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To our new families / Review
Dear Creatrix,
It’s time to review all that we’ve learned this month.
But before we get there, I want to remind you, that change always takes time, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see the fruits of your labour right away, as they will come for sure.
We’ve learned and grown so much, haven’t we?
And also remember: The better you feel about yourself and your choices, the better all those around you will feel about them as well.
It really is all an inside job.
And this is something that takes time to master.
For this reason, we practice together for a whole year in the CREATRIX School, so that taking responsibility for our lives, and thus being able to change our lives, becomes a regular practice and thus, soon our new normal.
And that way, all we ever dreamed about (that serves us and the greater good) will soon become our new normal as well – if you do the exercises, test my ideas for yourself, implement all that serves you and allow yourself to grow and change continuously.
If you would like to share some of your experiences in our Facebook group, or in a comment below, that would be wonderful too.
I talked to one participant this week, and they have amazing plans now, after this month, and I’m so excited for them!
The things we can do, if we only become clear about who we are, what we need and want, are incredible.
And can have such a big impact on the world.
I can’t wait to see their project take shape and for you to make all your dreams come true as well.
So, today, we will simply look back at what we did this month, and get ready to close the Family/Relax! chapter of the CREATRIX School, feeling more empowered than ever before when it comes to our families. Right?
What we did in Week I
We started the first week by taking a thorough look at the situation we grew up in, and then at where we are now and what has changed, as well as what else we wish for now.
When thinking about our past and coming to things that we regret or that we didn’t like or weren’t or aren’t happy about, we became aware that while we cannot change the experiences we had in the past, we can change how we think and feel about them and the meaning we give to them.
And in this week, we even learned a way to change our memories of the past to create new options for our presence and the future.
We also realized that the first step towards all change is to radically accept that certain things were not or might not have been OK then, but that it is all OK now.
We are safe now, and we gain more clarity to choose freely and wisely for ourselves every day.
Now, we have everything we need to create anything we wish for – with love, patience, generosity and more love.
If there were other people who have harmed us, we can possibly find our way to forgiveness, not for them, but for ourselves, so that we can find peace.
Because as long as we hold on to negative feelings, we give away our power.
Once we forgive ourselves or others, we are free.
I saw this quote the other day and that might fit here quite well as well:
“Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting, it just means remembering without the anger”
Maybe we could have done things differently ourselves, or would do things differently now, but it’s only through our life experiences that we gained the skills, knowledge and understanding that allows us to think this way now.
If we learn to accept that and even find love and compassion for our past selves, who’ve tried so hard to make the best decisions with limited knowledge, we can also come to find and make peace with our past and move on to a more peaceful present and future.
As from now on, we have the power to create our best possible present and future, by creating a clear vision of what we wish for and taking any obstacle as an opportunity for us to grow and become our best selves – the best self that can actually live the best life.
To achieve that, we thought about the different kinds of families that exist, the different constellations we might have lived in and experienced and what we would imagine for our ideal family situation to look like now.
Do you want to have (more) children?
Would you like to find a new partner or maybe raise a family with a friend or a group of people, or would you like to invite more people to your immediate family in other ways?
Adopt new grandparents? Or a dog?
Only our imagination is the limit when it comes to imagining what our family should or could look like.
And after this, we thought about family traditions from our past that we enjoyed and how we can integrate them into our current or future family situation.
Have you started to implement any of this already?
If not, why not start now?