, which represent the different personal roles we inhabit in relation to one or more people and there will be articles about them available here soon.

But first, let’s have a look at these eight different Inner Child archetypes.

Divine Child Card from Verena's Archetype Oracle Cards Deck

Divine Child Archetype

We start with the Divine Child Archetype, the most blissful part of ourselves, which has a direct connection to the greater consciousness and navigates on a high frequency.

The Divine Child is less about action and exploring (like the Magical or Curious Child), but rather about being present and connected, open, tapped in and joyfully in the moment.

The Divine Child Archetype, becomes active when we are completely present, able to establish a connection to the collective consciousness and tap into this knowing and blissful connection with ease.

While the Nature Child makes sure you connect with all that is alive around you, the Divine Child is responsible for your connection to the invisible energies and subconscious connection to source.

Separation from source is caused by ourselves and what we have learned to accept, and the Divine Child is here to help us to overcome this feeling of separation.

It is always waiting for you to call on it, when you feel lonely or don’t know where to turn. It’s your personal connection to the all-knowing and all – loving source.

It’s in you, just waiting to be activated again.

Magical Child Card from Verena's Archetype Oracle Cards Deck

Magical Child Archetype

The Magical Child Archetype, sometimes also called the Innocent Child Archetype, is the most empowered part of ourselves who believes anything and everything is possible, and walks through the world trusting, believing and only expecting the best.

When we feel open and aware of and connected to this wonderful part of ours, our Magical Child comes out.

We often talk about the beginners mind, being able to see any situation not through the lens of all our experiences, but as if we were to see something for the very first time.

From here we can connect to our awe and wonder and be amazed by whatever we encounter, because if we’re honest, even the most mundane thing becomes magical, when we stop to think about it as what we know it to be, and begin to fully experience it as something truly unique in the moment.

Even meeting a pebble, so much older than ourselves, formed and shaped by the goings-on of the world, can become a magical experience if we allow for it.

The Magical Child Archetype, allows us to open up to wonder and exploration.

It’s your invitation to get excited and play!

Nature Child Card from Verena's Archetype Oracle Cards Deck

Nature Child Archetype

The Nature Child Archetype is the part of ourselves that is connected to the nature and animals around us.

The Nature Child Archetype can communicate with animals or plants, or at least can feel the connection to all life and the energy around us and within the animals, plants and all that is alive.

If you feel drawn to the Nature Child Archetype, that probably means that connecting with nature plays an important role in your life.

We all know how being in nature, walking barefoot on the grass or beach, in the forest, sitting under a tree can ground us.

To acknowledge and nurture the Nature Child Archetype in ourselves allows us to do just that: to ground ourselves and to feel connected with all there is, where we come from and where we will always find support.

If you feel drawn to the Nature Child Archetype, it’s time to acknowledge the power of this connection and never to let go of it again because it is the driving force of your existence.

Open up and let it come through you.

We’ve never been separate, not from each other or from anything else.

It’s our calling to get in touch with that connection again and let it come through us so that we can unfold and become all we’re meant to be: Forever free.

Curious Child Card from Verena's Archetype Oracle Cards Deck

Curious Child Archetype

The Curious Child Archetype, is the part of ourselves that can fully emerge into something.

As a child, that might have looked like taking everything apart to understand how it works and then putting it back together in different ways, to see what else is possible.

Today, the Curious Child comes out when we are very curious and want to look beneath the surface of everything and understand how things actually come into being or tap into the collective consciousness to receive new and meaningful ideas and inventions.

The Curious Child Archetype is a welcome addition to any moment in which problems need to be solved and can be called to come forth in any situation, where we feel we need to dig a little deeper.

The Curious Child Archetype takes us beneath what is easily visible and allows us to really familiarize ourselves with the details of something to take ourselves or technical developments to the next level.

The Curious Child Archetype invites you to allow yourself to go deep and open up to receive divine information.

