Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 2

Photo by Snapwire on Pexels.


How would you like to grow?

Dear Creatrix,

I hope you are arriving and becoming more familiar with this new topic.

How was it to look at your fears? Your uncertainties and your insecurities? And where you need balance and how you’d like to grow?

In the introduction, I asked you a few questions about your life right now, and as this first week is all about evaluating our current situation – I would like for you to really sit down and answer them as well.

I will do the same and share my answers with you here, as often reading someone else’s answers can inspire us to go deeper.

But I would genuinely like to encourage you to write down your answers before you read mine so that you also feel free to do things your way and don’t feel directed in any way.

After that, read mine and see if there’s something you would like to add. And of course, I’d love to hear about your thoughts and ideas as well. If you like, you can share your thoughts and what comes up or ask questions in the comments section below or in our Facebook group.

Here are the questions again:

► How often do you allow yourself to take a moment and reflect on your life? Are you happy where you are?

► Are you looking forward to what will come, whatever it may be – because you know who you are and that you will thrive under any circumstances?

► If not, then is it time to start to learn what only a few know and use so far, but what we can all benefit from immensely, if we want to enjoy the rest of our lives?

► And now think about your current life. What do you like about it, what do you think you are doing really well?

► Where are you winning, and what do you enjoy?

► What do you love about your life?

► And then take a moment to think about the things that worry you or stress you.

► When do you feel sad? Unhappy? Overwhelmed? Helpless?

► Are you ready to let (some of) that go?

► Would you like to change some or all of these things that worry and stress you and begin to feel better and more empowered more often in more or even all areas of your life? So you have more time and space for the things you love, or to discover more things you would love to do or explore?

And then here are my answers:

► How often do you allow yourself to take a moment and reflect on your life? Are you happy where you are?

Most of my days are quite busy, and when I’m done with work and other chores, I do always take time to reflect on what I’m doing, but to really reflect on and open up to reflect on my whole life, I don’t do often enough.

I am incredibly happy where I am, though. What I often notice and pay attention to are the things that I haven’t fully worked out yet, the things that could still be better, but I’m also a 100% aware that my life has never been better.

I never felt more safe to be me, I never knew more about the world and how it works, and I feel so much more confident than I ever felt – because I trust my abilities and gifts, and I am excited to use them more and more every day.

So there is much room for growth, but I’m also happy where I am.

► Are you looking forward to what will come, whatever it may be – because you know who you are and that you will thrive under any circumstances?

Yes, I am. And that feels like quite a huge step for me because I have been afraid of the future and the world all my life.

At the beginning of the war in Ukraine, a country I lived, loved and learned in for two years, I wrote down some thoughts, and also more about my fears in the past.

I grew up in the same house with my grandmother who survived WWII and my great-grandmother who survived WWI & II and their stories, of hunger and fear, losing family members and so much more, the fear of having nothing to eat, of bombs, of battle is so deep in my bones, even though I’ve never experienced it myself. I heard the stories so many times though, and I’m a sensitive and empathetic being, that it does feel like I lived through it myself.

And I grew up in the Cold War. And what I was told was that we could all be killed at any time, I was raised knowing there was an alcoholic president in Russia who had the power to push a button, and blow us all up at any moment.

I lived with that constant fear as well.

And every night I prayed with all my heart that we may live. But I was scared. Every day, all my childhood and beyond.

When I was eight or nine, one of my classmates died, in an accident, falling off a tree, playing.

And I couldn’t sleep for weeks because death came so close. I just thought if he can die, I can die, and I could only fall asleep in the room where I could see the sky and the stars because they somehow reassured me that all will be well, when no one else could.

But all of this also sent me on a journey to look for meaning, to understand what this life is about, and so I’m incredibly grateful for that fear, as it pushed me to look for answers.

And while it took me 40 years to find them, I now know and can say full-heartedly that there’s nothing I need to be afraid of.

I know where I come from and what I’m meant to do (and if you don’t know that yet, then you can either take the PURPOSE course now, before you continue here, or at a later time, to find out why you are here and what your purpose is in life).

