Purpose – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Photo by Chris F on Pexels.


Tools for self-recognition III: Wheel of Colours

Dear Creatrix,

What have you learned about yourself through Numerology? What was different from your birth chart, and what was the same?

I know that this has probably been a lot of information and that it will take some time to integrate all of this, so to make it easier, I’d like to repeat what I said in the last lesson:

Pick one or two things, which, if you changed them, would have the biggest positive effect on your life right now and see how you can change them, to bring in more ease.

Because you now have all these tools available, and you can always come back for more.

It can be tricky and might take some practice to recognize the sweet spot between wanting too much at once and then feeling overwhelmed and eventually giving up, and not reaching far or high enough to stay motivated. So the key is to find the one thing that will have the biggest impact and to focus on that. Something that is doable and will have a visible or noticeable effect, instead of getting distracted with too many little things, or things that are not really that impactful.

So, what could you change right now that will improve your life, that will make you feel more free, so you can live your purpose, and be on purpose, instead of being confronted with and limited by learned or inherited tendencies and behaviours?

Once you’ve detected that one thing, we will use the Wheel of Colours to see what we need to make the change you chose possible. Once we’ve figured out how to do this, we will come back to directing our focus on all that is good and wonderful about us and the beautiful qualities and talents we have, to get clear on our gifts, talents and callings, and to create our personal vision and mission in the next week.

But first, let’s take a look at how the Wheel of Colours works and how it can help us with the changes and finding our callings.

For that, I will give you a short overview of the different fields and colours of the Wheel of Colours, to then show you how to use the Wheel of Colours to resolve personal conflicts, or to help and support us in creating lasting positive changes in our lives.

To give you an example, I will use something I chose to work on last year, and I can still refine this year, according to my Astrology and Numerology, and my personal Wheel of Colours, so I can show you how you can use this wonderful tool to resolve your own issues in your own unique way as well, and then, to show you how it can even help you find your ideal occupation or your callings.

The fields in the Wheel of Colours and what they represent

The 1st field of the Wheel of Colours tells us what we need to start a project, or enter any new situation. The classical colour here is red.

The 2nd field shows us how we collaborate with other people, the classical colour here is yellow.

The 3rd field shows us what we need to continue and follow through, with a project, relationship or any new situation, the classical colour here is blue.

The 4th field tells us what we need, to live a healthy, balanced life (in the picture you can see all the fields and their classical colours).

The 5th field shows us how we express our creativity or what we need, to be able to be and in our own unique way.

The 6th field represents the gift we came to share with others and is something we inherently understand and can therefore help others with (though it might be something that we’re not very good with when it comes to our own lives 😉 ).

The 7th field lets us know what we need to feel safe and to walk through this world with confidence.

The 8th field shows us an important lesson we have to learn. It directs us to an area in our lives, where we struggle and fail until we understand what it is about, embrace the lesson and once we did, we can move on feeling more empowered.

The 9th field teaches us about what we need to respect ourselves and others.

The 10th field helps us understand what we need to listen to and hear our inner voice and guidance.

The 11th field shows us how we can activate our sensory and extrasensory perception to understand what is going on around us.

The 12th field shows us the final lesson, we have to learn, to activate the wheel anew, come into flow and find inner peace, and it reveals our true calling.

The 13th colour is our core. It’s the prism of all the colours that make up our wheel and shows the essence, the most important questions and our strengths, weaknesses and main interests in this life.

The fields and their meaning are the same for everyone.

The colours we have in each field, however, are different for everyone (in the picture you see the classical colours for each field), and they tell us what we need to function easily and naturally in each of these areas of our lives.

The goal of the Wheel of Colours is to help us live a life full of ease, joy, love and abundance – without misunderstandings, pushing, forcing, manipulating, struggling or fighting – it can show us all that we need to live enlightened lives.

