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Dear Creatrix,
Wow, we’ve learned a lot already, haven’t we? How are you today?
This course, this chapter of the CREATRIX School, is about our personal growth and balancing our lives – and about doing it right.
Based on the laws that actually work and which have vibrated this world and all of us into existence, and not the rules and laws we were taught to function and conform to a society and a life that is not for our or anyone’s highest good, and which leave us disempowered and sick.
The state of our world, the violence, and the pain that is being inflicted on so many people, that we are all inflicting on each other and ourselves, shows that we all need more balance and certainty about what is right and what is wrong, now, more than ever.
And it is up to us to create the changes we would like to see in our own lives – and with that – to open up the possibility to inspire others.
If you haven’t done it yet, read the article about the two Source Cards of my upcoming Archetypes Oracle Card Deck again because no matter in which direction we move, what we want to achieve, we have to act for the highest good of all – otherwise it’s not for our own good either.
As I slowly discovered over the course of my life, for most people it is incredibly difficult to know what the most beneficial action for all would be – I somehow always knew, and as it is with things that come to us naturally, we think these are natural to all of us, until we see that we are each special and come with our unique gifts and challenges.
So, whether you know this automatically, or not, or whether you always did know, like me, but were educated to act otherwise, it’s still difficult to unlearn all we’ve learned at once and come back to our true and inner knowing – or to discover it for the first time.
And because of that, it helps to check in whether our decisions are based on love, not fear (on expansion, and not on avoidance), because when we do, chances are high that we will be making the best decision for all – and if not, we can learn from our experience and grow and do better next time.
Nothing is ever lost, and we always spiral up, if we allow ourselves to learn from our mistakes and try again, instead of punishing ourselves with shame and guilt and giving up or just staying where we are.
And remember, if you want to be less driven by fear and your ego, your highest self, the part of you that is connected to the collective consciousness, to all there is, all wisdom, all knowing, our past, present and future – does know and will be delighted to guide you – but you have to ask and allow, as we’ve learned.
And, when we are looking to manifest something, we can let go of the responsibly to make that judgement altogether, by asking for our wishes to be fulfilled in a way that is for the greatest good of all, and let our highest self take over, to make the perfect decisions – by letting go of the attachment to a specific outcome and concentrating on the way we want to feel instead of the thing or person we want to have.
Yet, sometimes, as human beings, we’re also in a position in which we have to act immediately or quite soon and here it can be incredibly helpful to use tools, such as Oracle Cards, to assist us.
They are basically a translation tool, or a shortcut to communicate with our highest self.
Yesterday, I explained it to a friend like this: “When you intuitively pick a card from an Oracle Card Deck, you let your highest self decide. Your highest self knows exactly what’s on all the cards, and what you need to hear so you can move in the best possible direction.”
So when we pick cards we let our highest self, which can understand the big picture of all things, provide us with information about where we are in life and what we need to know/do.
Does that make sense?
We also established this as a practice in the PURPOSE chapter, so check that out if you’d like to dive into this deeper.
The same is true when we pick the numbers for the Wheel of Colours. We don’t know what we are doing, and what the numbers stand for, so we are not interfering with the numbers our highest self is choosing for us – which creates exactly the right outcome corresponding to how the Wheel of Colour works, to guide us.
So, we have different ways, of interacting with our subconscious, and we are familiar with a few of them already.
Our dreams can let us know a lot about our subconscious as well, or our muscles, when we do muscle testing or use a pendulum, and so all we have to do is use these tools to learn more about ourselves, and use this information without judgement, as an evaluation of where we currently are in life and then decide what we wish for instead, create an image, and if we like, ask for guidance about how to get there.
Because we now know that if we ask, we can connect to our highest self and our guides, so they can help us work with what we have and direct us in our growth and then help us attract what we wish for instead – yet we first have to know where we are and that we can know, by learning to read what’s around us.
And as with everything, the more we practice this, the easier it becomes.
And before we continue, I want us to explore what it means to act for the highest good of all, to make sure we all know what we’re talking about here and what that can look like in practice.
Like I said, this is something I, and I think many other people always knew, whereas others don’t – and one is not better than the other – we are each born with different qualities so that we can all learn from each other, but in case you don’t know, I would like to make sure you understand.
