What’s your name, your position & the name of your business?
I’m Verena and I am the the artist and creatrix of of the Archetype Oracle Cards & Posters, and a few more things, as well as a self-actualization coach, spiritual teacher and the creator of this website, and the Sustainable Business Directory.
In this interview, I speak about why and how I created the Archetypes Oracle Cards Deck.
What services or products do you offer?
My main offer is coaching through courses and individually, but today, with this post, I’d especially like to draw your attention to my newĀ Archetypes Oracle Cards Deck and the prints you can order of some of the images because I believe that they will bring a lot of joy and beauty, clarity, confidence and maybe even some magic into your homes.
What inspired you to create the Archetypes Oracle Cards & Posters?
I read the book Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss some time in 2021. In this book, she suggests that every person has made a contract with 12 archetypes before our birth, to live through in our lifetime.
She described many different archetypes in this book, but I found it difficult to really get an overview of everything she suggested and so I started making these illustrations as a way for myself to understand the archetypes better.
During this process, I recognized that I actually have a quite different experience and relationship with these archetypes than Carolyn Myss suggests in her book, so I figured that the approach that I was developing might be interesting and relevant to some other people as well.
I experience my life, and the lives of my clients, as more fluid and think that we are at a time when significant changes occur. That peopleĀ made these contracts in the past and lived through these 12 archetypes over the course of their lives, does make sense for people of older and past generations.
But we have the possibility now to change much more quickly, work through things and find enlightenment, or move on to become five dimensional, much more quickly these days.
And this quickening is necessary, too, if we want to save humanity and our planet.
So instead of searching for our 12 archetypes, we can actively work with all of these 110 archetypes to work through our shadows and empower ourselves.
There are even five cards representing our supernatural helpers: our ancestors, angels, god_desses or wise ones, unicorns and dragons so we can see who can best support us in certain situations.
By booking an Oracle Card Reading with me, you can learn more about yourself and your current situation and possibly find solutions, direction and support on how to turn your life in a more desirable direction.
By bringing one or more of the archetype posters into your home, you can build an intimate relationship with them, and through them heal a part of yourself that needs to heal for you to thrive and feel free of personal or ancestral burdens and traumas.
They can also help you to release new powers by reminding you of all you have within you and directing your focus.
You will find a description of each archetype on this website soon.
What do you do to keep your business sustainable?
I decided to sell the posters as PDFs so that you can print your poster in the size and on the paper you prefer.
This does not only save production costs and surplus prints, but also materials for packing and emissions for transport.
It also allows you to buy the posters and hang them up the same day, if you go to the print shop right away.
What’s one of the greatest obstacles you had to overcome to get to where you are now?
I’ve created or channelled 110 different archetypes, some of which you can buy individually as posters or all of them together as an Oracle Card Deck.
To create 110 different images and characters was a lot of work and it took a lot of complex thinking and help and support from the outer realms to organize them in a way for them to cover all aspects of our lives.
The greatest obstacle for me was to not get overwhelmed – by the time it was going to take to create the cards – and to keep an overview over the cards to see which areas of life have been covered and which are still missing.
I’m glad that as a coach, I have an effective tool kit at my hands when it comes to creating time management and other systems, which can support the process of solving complex problems and which allowed me to take each step with joy, patience and ease.
What’s one of the most surprising things that happened on your journey?
I think that often we forget how much we need the work that we do ourselves.
I thought I would create these Archetype Posters and cards as a way to add another unique offer to my clients, but I’ve learned an incredible amount about how I work in the process as well.
I actually use the cards daily for myself and whenever I need support with something, and I have some of the posters hanging up in my own home to remind me of the qualities I want to embody more.
What advice would you give to someone who would like to start a sustainable business?
I believe that nothing is more important than doing what you love, and to base whatever it is you love on integrity.
Studies show that running a sustainable and conscious business is more profitable than running an ‘old-fashioned’ business.
As a coach, I would say: if you act in a way that involves hardening yourself because you exploit people or animals or destroy the world you also want to live in and resources that are needed for all, then you are doing yourself a disservice because the prize you have to pay for that with your emotional and physical well-being will be high.
I believe everyone wins, when you do what we do right, and based on love and with the purest intentions. So, if you’d like to start a business, or are in the process of starting your own business, and even if you’ve already done this for a long time, see that you can find the knowledge and support that you need to make your dreams and visions come true in a way that also serves the greatest good and improves the lives for all.
I believe in you, and I know you will be more successful than you can imagine if you believe in yourself and put in your best efforts and intentions.
If people haven’t tried your services or products yet, where would you recommend for them to start?
I think just looking at the cards and seeing if one calls out to you is a great way to start. And then to begin investigating what this might mean to you.
If you’d like to have some assistance with this or find out more ways in which the Archetypes can empower you, you can also book a session with me.

Orphan Child
This is one of the Inner Child Archetypes. Take a look at them all to see which one resonates the most.

Responsible Child
This is one of the Inner Child Archetypes. Take a look at them all to see which one resonates the most.
Contact Info
Website: verenaspilker.com
Email/Phone: mail@verenaspilker.com
Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube