Photo by Arina Krasnikova on Pexels.
… and even more love for your home! ❤️
Dear Creatrix,
What a month it’s been so far! Now it’s time to go even deeper, one more time, before we start to integrate everything next week and then take things to the next level.
We’ve done a lot of work to come to terms with our homes because whether we decide to stay or go, we have to make peace with what is and know how to bring peace and love to any home that we live in.
Without it, we can move as often as we want and never be happy.
I always really loved my homes. Because I always put a lot of love into them. Moving into new places is incredibly exciting to me because it opens up so much room for creativity.
But if we move to run away from unresolved issues, it won’t work and the issues will continue to appear, maybe in different forms, but they will be with us until we do resolve them.
The only place where our happiness comes from, where our love comes from, is our internal world – and whatever we have going on there, is what we see reflected in the world around us.
So, we will go and dig a little deeper to discover even more of the love we carry inside to let it be reflected on the outside, in our homes, today.
For this, I’ll invite you to take yourself to your favourite shopping street or to go to one that you’ve always thought about going to but haven’t been yet or in a while.
Don’t go to the mall, don’t go to the city centre, where you find only chains and big companies.
Go to that street where the shop owners hand-select what they offer.
Got to the college area, to the second hand shops and flea markets, and follow your bliss and curiosity. Try some new food on the way.
Smell different things, feel different textures, and see what catches your attention.
Photo by Heather B on Pexels.
You don’t have to buy anything now. Just see what could bring new impulses and a deeper sense of wel…