Growth – Week 1 – Pt. 1

Photo by Christian Diokno on Pexels.


Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School

Dear Creatrix,

I’m super excited to welcome you to this new chapter in the CREATRIX School. I know that I say that every time, but it’s always true.

Each chapter focuses on a necessary aspect of our lives that we are going to make so much more joyful in the next few weeks – and each of these chapters is special and filled with a lot of love and beauty.

In the last chapter, we looked at our homes and how we (would) like to live, what matters to us and then we began to fill our homes with love and intention, so our homes can take care of us, as much as we take care of them. And we also worked with manifestation there, to help us move into the home of our dreams.

Starting today, and for the next four weeks, we will turn our focus to our inner most being.

Because we hold the whole world, the whole universe, access to all there is, within ourselves.

We have a tendency to look for help, for answers, for solutions outside of us, when everything that we are looking for is already within.

And as the first week of each chapter in the CREATRIX School is all about assessing where we are, so we can let go of what doesn’t serve us any more, to make room for more of what we do want, we start this chapter by looking at how powerful we feel – and how much we feel that we are actually already creating our worlds.

But we will start with this: Why is the title for this chapter Balance/GROWTH?

I think no one will dispute that there is an inherent life force in each of us that thrives for balance and growth.

As human beings, we want to grow. As a baby, a foetus, in our mother’s belly, no one had to do anything consciously for us to develop a nose, ears, eyes, lungs, toes and everything else that is now our body, there’s an inherent unconscious knowing, a life force, life energy that helped us to develop into a healthy baby.

Of course, this natural healthy development can be interrupted, by outside forces, drugs (not just the typical once, also sugar or medication), negative thoughts and fears, and so some babies do not develop in a healthy way.

And the same is true after we are born.

We have a natural tendency, programming, or drive to help us to be everything we can possibly be, but often we get stopped by outside forces, or, later in life, by our own thoughts and believes.

This is where the term ‘unlearning’ comes in.

Because most of what is harming us today, is learned or inherited behaviour, in forms of traditions, common knowledge, routines and so on – and as it’s not what really makes us us, but just something we picked up along the way – we can unlearn it to come back to health and our natural free explorative expression.

And this brings us to the dance of life:

It’s our natural urge to grow and explore new and unknown territories, and when we stop doing that it is because we’ve picked up things that block us: self-doubt, fear, or resignation.

And we are here to unlearn those, so we can unfold and grow naturally again.

When we do that, it can often bring us out of balance for a moment, though, until we integrate the new understanding and information, to regain balance again.

Once we do, we feel safe enough to take the next step, learn something new, fall out of balance again, just to integrate and regain it – and then we can continue this beautiful dance of life and step by step, day by day, spiralling up and expanding, integrating more knowledge and experiences, memories and feelings.

And we do that individually as well as collectively.

Collectively, it’s why we often see a progress and then a backlash.

It’s how we level up and make sure we bring all people with us. Often some people move forward, and implement new ideas, while others are left behind, so they protest, and we see a backlash. Eventually, we do regain balance again, and have the critical mass on board, so we can evolve collectively. But either way, we never stand still. 

Entering into the flow of life means exactly this: joining into these natural rhythms that are and will always be there, without interrupting them, because we don’t see that we’re just in the middle of a wave. And we do that by learning to trust that that is just what it is, while we keep our eyes on our goals and the highest good for all.

A good analogy for what this looks like on a personal level is a water slide, maybe.

When you jump into the tunnel of the water slide and go with the flow, you have a fantastic time, but when you’re fearful and hold on to the edges, spread all your limbs to stop the flow because you’re afraid of the unknown or the speed, or the water, then it will be a very painful experience.

The same is true for our lives.

And the fear is what we’ve learned and can unlearn – and what we will unlearn, at least to a certain extent, in this chapter.

Of course, there’s a playlist to go with this chapter as well, which you can listen to here:

And then, we have a colour of the month as well:

The Colour for this chapter is: green

The Colour Green – Focus, Manifestation & Creative Power

With green, we enter into the second circle within the Wheel of Colours, that of manifestation. Green invites us to take the first step in the process of creation or manifestation, by helping us to make up our minds and to focus on what we want or wish to achieve.

Manifestation is our human superpower, and in this article, you can learn how to use it for your own well-being and that of others.

Because of this, green is the perfect colour to support us in learning about the spiritual laws and how to use them, so we can create and experience what we wish for.

So, before we dive into this more deeply, I would like for you to take a good look at your life.

What are your fears? Do you have general fears about your life or the future? And daily ones about your health? Members of your family? Friends? Your finances? Your food?

Write them all down.

And then, where do you have uncertainties?

Where are you insecure? Be honest here. You can just do this for yourself, but it helps so much to make these things conscious.

And then, when you are done, think about where in your life you would like to grow.

And then think about the areas of your life in which you need more balance.

Now is there a possibility that fears and doubts have kept you from growing and balancing your life?

Just record what comes up, we’ll take it from there in th…

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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Yet, we can all have it for free.

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