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The Spiritual Laws & The Law of Projection
Dear Creatrix,
How was it to work through your fears? And what did you find on the other side? Did you manage to catch yourself and were you able to replace some of them before allowing them to unfold fully?
One of the things, that, I think, is hardest for many people is to break out of a system in which they have been raised. I know I had my own struggles with this.
When the Coronavirus came around, I think it was a turning point for many of us. While I still lived in Berlin in the beginning, I moved to the countryside soon after and that change of location also changed my perspective a lot.
I had the opportunity to really distance myself from everything I had ever known, living in an old farm house with only my two dogs. I changed my routines, I changed what I saw and experienced, I heard different sounds.
And I stopped watching or listening to the news soon after the war in Ukraine started, because the impact the news had on my mental health was just too big, and I’ve never once regretted it or missed it.
But I have grown up listening to the news and ‘staying informed’ and have done that for almost 40 years of my life – and if we’ve never lived any other way, we don’t even know how much something influences us until we stop it.
I also didn’t know how bad my health, especially my gut health, was, until I learned about Ayurveda and changed my eating habits. Before I did, I thought everything was fine, because I didn’t know anything else, and it was only after I changed my diet, that I realized how badly I had felt ALL MY LIFE, because of my eating habits, without even knowing that I could feel better.
The same was true about the impact listening to or watching the news had on my mental health – I didn’t know how bad it was until I stopped – and saw how much better I can feel.
Many people I see and meet think they are fine – because they’ve never in their life felt good, they’ve never in their lives been free of fear or safe to be themselves and loved unconditionally.
So, in a way, we often don’t even know that something is wrong, because it is our normal state of being.
And what makes this even harder is that it’s not just that we don’t know how much better life could be – from experience – most people around us don’t know either.
That way we all keep reassuring ourselves that what we have to go through, the things we have to do and experience, is the normal human experience, when it’s not – it’s just one possible way of living, that we’ve created and keep recreating – until we’ve had enough and decide that we want to break out and create abetter reality for ourselves.
And if we want to find new ways, we have to make them up from scratch, we have to enter new territories for ourselves and for the upcoming generation and that can be quite scary because it’s a journey into the unknown.
Our ancestors did this by migrating physically (at least some of them in the more recent generations) all of them at some point in the history of humanity. We can do it by simply changing the way we think, speak and act.
Yet, when we do, when we change our diet to feel better, when we stop listening to those who benefit from division, when we consciously choose who we listen to and interact with and what we allow near us and what not – the changes that start to happen are so incredible. And one will automatically lead us to the next.
Until we can finally find peace, and redefine ourselves in love and joy and abundance.
And switching off the news, and turning away from common discourses, never means to turn away from care, love and compassion for the world. It just means taking care of ourselves first, so we can make conscious choices and use our energies well and wisely – and that we can no longer be manipulated into doing things and living lives that serve others, but not ourselves.
And not consuming news regularly doesn’t mean that the necessary information doesn’t reach us anyway, if we stay in touch with people who also live in our world, but also when we use our senses, and begin to trust them again to guide us.
We will talk about this in the integration chapter as well, the more we switch off the information that tells us how things are, the more we can come back to feeling how things really – which we block by letting others tell us about it.
In 2023, when I first wrote this chapter, with what was and still is going on in Israel and Palestine, I didn’t even need anyone to tell me anything, I felt it in my bones, my body, my energy – everywhere, and I was and am so sad for the suffering and fear so many people experience, so I wrote this:
“The world is in flames again, and I wonder when people will see that there is no enemy, but the one within.
If we fight another person, we fight an unhealed part of ourselves.
There is no you and me. Just we.
We might look differently, have had different experiences, but that’s just our bodies.
Our soul, and truest essence, knows we’re all one and already loves the one we think we hate.
There is no death, there are no sides, but in our minds.
All there is, is our current experience, the present moment and what we make of it.
What do you do to love yourself right now?
So you can love ALL other people?
It’s the only thing we can do.
Love yourself. Love who you think you hate. Because what you hate about that other person is a part of yourself. Heal. Love. Forgive. Create art. Write a song, take a walk, call a friend.
Feel your feelings, scream, cry and let it all out. The devastation, frustration.
And then come back to love.
It’s the only thing that is real.
It’s the only thing that can heal.
It’s what you truly are.
You are love.
You are loved.
I also had a very interesting revelation some hours later, when I did a guided meditation to remove some of my ancestral baggage.
In this meditation, I saw myself as a child, looking for guidance and someone who knew what they were doing and why, and I realized that there were probably not very many people who ever knew what they were doing and why.
They were all just guessing the best they could. Allowing one question and problem to simply lead to the next.
Trying to put out fires and keep up all day long.
We’ve all been raised to react instead of create.
We are the beautiful ones who can end this, though. And it takes a lot of courage, and the willingness to consciously take the time to reflect, when we are told there is none, if we want to break out of that system and choose something else, so we can be the way showers for others as well.
It’s so wonderful that that’s what you’re doing.
Because it will make your life so much better and also the lives of all those that your life touches from now on.
When we move from being a regular person to becoming a CREATRIX we move from reacting to the circumstances to creating them.
And for that, we have to recognize that we are the most important person in our lives – that we don’t have to answer the questions and requests of others, but that we can request and ask, and fulfil our own destiny and answer our own questions.
And while we can find the answers to some of the questions we might have in books, on the internet or by talking to and listening to other people, the answers to the most pressing and personal questions we often only find within ourselves.
To hear them, we need to slow down, though, get quiet, meditate and listen.
And then also act on the answers we get – and enjoy them.
Because often, at least that’s my reoccurring experience, they are lighter and more fun, kinder and more loving, than anything most people around us say, recommend – or know.
The guidance is in a high frequency – following our best and highest wishes, encouraging us to enjoy yourself – to do only what feels good – for many, for me for sure, that’s quite contrary, to what we’ve been brought up with.
Like I said above, we will have to make our future up from scratch if we want to create a more equal, kinder and more loving world, or at least experience and contribute to one.
But we don’t have to do all the work ourselves.
Diana Cooper has written a wonderful book called The Golden Future. It is based on what she found inside herself, channelled messages and wisdom, and I can only recommend listening to it or reading it, because it is so incredibly good.
It’s filled with light and love and a perspective, a golden future, to live for. In this golden future, we all live together in peace, use natural healing methods, and work together for the greatest good of all. And the book shows what that would look like.
Because, as we already know, without a clear image of what we are looking for, it will be difficult to create anything and this book is gifting us an image of how this could work, so we don’t have to make it all up ourselves.
And with more and more people focusing on what we want and not what we don’t want, it can and will be possible to create that peaceful future, if only for ourselves, and we will learn more about how we can contribute to that in this and in the next few lessons and in the CREATRIX School in general.
Photo by FURKAN GÜNEŞ on Pexels.
Last week, we’ve already seen that looking at what we’ve …