Nourish the nerd within you, there is nothing wrong with having super specialized knowledge and enjoying getting lost in all the wonderful details.

Orphan Child Card from Verena's Archetype Oracle Cards Deck

Orphan Child Archetype

The Orphan Child Archetype is the part of ourselves that felt abandoned, or like they didn’t belong in one way or another when we were growing up.

If you relate to the Orphan Child Archetype, that probably means that you are still dealing with issues of abandonment or belonging that have existed since childhood (and possibly even longer).

This means that you are called to resolve these issues and to find out what it is you need to overcome them so that they cannot continue to separate you from others or make you feel lonely, misunderstood, excluded or abandoned.

If you don’t know how to resolve these issues in a peaceful, helpful and loving way yourself, please see that you get the help you need to do so.

We are not alone, we have never been alone, even if it might seem like that at times.

If you are drawn to the Orphan Child Archetype, see what you can do to feel a stronger connection to nature and the people around you.

Starting to build a good relationship with yourself and your inner voice is also helpful, as it might guide you to the connection you seek with others.

Responsible Child Card from Verena's Archetype Oracle Cards Deck

Responsible Child Archetype

The Responsible Child Archetype is the part of ourselves that felt responsible for things children shouldn’t necessarily feel responsible for growing up.

If you feel drawn to the Responsible Child Archetype, that probably means that you are still dealing with issues of over responsibility, control and trust.

It also means that you are called to resolve these issues now and to find out what it is you need for that so that you can start building relationships that don’t seem overwhelming and too demanding.

If you don’t know how to resolve these issues in a peaceful, helpful and loving way yourself, please see that you get the help you need to do so.

If you do know how to resolve this yourself, now is the time because holding on to these patterns, means that you will continue to be caught in repeating the relationships of your past.

If you dare to relinquish control, to let things unfold on their own, in their own time, in ways different from your own, you may start to see that not everything depends on you, even if this has been (part of) your experience until now.

If you feel drawn to the Responsible Child Archetype, it’s time to take a step back, breathe and see where you can let others take the lead and relax.

The Responsible Child Archetypes invites you to relinquish control.

Dependent Child Card from Verena's Archetype Oracle Cards Deck

Dependent Child Archetype

The Dependent Child Archetype is the part of ourselves that feels unable to trust themselves to do certain things because they have always been done for us, or because we’ve been told repeatedly that they were unable to do them as we were growing up.

The Dependent Child comes out, when we are dealing with issues of trusting ourselves to act wisely, to be independent and/or capable of mastering a challenge or situation.

We each have the possibility to resolve these issues now and to find out what it is we need for that so that we can start trusting ourselves and our abilities in any area of our lives.

You really can tackle any problem by yourself and live without feeling dependent on other people.

Though this might seem at a distance right now, if you identify with this strongly, you can get there with training, patience and bravery.

If you don’t feel very brave yet, you can train that too.

And to become independent, does not mean not asking for help or getting the support we need, it simply means getting it from people who are supporting our development and independence, rather than fearing our independence because they (subconsciously) want to feel needed.

You are loved and you are protected and you can do so much more than you may think right now.

Wounded Child Card from Verena's Archetype Oracle Cards Deck

Wounded Child Archetype

The Wounded Child Archetype is the part of ourselves that got hurt in one way or another when we were growing up.

If you feel drawn to the Wounded Child Archetype, that probably means that one or more wounds that have been caused when you were growing up, still play an active role in your life.

This is a sign, that calls you to resolve these issues now and to find out what it is you need to heal, so that the wounds and the people who caused them cannot have power over you any more.

If you don’t know how to resolve this in a peaceful, helpful and loving way yourself, please see that you get the help you need to do so.

If you do know how to resolve this yourself, now is the time because holding on to negative emotions or wounds is not helpful.

These wounds might seem like they are part of your identity, but they only remain that as long as you let them.

We cannot undo what has happened, but eventually, we will be able to choose how we want to proceed from there and what we’ve learned through our experiences has the power to become our greatest gift.

