Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.
What change have you created this month?
Dear Creatrix,
Take a moment to look around you.
What has changed since you started this course?
How do you feel in your home now?
We often think that this world is so complicated, that we have to deal with limiting circumstances – when really we are limiting ourselves, with the way we see things and ourselves.
Because what we see and focus on is our choice.
And I think we opened up many new options for ourselves in this chapter.
How do you see what you have or don’t have – now? And how did you see it before?
Do you see what you love or don’t love? And know how to invite in more of what you love?
When it comes to our homes, and everything else, really, as well, and we notice that we want to complain about something, it’s so worth coming back to the fact that we have a safe home – something other people might wish for, and to focus on that and all the other wonderful things we do have, so we can have more of that.
Or even just how much more we know about ourselves, our desires and needs, now, than we possibly ever did.
I recently saw a piece of an interview with Julia Roberts and Dolly Parton. In it Julia Roberts was talking about a time when she met Dolly Parton, in the summer, in the heat, and Dolly Parton was wearing her hair and make up – and she asked her if it wasn’t all too much and too annoying sometimes.
And Dolly replied: “I always wanted to be rich and famous and I sure as h*ll won’t complain about it now that I am.”
And Julia said, that in that moment, she thought she’s just going to be quiet and watch and learn for the rest of the day.
So maybe, you also want to remember that, whenever you would usually complain about family members or flat mates, neighbours or service providers.
Are you able to shift your focus now to seeing how wonderful it is that we have these people in our lives?
Other people may wish for that. We would wish for them, if we didn’t have them.
And the same is true for the opposite: When we feel like complaining about the emptiness in our homes or the people we’re missing, that too is something other people may wish for at times. Can you see the peace and quiet you have?
Whatever the situation, we always have a choice.
Either we make our peace with it or we change it – complaining, worrying or tolerating are no options, if we want to be healthy and happy – because they disempower us.
And we do always have the ability to change things if we want to, and if we don’t yet know how, we can ask for help.
You’ve learned all the tools you need for this, really, in this chapter. Just remember:
If we complain – we give our power away.
If we look away, ignore, suppress – we give our power to change something away as well, plus create extra baggage and chaos within.
So, in the last three weeks we looked at what we have, what we had and why we have what we have, and then we found new ways to look at old things, and we explored our desires and wishes. We took the power back to live with intention and consciously, because it has always been ours, we might have just temporarily forgotten.
And I think that really changed a lot, didn’t it?
Photo by KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA on Pexels.
Can you actually feel and see the changes and the good this month has done…