And to reach this goal, ⁣the description that you can get from me with your Wheel of Colours can guide you to understand what you need and how you work in these different areas – so that you can begin to use this knowledge to thrive.

Again, we also all have the same colours, but we each have them in different fields, and they have a different meaning in each of these fields, so each wheel is unique and only works for us, as it describes our unique makeup, or blueprint in this lifetime.

The colours of the Wheel of Colours and their meaning

The way that the colours are arranged in our unique Wheel of Colours shows us what we need in each of the situations that the different fields stand for.

For example, my first colour is brown, the colour for physical action for the greater good, so to feel comfortable in a new situation I need to do something that is beneficial to all (who are also part of that situation). People who’s first colour is grey need to respect the new situation, or the people in that situation, people who’s first colour is red need to trust it, or the people, to adjust to it, and so on.

So, the different colours always have the same basic meaning, but of course, that plays out somewhat differently in each field. Below I will share the general meanings of the colours, as we each have to learn all the lessons these colours teach us, over the course of our lives, if we wish to live enlightened lives – even if we especially need these qualities in specific areas of our lives.

So, generally, Red stands for Trust, Passion & Confidence.

Yellow stands for Warmth, Authentic Connection & Support.

Blue stands for Intuition, Truth & Inner Knowing, Green, for Focus, Manifestation & Creative Power.

Pink stands for Creativity, Innovation & Unique Expression, White stands for Relationships & Conscious Connection, Purple stands for Completion, Fulfilment, Healing & Wholeness.

Orange is the colour for Learning, Experiencing & Teaching, Grey for Authenticity, Equality, Honour & Respect and Brown is the colour for Transformation and Practical & Physical Action.

Rose is the colour for Sensing, individuality & Honesty, Black is the colour for Meditation, Introspection & Reflection and the last one, Crystal, is the colour for Clarity, Transparency, Enlightenment & Mastery.

Basically, we are all made up of the same elements and abilities, we simply have them in different fields, so that our strengths and weaknesses come out differently, individually.

And this diversity is what enables us all to work and live well together – if we understand and can communicate our needs and abilities, so we can use them well for our own well-being and for the greater good for all.

Some things come easy to us, others not so much – you might have noticed that already.

Some things we only learn later in life, others we understand right away. The colours we have in the first six fields, are the ones we usually understand and have naturally, the ones in the last six fields we have to learn over the course of our lives.

And with this distribution, the Wheel of Colours gives us the clarity to know what we already have and need in different situations and what we still have to learn to make our lives easier and to allow for all that we wish for.

Once we’ve learned all the lessons, our lives begin to come into a flow state, and we can handle all obstacles with more ease. As each of the lessons of the colours are quite complex, though, this won’t happen in a day, or even a year, this is the work of a lifetime, what we were born to figure out in this lifetime, and so we look at one of the thirteen colours with each of the 13 chapters of the CREATRIX School – this way we can embrace them and open up to their teachings one by one.

So, like I said above, when we were looking at the different fields: we all need something specific like trust, respect, physical action, our intuition and so on to adjust to a new situation, for example.

In the same way, we can also look at the colours and see how these colours work for us.

Blue is the colour for intuition, and we all need to listen to our intuition, for example, but some of us can intuitively understand how to heal, others learn about the reality around them through their intuition, and others might need their intuition most to feel safe.

It’s always good to trust and have access to your intuition, but it’s especially good that you know you need to activate it in order to feel safe, if you have blue in field seven, or that you need it to heal, if you have blue in field four and so on.

We also all need to use our practical abilities, our creative power, our creativity, introspection and so on, but we might use these things differently in different areas of our lives and once we can see how and where we use and need these abilities, we can do this consciously and that’s what makes our lives a lot easier.

So get out your Wheel of Colours or order it from me now, so we can get started with today’s lesson and exercises.

Because we are going to look at our core, and our gifts and lessons and also use the Wheel of Colours to see how it can support us in resolving the issue we would like to resolve, that we became aware of from our birth chart and Numerology.

