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Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School
Dear Creatrix,
I’m super excited to welcome you to this new chapter in the CREATRIX School.
In the last chapter, we talked about how we can grow and contribute, build and create in the best possible ways in our communities. We looked at the archetypes we embody, when we’re at our best and at our worst and we learned how to learn from others, and how to use triggers and judgement for growth, expansion, love, healing and joy.
Starting today, and for the next four weeks, we remove our focus from the world around us to turn to our most private places – our homes.
And we will turn our homes into sanctuaries and/or see if it’s time for a change of location.
As the first week of each chapter in the CREATRIX School is all about assessing where we are, so we can let go of what doesn’t serve us any more, to make room for more of what we do want, we will open this chapter by looking at our current homes and checking in with ourselves to see how happy we are with them and, possibly, where we are in life.
But before we do that, let’s ask ourselves this: Why is it so important to think about our homes?
I think, if you are here, you understand that we are interdependent. We need loving and kind contact with other people to be happy (at least after we’ve healed our traumas enough to be able to be around other people and relax) – but we also interact with other living (trees, animals, plants) and non-living things (like our homes and furniture – which are clearly full of energy as well).
Our home, our environment, has a big impact on our well-being and the more love we put into the spaces we are in, the more love(d) we feel.
And so, whether we feel safe, relaxed and welcome, maybe even inspired, in our homes, plays a role in how we feel every day and thus has an impact on how we are and what, we think, is possible for us, every day.
Another wonderful bonus we get when turning our homes into our sanctuaries is – that we can actually see these changes – as most of the changes we create in the CREATRIX School are less visible, as they happen in our minds.
Homes, decorating and architecture, are some of my most favourite topics, and they are deeply connected to one of my callings as well (which I didn’t share with you in the PURPOSE chapter, but which I might share it with you in this one).
So, I’m very excited about this, and I hope you are too. It’s going to be a fun, practical, theoretical and most probably enlightening experience, and you will have the possibility to really rethink a lot of the things you might have taken for granted until now.
And of course, there’s a playlist to go with this chapter as well, which you can listen to here:
The first one is a question, and the question goes like this:
Do you feel like this is your forever home, or the home for your foreseeable future?
And then, let’s have a look at the two Source Archetypes and the question if our answer is based on fear or love.
Fear would be: Because I will never be able to afford to move somewhere else.
Or: I wouldn’t know where else to live or to start on my own somewhere else, and so on.
Love would be: I picked this pl…