Remember: the cracks are where the light shines through.

Working with the Inner Child Archetypes

We all eventually reach a point where we do not want to continue in the ways we used to because we can clearly see the results it got us and that is not what makes us happy.

I’ve founded the CREATRIX School, to provide help and to offer self-learning courses to bring clarity, confidence and connection into all areas of our lives – because whatever we want to change, the change always starts with ourselves.

In the 1-Month Course on resolving family issues, we use the Inner Child Archetypes to get more clarity on what our default is, when it comes to these archetypes and what we would like to change and work on so that we can create different, more loving and kind outcomes for ourselves in the future.

If that is something you are interested in, then you should check out the Family//Relax Course or join us for the whole year in the CREATRIX School.

If you are reading this today – your inner child is calling you to let go of old attachments!

We all have wounds from our past and they are what made us into the people we are today.

We’ve also developed a lot of different strengths because of our experiences and how we grew up.

The Divine Child is about being present and connected, open and blissful in the moment.

The Magical Child connects us to our open mind, awe and wonder, and the Nature Child makes sure we connect with all that is alive around us.

The Curious Child goes deep into the details of something to understand it fully.

The Responsible Child, in its well-balanced power, helps us to know when to step up and take on our load to contribute to the well-being of all and the Dependent Child, in its well-balanced power, reminds us that when things become too much, we can ask for help and share responsibilities with others, so no one has to carry too much or is denied the opportunity to act in a self-determined way.

The Wounded Child teaches us to not go through the world without care and be aware of other people’s feelings and vulnerabilities, it allows us to recognize the damage that can be done and to guide us in a way that does not harm others.

The Orphan Child reminds us that no matter how different we feel from the people and all life around us, we are much more alike than not.

We all have the same basics needs, when it comes to love, safety and nourishment, and even share our consciousness with all life.

Over time, I came, and I think we can all come to the point where we see that very few things are really personal.

We are who we are and who we are is based on karma, which simply means experience.

It’s never anyone’s fault, it’s all just a reaction to what was before.

Some experiences we had in past lives, so we do not have an active memory of them, yet they are still anchored in our subconscious have an effect on what’s happening in our lives now and create our experiences today.

As I mentioned in the introduction to working with this Archetypes Oracle Cards Deck, Carolyn Myss proposed that we each make a contract with 12 archetypes before our birth to go through them and learn them thoroughly in each of our life times.

I believe that this might have been true in the past, but that currently many of us are moving much faster and that we now have the unique opportunity to clear all our karma so that we can come to live more peacefully, some might call it enlightened, or in heaven on earth — now.

But for that, we actually have to find ways to forgive ourselves and others and make peace with all that was.

According to the experiences we’ve had in our past lives, we chose the families and regions we were born in today, so in a way we also chose that which hurt us because we knew these were experiences our soul had yet to go through to fully grow into we’re meant to be, enrich our soul’s journey, understand more and expand.

This recognition has helped me and many of my friends and clients to make peace with a difficult past. I hope it does the same for you.

And I also like to take this opportunity to remind us, that when we forgive others, our lives become easier, happier and healthier because we do not have to hold on to negative feelings, that over time can really limit us in our lives.

Integrating and befriending all Inner Child Archetypes allows us to make peace with ourselves, look at where we have some growing to do and enter on this growth journey, so we can fully and confidently become ourselves and experience all that is possible for us.

If you’d like to dive deeper into healing your Inner Child Archetypes, and develop the confidence and trust to do so, you can join the CREATRIX School, book a reading or a first coaching session with me.

If you’d like to learn more about yourself and what you really need in the different circumstances of your life, you can also order your Wheel of Colours now, to get these insights.

Either way, I love you, I think you are wonderful and I’m so glad that you are here and that we are connected.
Be blessed and have a peaceful day.

