
CREATRIX Crew Application

Thank you for your interest in joining a CREATRIX Crew and creating your support system for your self-actualization journey, ascension journey, or growth journey.

As you can see, there are different price options.

Please choose what you can pay.

If you pay more, you support those who cannot.

The free offer is limited to the first 40 people.

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Would you like to start or join a CREATRIX Crew?

Basics first: If you join, you will be assigned to an existing CREATRIX Crew, or you will start a new one, and the next people who sign up will be assigned to your crew, until your crew has reached eight people and you are complete. As this is brand new, please be patient.

The fee you pay is a one-time fee, for the efforts of connecting you to other people, hosting the events and moderating the discussions on different topics. I might change this to an annual fee in the future, but either way, the conditions will stay the same for you as they are described here, as you sign up, for a minimum of 12 months.

If someone drops out, you can let me know, and I will assign a replacement as soon as anyone becomes available. If one or more existing friends sign up with you, and you would like to be in the same crew, just let me know upon signing up.

You can request to switch groups twice within the first twelve months, after that, you will have to reapply. And it would be nice if you could let me know why you request a switch, so I can help find the best crew for you to connect with.

This is an experiment, so you sign up at your own risk, with no guarantee that this will work - please only join if you are okay with that. And fill in this form before or right after your purchase.

I can only proceed and put you in touch with others, once I have this information from you. If you don't know what a CREATRIX Crew is, please read this article first.

How it works

Step 1

You fill in the application form (no one will be denied – you just have to share some information with me so I can put you in touch with others), choose an option and pay the fee on the shop page (or sign up for free if you are one of the first 40 people to join).

step 2

You will receive a confirmation from me that I received your application and I will either put you in touch with your crew directly, or let you know that you are the first one starting a new crew, and that the next person will be assigned to you, as soon as they sign up.

If you are the first one, you are automatically the leader of the crew, until you have more crew members, and we switch team leaders on the next new moon.

step 3

Sign up to my free newsletter, to receive a prompt each Sunday to share with your crew. As each crew connects through Telegram or WhatsApp, and I won’t be in each crew, the current crew leader shares the prompt with the crew and everyone is invited to answer.

These prompts will be questions like: “What’s your favourite or least favourite part about what you are working on right now?” or “Which is your favourite bird and why?” or “What’s your go-to grounding practice?” etc.

This way we can get to know each other better as a crew, but don’t run the risk of trauma dumping or using this group as a way to get confirmation from others, instead of doing the inner work.

Exchange that is wanted from all sides is always encouraged, but always ask before sharing more personal details and information and be considerate of each other’s time and energy.

step 4

The main intention of the CREATRIX Crew is to use energy, our loving thoughts and intentions to support each other. If we have eight crew members and all state their intentions at the same time, it might be quite a challenge to keep all these intentions in mind at once – that’s why we split it up. Each week, two people state their intentions, while the others back them up.

The process can look like this:
Person A: “I’ve had a knee operation a while ago, and I still have some pain, and I wish for all the pain to go away.” – then for the whole week, in the morning after we get up and in the evening before bed, and whenever we remember during the day, the rest of the crew sends out healing thoughts and prayers to person A.

It works best when visualizing them as healed, happily jumping and running around. It could help for person A to find or create a picture of what their ideal state might look like and to share that as well, but we can also just use our imagination.

Person B: “I would like to find 10 new clients each week, starting today.” – then again, for the whole week, in the morning after we get up and in the evening before bed, and whenever we remember during the day, the rest of the crew sends out prayers and thoughts of seeing 10 happy new clients coming to person B each week.

Again, it works best when visualizing the desired result, so it could be lots of happy reviews, or clients that were helped, or just Person B happily writing in the following week: “I did actually have 20 requests and ten new clients this week!”.

And then in the following week, the next two people state their intentions and the rest of the crew backs them up.

step 5

As a CREATRIX crew you have autonomy and can do what you like, if it works for all of you. I would, however, like to offer some suggestions:

Find one day to share your intentions each week, Monday, for example, and share the answers to the prompts on another day, like Thursday or Friday. That way it’s not too much at once.

If you, as a crew, decide to focus solely on intentions, that’s fine too and up to you. I will post the prompts in the Facebook group as well, so you can answer them there, if the majority of your crew decides not to answer them in the group chat.

If you need support with anything else, you can ask your crew if anyone has time and capacities to answer a question or to help you with a problem, if no one has time or capacities you can ask or post about your problem or question in our Facebook group and see if anyone can help. 🙂 We’re here to help each other, but also to practice being with each other in respectful ways.

If any questions or problems arise within the crew, please also post them in the Facebook group in a respectful way, so that we can help each other to find solutions.

Collective support and highlights

Once a month, I will host a live, where three people will have the opportunity to share about their experiences with their CREATRIX Crews as and to introduce their own businesses, or the projects they are currently working on, so we can all celebrate and support each other beyond our crews and grow as a community.

You are a wonderful, amazing and brave soul, as you have come to be on earth at this time. Let's create a support system to help you thrive.

If you don't hear from me 48 hours after your application (Monday to Friday), please write to mail [ at ] (and check your SPAM folder just in case).

Additional information

choose your contribution

€ 25, € 35, € 50, free

„I had a virtual meeting with Verena, and I felt really safe and comfortable opening up about my struggles with Verena.
She is such a good listener and she shared with me a list of practical and efficient tools/solutions to change my mindset and the way I talk to myself. It was eye-opening. I totally recommend talking to her - her expertise can be a precious resource for everyone!“ - Francesco

"I am at a stage in my life where I can (and want to) make a shift, but struggle envisioning the right direction to take and the action needed. Verena helped me to focus on my desires and what is keeping me stuck. Her approach is sympathetic, calm and down-to earth. It felt like she truly wanted to work with me towards my goals and my wellbeing, through small, concrete steps and kindness. She made me feel more confident, and now the change seems more approachable." – Elena

Verena holds compassion for herself and for me, listens and allows space and treats me as an equal.
She shows up with curiosity & presence, reminds me to listen to what's important to me, suggests simple, manageable practices, giving me concrete things to work with, all in one 60-minute call. Thank you again for this gift! – em

I always admired Verena's ability to bring together people of very diverse backgrounds and give others the space and the freedom to be who they are and to express themselves. It was amazing to watch her transform her life and herself and become much happier in the process. – Corinna

I’m so thankful for the email you sent yesterday about being a conscious digital citizen. 🙂 It really sparked my day and I must have agreed with every word you said […] maybe even more as I am opening up to start presenting my thoughts and work online to wider audiences, it is so important to be concise about adequate behaviour in the digital world and lead by example 😉 Thank you for reminding me of that! 🙂 😉 – Luisa

Book an Oracle card reading

Would you like to go deeper?

And resolve some personal issues? What are you missing when it comes to love, work, creating a healthy lifestyle, clearing blockages or living in alignment with your soul?

The colour cards paired with my knowledge and guidance can help you find answers to any question you might have.

You can book one single session, or different packages at a reduced price.