Photo by Roberto Nickson on Pexels.
How can we overcome loneliness? 🩷
Dear Creatrix,
What did you learn about yourself by answering the questions in the last lesson?
And have you ever wondered why it is, that it seems easier for some to make friends and connect and more difficult for others?
I believe that this is so, because we each have a unique essence, a distribution of qualities, ways to connect and explore and our own ways to contribute to this world.
It’s so easy to see others succeed and think and feel like it was easy for them, but it’s hard for us – in whichever area of our lives.
And even if this it is easier for some, there is a reason why, and getting upset or feeling disappointed about that won’t change anything for the better.
What will allow us to have new experiences and change old patterns, though, is to get to know ourselves and to learn to do things in our unique ways.
And there’s no better tool to help with that than the Wheel of Colours.
Because it shows us that while some of us may magically attract people into their lives, they might also not always be the right people who actually have the capacity to fully support us, while others might be able to form few but intimate and lasting friendships.
Some of us thrive when they have many people around them, others feel exhausted when they have too many people around them for a longer period of time and need to go back into solitude to recharge.
Wherever we land on this spectrum, it will benefit our lives immensely if we learn how to form lasting friendships, which uplift and inspire us, because exchange, support and community is what will always sustain us. And because we are just different expressions of the same core anyway.
So, I think we can agree that it is important and joyful to have and create a supportive network, and to learn how we can feel valued, seen and heard, when surrounding ourselves with other people.
And we can also just have a lot of fun with our friends, spend time together, sing, dance, create or get inspired by each other.
How we do that and how frequently we do this is up to us and our individual needs and wishes – which we will begin to acknowledge and honour this month.
And remember, it is never too late to start creating the changes we seek in life.
I always think of my neighbour, when I was growing up, who fell in love again in her 80s, more than ten years after her husband had died, and moved in with her new boyfriend a few months later, and stayed with him until he died, while she lived on until she was 103.
It really was the cutest and most inspiring thing to see.
When we look at current studies, more people feel lonely than ever. And not just elderly people. People of all ages feel lonely; single mothers, people who weren’t able to maintain healthy and uplifting relationships with their families, people who moved for work – so many people experience loneliness and disconnection.
And this is because we’ve been valuing individualism and financial success and careers over communities and friendships.
But times are changing and so are we. We can learn to create the bonds we wish for by taking just a few steps and beginning to feel safe to open up about our experiences with others.
And we will see how to do that in the next few weeks in the CREATRIX School.
Let’s create meaningful friendships with ease
Take a second to imagine what your life will look like once you have your CREATRIX Crew, a group of people you trust, who support you, who cheer you on when you win, listen to you when you need to be heard and help you get back on track when you struggle. How does that feel?
Now imagine that you would also have all the steps laid out for you and tools presented to you to get there in a predictable period of time. You might even be able to find the right people for your crew in the CREATRIX School.
And all you have to do is take the steps, open up and allow for the changes you seek, and then simply watch as things unfold in the best possible way for you.
Wouldn’t that be nice? Then let’s get started. 🙂
Photo by Trinity Kubassek on Pexels.
How can we overcome Loneliness?
Loneliness and a fear of lo…