 Card #2 – Divine Child Archetype

If you pull the Divine Child Archetype Card, this is your invitation to look within and see what this inner child tells you about yourself and your current situation.

The Divine Child is the most tapped in tuned in part of ourselves, with a clear connection to the divine.

Depending on your question, it might mean that you are especially blissful, connected and tuned in right now, or that there is a way for you out of your current predicament if you become more tuned in.

If you feel disconnected, overwhelmed disoriented, the divine child invites you to trust, connect and let things unfold, while raising your vibration and getting in the highest frequency possible.

Separation is only caused by ourselves and our egos, and the Divine Child helps us to overcome this feeling of separation.

This is your invitation to tune into your personal connection to the all-knowing and all-loving source.



Card #3 – Magical Child Archetype

If you pull the Magical Child Archetype Card, this is your invitation to look within and see what this inner child tells you about yourself and your current situation.

The Magical Child Archetype is the most empowered part of ourselves who believes anything and everything is possible, and walks through the world trusting, believing and only expecting the best.

Depending on your question, it might mean that you are especially open, aware and receptive right now, or that it will help you to nourish these qualities within yourself to solve your current situation.

There is no situation that won’t benefit from you looking at it with a beginner’s mind instead of through the lens of all our experiences, so now might be the perfect time to give it try.

The Magical Child Archetype invites you to open up to wonder and exploration.

Card #4 – Nature Child Archetype

If you pull the Nature Child Archetype Card, this is your invitation to look within and see what this inner child tells you about yourself and your current situation.

The Nature Child Archetype is the part of ourselves that is connected to the nature and animals around us.

Depending on your question, it might mean that you might be able to communicate with animals or plants right now, or at least can feel the connection to them and all life and energy within them and around you, especially strong in this moment.

Or it means that tuning in to the surrounding nature can help you to solve your current situation and take the next necessary step.

The Nature Child Archetype invites to fully feel into the fact that you are a part of nature and an important piece in an intricate system, and that you are valued and needed.

If we begin to take our place within this system and start to respect all that is alive around us, magic is bound to happen. It’s time you tap into this incredible power.

Card #5 – Curious Child Archetype

If you pull the Curious Child Archetype Card, this is your invitation to look within and see what this inner child tells you about yourself and your current situation.

The Curious Child Archetype, is the part of ourselves that can fully immerse into something.

Depending on your question, it might mean that you are either super open to receiving detailed information on a problem you’ve been working on from within or have the opportunity to explore something in great detail.

Or, if you don’t feel this way yet, to focus on and exploring something in great detail or seeing if there’s a new invention inside of you that wants to emerge might be the key to solving your current problem.

By exploring your Curious Child Archetype, you have the opportunity to go beneath what is easily visible, discover new things unavailable to others right now and take yourself or your project to the next level.

The Curious Child Archetype invites you to allow yourself to go deep and open up to something completely new.

 Card #6 – Orphan Child Archetype

If you pull the Orphan Child Archetype Card, this is your invitation to look within and see what this inner child tells you about yourself and your current situation.

The Orphan Child Archetype is the part of ourselves that feels abandoned, or like they don’t belong in one way or another.

Depending on your question, it might mean that you are currently dealing with issues of abandonment or belonging, and solving them will resolve the situation you are in.

To feel lonely, misunderstood, excluded or abandoned is tough, but what you feel and think about something is up to you – you have the power to overcome these feelings.

If you first acknowledge them, then listen to them and what they have to tell you, find compassion for yourself and all involved, forgive, and begin to let go, your feelings can change.

We are not alone, we have never been alone, even if it might have seemed like that at times.

Card #7 – Responsible Child Archetype

If you pull the Responsible Child Archetype Card, this is your invitation to look within and see what this inner child tells you about yourself and your current situation.

The Responsible Child Archetype is the part of ourselves that feels responsible for more things than they are actually responsible for.

Depending on your question, it might mean that you are currently dealing with issues of over responsibility, control and trust and that you might have to change things here in order to change your situation.