Acting for the highest good of all can sometimes be terribly hard because it can mean breaking people’s hearts, and your own, when you see, or the cards or your guides tell you, that the energies coming together lead you into unhappiness – and not to creating something beautiful and something that is for the highest good of all.
It can mean not taking a job opportunity that seems perfect from a human perspective because your gut tells you not to, and that decision resulting in staying with insecurity and not knowing what will be your future or the confusion of others, but hanging in there until you do understand.
It means giving up control and trusting, really trusting the higher knowing, even when you don’t understand.
Because this will lead you to an outcome, better than you might imagine for yourself, the best possible outcome – if that’s also what you wish for, for yourself.
But it’s a choice, one that, if we make it consciously, can lead us to our best destiny. But we do not have to choose that and not all are ready yet, to make that choice. Which is fine.
We all are where we are.
I still always smile when I think back to a person I met last year, who looked at me with so much confusion, and said: “You’re not very practical, are you?”
And I thought about this for a long time because I felt I was, and that I am a very practical person – but upon trying to see what she saw, I realized that my practical may be different from other people’s practical, as I’m not interested in quick or superficial solutions, or agreeing to things just to keep the peace – when they are going against what’s the highest good of all, but that most other people don’t nave the ability to see all the complexities of life at once and therefore can only react to what they do see – now.
It is what made my life very difficult as long as I was trying to fit in.
I didn’t understand why people would just do something quickly, instead of resolving the problem where it originated, because I did not understand not everyone can see where it originates.
Over the time I learned that being able to see that is a gift I have, and as we are all here to share our gifts, I’m trying to learn how to communicate these things better.
Because when we just resolve things quickly and on the surface, or just agree to things to please or appease others, we have to deal with the things again and again, whereas if you do the harder work now, of identifying the core, and resolving things there (not just for yourself, but possibly for all) then life will be easier and freer forever.
When you do things superficially, and just brush over the pain or problem, and don’t take responsibility for it, you keep it alive and have to deal with it again and again in a quick and superficial way forever, so you prolong the situation forever, have a little constant pain, not enough to disturb you, but a constant nuisance, that distracts you from enjoying everything else fully ALL YOUR LIFE, instead of going through and past it head on to be free forever – this is the definition of hell for me.
But we’re all different, and we can each find our own ways of dealing with these things better as we grow.
And the sooner we bring this to our conscious awareness, and see that these are choices we have, the better.
What’s for the highest good of all might not be pleasant or nice or beautiful or painless, in the moment, but it will elevate you to a new level and state of being, that, in my experience, is always worth it.
It’s like avoiding pain. I’m always happy when I have pain because it directs me to what needs to heal. When we avoid it or silence it with painkillers, it never heals, and we have to deal with it until we finally decide to face the cause and heal the source. Again, choices, that we have to make when we are ready.
So just take this with you on your journey and see where you are with things as you travel through life.
We will not be able to heal it all at once, sometimes we don’t have the time, the energy or the capacity, and the time will come when we are ready for it. I can’t do it all at once either, even if I can see it.
But just be consciously aware that if you keep just superficially solving things or making due with what is, it will come back again and again until you do take the time to resolve it and if you don’t take this time willingly, your body will eventually make you take the time in one way or another.
That is life and what we’re dealing with here.
Reaching the highest good of all and coming to a place of deep inner joy and bliss, is by going through the river, by going into the pain and healing it until there’s only love left.
We find it by feeling deeply, crying, fighting, struggling and learning, growing, failing and getting back up again and trying again and again until we figure it out.
And the more we do, the more we can see how much more beautiful life becomes each time we make it to the other side.
Again, always your choice.
But let’s get back to the topic. Where are we now?
After the Basic Laws of Life, which we looked at in the last week, we had a closer look at the Laws of Creation in the last lesson, and today we will familiarize ourselves with the Laws of Higher Awareness.
These nine laws include the Law of Balance and Polarity, the Law of Karma, the Law of Reincarnation, the Law of Responsibility, the Law of Discrimination, the Law of Affirmation, the Law of Prayer, the Law of Meditation and the Law of Challenge.
So, let’s see what we can learn here, and then I will also introduce our ritual for this chapter, which will help us to get even more familiar with our subconscious world.
Photo by on Pexels.
To get more familiar with the Laws of Higher Awareness, we will start here: