Home – Week 1 – Pt. 2

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.



Dear Creatrix,

In the last lesson, we saw that our homes play an essential role in our lives, and for our physical and mental well-being. Like our clothes, they keep us warm and protect us from certain environmental influences. Like our clothes, they are also an element in our lives that can express our souls.

We live in interesting times because everything is changing. But then, everything has and will always be changing and so all times are interesting, I suppose 🙂 .

Don’t you think that most of the time we think that our situation is so unique, until we hear somebody describe the exact same thing?

I also think that we always believe that we live in the most challenging times, yet they might only be the most challenging times we know.

We don’t really believe things were less challenging during the world wars or when women weren’t allowed to vote, or buy something on their own, or even decide whether they wanted to work or not, or during colonial times or even after 9-11, do we?

We were just in a different position and might not have felt the same responsibility, or weren’t alive.

The uncertainty and insecurity we feel when it comes to changes in our environment are not due to the changing circumstances, and what is actually going on, though we may perceive it that way, but are caused by our own insecurities and our inability to find certainty within ourselves.

And to find this certainty within and for ourselves is the aim of the CREATRIX School. So that we can learn to handle outside circumstances calmly, generously, confidently and from a place of inner knowing and stability that is fuelled by love.

Because once we have that – there’s no reason to be afraid of the outside world any more.

Isn’t that true? And if you have insecurities here, and have not taken the PURPOSE course yet, then maybe start there, or go there next – because it changes everything when we know who we are and why we live our lives, and when we allow ourselves to make conscious choices accordingly.

Because while earlier generations did not have the freedom or need to question everything, many of us, now, do.

And because we don’t necessarily feel obligated to follow any rules, obligations or traditions when it comes to how we want to live – we have the opportunity to completely (re)invent our lives.

Yet, the options may also easily seem overwhelming, so often we end up choosing something, or just going with what unfolds, without ever really being clear about our why or taking the time to check if it is really the right thing for us, and not just what happened or a rebellion, or something we do to please others after all.

But we can pause for a second now, and check in.

Some of us live in cities, others in villages, the desert, the Arctic or in the woods. Some of us live alone, with or without animals, in shared housing communities, as families, biological or chosen.

And Families come in so many wonderful combinations these days, as well, that that alone can mean a myriad of different combinations in itself:

Two parents with children or three parents with children. Parents living in different places and children staying with each parent at different times.

One parent with a child, or children. One parent, with other single parents and children. One parent, and child, and other people without children.

However, we choose or end up living, and however you live now or how you would like to live in the future, it’s essential to become conscious about what you do and why, to make confident decisions for the highest good of all – and so that you can thrive and be happy about your life and your choices.

And in the CREATRIX School we open up to this awareness by finding out what our fears, wishes and our desires are, by trying things out, testing them and only deciding, once our body says: yes! Until then, we try some more.

I’ve mentioned this in the preparation, and we will come to this again and again: The CREATRIX School is your invitation to look at every area of your life with an open mind.

And to do this with pleasure, purposefully, with the intention of growing beyond what you know and believe to be possible for yourself.

Once we begin trying something new and like it, we can adjust it so that it becomes truly our own.

Even if this is not how you’ve approached your life so far, it’s worth trying out, isn’t it?

We will apply this to our lives in general over the course of this year, while focusing on a different aspect each month in the CREATRIX School.

So, while our world may be constantly changing, we will look to find clarity about our own path, our unique strengths, wishes and needs so we can come back to them during any changing or challenging situation we find ourselves in and resolve any insecurity we encounter, now and in the future.


And I wouldn’t say it’s hard either, but it takes patience and the ability to go step by step, which is why most courses that only last for a week or a month or even a weekend might inspire us and give us new impulses, but rarely create lasting change, unless we continue to invest our time and effort to integrate what we’ve learned into our lives.

And if bringing up continuous effort wasn’t difficult enough, we also have to deal with the fact that while some of our ideas and wishes are obvious, others still drive our actions, but are completely unconscious to us.

Our ideas about a happy or successful life have often been formed when we were growing up and can, unknowingly to us, remain stuck with what we’ve learned from our parents or grandparents or TV commercials, teachers, friends, or whatever information we had access to when we were growing up.

Which leads to situations in which we now (think we) are making our choices independently, yet we are really driven by these unconscious beliefs, which don’t lead us to our unique happiness but to what others believed to be right.

So, what we consciously want and believe in and what our subconscious mind tells us to do, does not have to be the same and can lead to an internal conflict without our knowing.

All we may notice is that we don’t feel happy or at peace, or that something is bothering us, or is not as we wish it would be, or we may find ourselves at a constant search for something else, or a dissatisfaction with our situation, or the inability to create the changes we want, without ever knowing why.

Sometimes we do (or think we do) know why we don’t feel completely happy or very unhappy about our homes or any other situation, yet we simply don’t know what to do about it.

Does any of this sound familiar? Do you feel completely happy with your living situation – yet?

Or do you think there might be room for improvement? Then we will bring in a lot more clarity in the next four weeks. We will take a good look at the reasons for all of what I’ve just mentioned, and then figure out what to do about it.

There is a chance that bringing so much clarity into our lives will cause a stress reaction. I know that feeling very well and have been there again and again.

When that happens, take a break and take a breath.

Breathe in for four to five seconds, hold your breath for a second, and then breathe out for one second more than you were breathing in. Repeat this until you feel completely calm.

Now come back to YOUR why.

Why are you taking this course, what changes do you want to see in your life? What’s going to bring more joy into your life: keeping things as they are or daring to change things?

Change can be scary, and our bodies might rebel and not want us to change.

Yet, only you have the power to decide to continue or not to continue, to change or not to change and when the time is right for that.

If you want to stay with what’s comfortable, that’s fine, or if you don’t have the capacities at this moment, wait until you do. But the magic always happens outside our comfort zone.

Why are we talking about our homes in this chapter? Because if we wish to embark on a journey to become our best selves, to find true well-being in all areas of our lives, to get out of stress, overwhelm and anxiety and to open up to new experiences, to become more adventurous, present and loving – it’s good to have a safe place to start from and to return to.


This course is designed to bring you more clarity about your life and to enable you to take action in whichever way you desire to do so.

For that reason, we will question what is and why, see what we don’t need any more, and then find ways to put things back together in a way that brings us what we are actually looking for.

From here we may calmly and freely experience ourselves and fill every area of our lives with love.

Life becomes much easier if we don’t have to rethink or question everything all the time.

In this course we will question once, deeply, so we have answers that serve us and bring a sense of calm into our lives.

Eventually, we might outgrow the answers and solutions we find now.

But as we will bring clarity and stability into every area of our lives, that will become part of the fun of life and not a threat, as we have already created and experienced a sense of calm and peace, and know, in our bones, that we can trust our inner voice and that we are able to create the changes we desire – even when our desires or circumstances change.

Today, we will start to create this basis: Your home base. The place for you to start from and to come back to. The place that will make you feel safe and completely comfortable.

For this, you will be asked to make some inquiries to bring in your clarity and to resolve inner conflicts, by journaling and through contemplation. In addition to that, we will also do some practical work.

Remember, knowledge that’s not in the boners is just a rumour.

Another benefit of creating sustainable changes and opportunities for growth in your home, is, that the changes you create here, will be visible and can function as a daily reminder for you, that change is possible.

I hope you will enjoy this course, I surely enjoyed coming up and trying all of these things myself and preparing this course for you.


Photo by different photographers on Pexels.


A home is a place to come back to, to feel comfortable, safe, and a place where we can really be ourselves. A place where we can be free and open up to all our desires and wishes, where we …

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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