Home – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.



Dear Creatrix,

How do you feel in your home today?

I’ve asked you a lot of questions and hopefully shattered some illusions in the last lesson, so you can move on in a way that will actually work and bring you the results you desire.

So let’s take a breath because it is really earth-shattering work.

And as a treat, today we will move on to the more practical aspects, again because no matter what your plans are, whether you want to stay or go, this will make your life so much better and easier.

I just wanted to share one thing with you, before we continue.

And I want to start here: I’m a feeling person. I now know this to be a gift, and I am learning to use this in the best possible way, but in the past this has often been overwhelming.

Because of it, I feel many things when I enter somebody’s home. I’m also a curious and attentive person, and reading someone’s home is a secret passion of mine.

Looking into people’s houses as well – it’s a great pastime in winter when it gets dark out early (where I live, as it changes, and when it’s brighter outside as inside, it’s harder to look in 😉 ).

And I’ve also felt a lot of magic coming from different houses. I don’t know what you fantasized about as a child, or what you were dreaming about, but I looked at people’s houses and imagined the lives they had. And the houses I enjoyed looking at the most – were the ones that felt alive, where I could see the love, feel the love and could tell that people did things intentionally and not just as a task.

Now, very few people I knew growing up had houses like that. Or, most probably, no one. I admired those from a far, and it was always a dream to live and create a house like that for myself in the future.

It’s just one of these things, and passions I was born with, and maybe also, why I wanted to become an architect, but I’ll tell you more about that at a later point.

In my reality, this admiration for beauty and luxury, intention and love made me feel out of place, and really like I didn’t belong where I was.

I felt I was being very judgemental and critical and didn’t understand why everyone around me was so tasteless (but I would have never said it out loud), and at the same time I was so used to seeing things that didn’t fulfil me aesthetically, that I learned to ignore my judgement, and learned not to care at all about what was around me, over time. I suppressed my natural desires and interest and adjusted to what was.

Also, because I saw and experienced that love can be present in not very aesthetically pleasing houses.

I religiously read about interior design though, and rearranged my room and built myself furniture (because my parents didn’t feel like buying me the designer furniture I fancied) and my mum also had a great job to fire my interest:

She had a small travel agency, and at a time when that was still legal and possible, she helped people rent out their private houses in Spain.

This meant that we got to stay in some of these houses and also looked at different houses, mostly beach houses, or beautifully renovated farms or fincas, many of them full of love, taste, beautifully designed and charmingly built, during all of our holidays or vacations.

And so I started dreaming about one day renovating an old house myself, because I am the magical, mystical being I am, and I like the energies in old houses much better than in newly built houses.

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.

And that dream did come true when I moved to the countryside in 2021 to help a friend, who had inherited an old farm house from…

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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