Letting go can be hard when it feels like your life depends on holding it all together. But sometimes we have to break open to come back together again.

Relinquishing control, giving it up to the universe to resolve the situation might feel scary right now, but it always helps.

If you allow yourself to step back and relax a little and open the energy fields around you, so others can step up and step in, you will not only get a better picture of the whole the situation, you will also begin to see the strengths of the people around you and this might even lead to you acknowledging that it’s not all up to you and that you don’t have to do everything alone in the future.

Allow yourself to be surprised.

 Card #8 – Dependent Child Archetype

If you pull the Dependent Child Archetype Card, this is your invitation to look within and see what this inner child tells you about yourself and your current situation.

The Dependent Child Archetype is the part of ourselves that feels unable to trust themselves to do certain things.

Depending on your question, it might mean that you feel insecure right now, unable to do the task ahead and don’t trust yourself to handle the situation on your own.

That is OK! Ask for help and support from people you can trust and who want to support you to become more independent and won’t just do the things for you so that you remain feeling like you can’t do it on your own.

Building trust in yourself takes time, patience and love, but you can do it.

Take small steps every day, try out new things and with every new task, you master, your trust in yourself will grow.

Our world is here to be explored, experienced and lived in, and fear or doubt are blocking us from that.

Know that you are loved and protected and you can do so much more than you may think right now.

Card #9 – Wounded Child Archetype

If you pull the Wounded Child Archetype Card, this is your invitation to look within and see what this inner child tells you about yourself and your current situation.

The Wounded Child Archetype is the part of ourselves that still hurts and holds on to pain that has been afflicted a long time ago.

This most likely means that it is time to heal your wounds because as long as you hold on to them, you will see the pain you’ve experienced as a child reflected around you and re-experience it.

There is no one more powerful than you. If you feel like others have power over you, that is because you give that power to them by holding on to feeling like the victim of a situation.

You cannot change your past, but you can change your present and future and through this, your perspective on the past will change as well.

You might have to seek help to heal your wounds, but if you have compassion for yourself and stop blaming yourself and others, your wounds can heal and you can begin to open up to new experiences.

Say hello to your wounds, welcome them and accept them, love them like you would love your own hurt child.

About Verena’s Archetypes Oracle Card Deck

Working with archetypes is a wonderful way to get to know ourselves better and to create the changes we seek to make in our lives.

Archetypes can be helpful to analyse our lives and to make the unconscious conscious.

They can also help us to embody new ways of being and seeing the world through a different lens.

If you'd like to know more about how working with archetypes might be beneficial for your life, I recommend reading: How Archetypes Can Help to Bring Clarity & to Empower You - an Introduction to working with this Archetypes Oracle Card Deck.

You can see the whole Archetypes Oracle Card Deck here.

To read more about how the Archetypes Oracle Cards and posters came into existence, you can read this interview.

This Archetypes Oracle Card Deck is designed to help to let your life unfold in the best possible way.

More Resources

If you'd like to learn more, I post, blog and make videos about the archetypes and how to use them for clarity and empowerment mostly on my BLOG here on this website, on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Sometimes also on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Book a reading with Verena

The first 100 people who book an Oracle Cards Reading with me will get 1 set of my Archetype Oracle Cards Deck shipped to their home for free as soon as they are printed.

As long as this offer is up – it is still available.

Book a 40-min session in which we will use my Archetype Oracle Cards Deck to find out where you are at in life right now, what you need to look at to get the best outcome for your current situation and who in the spirit world is offering to help you with it.

Plus, you will be one of the very first people to ever hold this deck in your hands!

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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Clarity - Confidence - Connection

In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of our lives - and we look at a different topic each month.

This month is all about community, and thinking about how we can best work and come together with others - so that we can build the world we want to live in together.

It's fun, it's exciting, and it is surely also challenging, as we have to become honest about our wants, needs and desires.

What are yours?