And I guess, for me, opening up to talking to spirits and that way gaining the knowledge and understanding that death is not the end, and our life just a short adventure in form, helps to gain perspective and to know that noting bad can really happen, as death is nothing to be feared but a return to where we came from – and that is super freeing I find.

But I used to know little and had a lot of fear, and then I learned more about how the world works and who we really are and with everything that I learned the fear, that I was taught, subsided.

► If not, then is it time to start to learn what only a few know and use so far, but what we can all benefit from immensely, if we want to enjoy the rest of our lives?

Well, I’m here to teach this to you because I know about the difference it makes.

And as life is so incredibly kind, I would like to share a bit of a conversation I had with someone yesterday because I think it can illustrate the shift we are about to make very well.

The person I talked to has been self-employed for a while, and they work in a creative field and have a unique style that I love. And as we were talking about the future (this wasn’t a coaching client, just someone I know) I assumed that they would be working on their unique positioning so that they can do more of what they love for the people who love their work, and ask for higher prices because they know how unique and special their work is and by sharing it and specializing they can attract more of their dream clients – but they responded in a very different way:

“My experience has shown me that that’s not what’s asked for, and most of the time I need to make things the way my clients or their legal or marketing department want them to be.”

We didn’t really have the opportunity to continue our conversation from there, but it stayed with me the whole day – because I had forgotten about learning from experience – which is such a bad guide, and here is why:

We create our realities because of what we believe and what we think.

So our experiences are the results of our beliefs, if we don’t change our beliefs, we can expect to have the same experiences. But we can also change our experiences by changing our beliefs, as our experiences don’t show us the reality per se, but the results of our beliefs.

We will get deeper into this when we look at the actual spiritual laws.

But when we use our reality as a guide, we stay stuck.

So instead, we have to find out what we want, and then we can make that our new reality, by learning from those who already have what we want and by changing our beliefs about who we are.

Again, this is what we will be practising this month, so this will become your new normal as well soon enough.

But basically, what we are aiming for is a shift in cause and effect.

We’ve been taught to adjust to our circumstances, to fit in and to deal with what is, and that if we don’t follow the rules we get punished.

And what we will learn is who we are, how to centre ourselves in that and then create our reality from there.

That way, we will move from feeling like we have to react or adjust to our circumstances to realizing that we are creating them, and can therefore also change them – any time and in any way we wish.

It’s exciting, isn’t it? It’s all about becoming a true CREATRIX.

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on Pexels.

I really love the picture above with the girl looking into the box with a light in it.


🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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Yet, we can all have it for free.

All we have to do for it is to stop trying to please others and just be ourselves and listen to our heart’s desires.

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Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School

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Then let’s go! 💖

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The Spiritual Laws & The Law of Projection

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Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 2

Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 2

The Basic Laws of Life

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Growth – Week 2 – Pt. 3

Letting go of Resistance & Attachment

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We learn a bit more about manifestation, how the laws of clarity and intention can help us and see what it means to be in the FLOW of life and what’s blocks it.

Are you ready to create your life?

Growth – Week 3 – Pt. 2

Growth – Week 3 – Pt. 2


Today, we will explore the laws of higher awareness, as they help us to understand more about the world and how it works.

We will explore the law of balance and polarity and how we need to have all options to be able to choose what we want, and to guide us back into balance.

We also learn about the law of responsibility, as it really enables us to be free, and the law of affirmation, as it can help us to grow into the person we wish to become.

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Home – Week 1 – Pt. 2


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But we can pause for a second and check in.

Because however, we choose to live or end up living, and however you live now or how you would like to live in the future, it’s essential to become conscious about what you do and why, to make confident decisions for the highest good of all – and so that you can thrive and be happy about your life and your choices.

And that’s what we will begin to do in this lesson.

Home – Week 1 – Pt. 3

Home – Week 1 – Pt. 3


Today, we’ll start looking at our current homes and see if we can detect some patterns of things that we’ve experienced in our past that we can also see in our current homes.

Because in the same way that we encounter the same issues we might have already had with our parents in every new relationship we’re in until we resolve them, the same way we may encounter the same issues in every house we move into until we resolve them.

So what do you like about your home and what bothers you?

And how does this relate to your past?