The goal of the chapter is to think about the purpose of life, which is to experience our lives fully as our unique selves, and to live a life full of joy, love and abundance – and this is precisely what the Wheel of Colours can help us with.

Through Astrology and Numerology, we had some help to discover some areas in our lives, where we are already naturally talented, and had the opportunity to recognize areas in our lives that don’t run super well yet – so we can begin to resolve them.

In the next week we will start thinking and talking about our unique calling, something that we also might be able to deduct from Astrology, Numerology and the Wheel of Colours, but we will also look at what other techniques we have available to find out more about that next week.

But to be able to not just know and understand our unique calling, but also to live it and fulfil it, we first need to find out how we can become all we can be, and so that we can do what we’re called to do without burning out, or sacrificing ourselves and other areas in our lives in the process.

And for that, we need to know how we can empower ourselves in any area of our lives, that is not running so smoothly yet. And for this, we will use the Wheel of Colours today.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.

Our Core

First, we will look at our core, the centre colour – field numb…

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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Why a gratitude Practice?

I think we’ve all heard, that knowing how to find balance, or inner peace, is the highest good in today’s world.

It’s actually valued higher than money because no money in the world can buy you inner peace.

Yet, we can all have it for free.

All we have to do for it is to stop trying to please others and just be ourselves and listen to our heart’s desires.

I feel extremely grateful that I figured out a way for myself to live in balance and experience inner peace, if not at all times, then at least at most times.

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Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School

This will be so much fun!
Every chapter is my favourite chapter, but this one is extra special.

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Are you ready to become (almost) fearless? And to open up to the joys of life? And to experience the natural flow of life?

Then let’s go! 💖

Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 2

Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 2

How would you like to grow?

In this lesson, we are diving into our desires and wishes and, most importantly, the questions we currently have about the world, our lives, and all there is.

Because this first week is about exploring where we are and getting to know ourselves better so that we can learn about in which direction we want to grow.

Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 3

Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 3

Letting go of fear

Today, we start freeing ourselves from some of the baggage we’ve been carrying around with us. Because we wish to be free, right?

And freedom lies in the moment between a trigger and our reaction – when we learn to be able to choose our reaction, then we are free to be and live however we choose and wish to, and in this lesson I will show you an easy trick that can help with that.

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 1

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 1

The Spiritual Laws & The Law of Projection

In this lesson, we begin to learn about the Spiritual Laws and how they can help us.

And we also think about how often we don’t even know that we ‘re not well, because we’ve never actually been well, and see how we can choose the surrounding influences, and stop what actually harms us more than it serves us, to allow us to become ourselves and feel better, more and more.

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 2

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 2

The Basic Laws of Life

In this chapter we go deeper into exploring the basic laws of life and how they can help us to creating a solid basis for our lives.

Because as we’ve learned in the past week to move into new and unknown territory, which we always do when we grow, can bring us out of balance and if the ground on which we’re standing is shaky and insecure already it becomes much harder to dare to move forward, as we don#t want to add more insecurity if we are already insecure.

So the stronger the foundation we stand and build our lives on the easier it becomes for us to dare to grow and move beyond what we and previous generations might have thought possible for themselves.

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Letting go of Resistance & Attachment

In this lesson, we explore resistance and attachment and how they keep us from making our dreams come true.

When we learn to relax and let go, we can allow for things to come to us.

It is a practice and can be really difficult. Because often we are much more used to trying to manipulate and influence things with our actions then actually being able to wait for things we desire to come to us.

Growth – Week 3 – Pt. 1

Growth – Week 3 – Pt. 1


In this lesson, we explore the laws of creation because they are the basis for our lives as CREATRIXES.

We learn a bit more about manifestation, how the laws of clarity and intention can help us and see what it means to be in the FLOW of life and what’s blocks it.

Are you ready to create your life?