Would you like to find out what else is possible for you in this lifetime?
Would you like to learn how to invite more love, peace, freedom and abundance into your life?
Are you ready to let go of old beliefs that don’t serve you any more?
✨ There’s no better time than now to start living the life you were always meant to live. 🔮
Then I’m incredibly excited that you found your way here because I have some wonderful treats for you.
Hi, I’m Verena, a spiritual teacher, coach, artist, conscious entrepreneur and a few other things.
This website is dedicated to teaching you all you’d like to know about living a self-empowered life, filled with love, joy, peace and abundance.
For me, that doesn’t mean turning away from or ignoring the suffering in the world, or our own – quite the opposite.
My teachings are all about discovering and fuelling your inner strength and self-compassion, learning how to overcome every obstacle gracefully, recognizing and developing your unique superpowers and becoming a confident, generous, grounded, centred and joyful, peaceful, loving person, who knows (from experience) that they can achieve and have anything they wish for and even more.
Because I went from being a pretty shy, overwhelmed, insecure and struggling artist and social scientist to living such a magical life, that I wouldn’t have dared to think of as possible just a few years ago.
I’ll tell you how and why and what my new life looks like on this website.
And I’d love to show you, how you, too, can achieve anything you wish & more – no matter where you are in life now.

Would you like to get a sneak peek into my upcoming
Find out why every person can benefit from becoming a qu_ing, discovering their divinity and becoming their best self, and why it is so valuable to learn how to trust yourself and your unique superpowers.
Is it time to start to free yourself from limitations & begin living as your qu_ing self?
What would help you the most right now? Clarity? Confidence? Or feeling how connected you really are to all there is?
“Having Verena explain my Wheel of Colours to me was a very encouraging experience where I got to look at and appreciate a lot of aspects of my personality.
We talked about my gifts, but also the challenges I face according to my personal distribution of colours.
I particularly enjoyed the practical tips for the different areas of life that pointed me to things I want to work on and pay attention to.”
“The Wheel of Colours not only reminded me what my strengths and weaknesses are, but also enlightened me about how I can solve my weaknesses and use them as a means of creating a better life.
It also showed me how precise our unconscious choices are and that we should trust our basic instinctive voices more.
Thank you, Verena, for reminding me of my flaws and apprising how to solve them!”
“Ich kannte das Konzept vom Rad der Farben nicht und bin durch Zufall darauf gestoßen.
Anfangs war ich eher skeptisch, weil ich nicht wusste, wie das ganze Verfahren ablaufen soll. Das Ergebnis war aber erstaunlich genau und hat mir auch viel mehr Einsicht verschafft.
Ich kannte mich davor schon ziemlich gut, aber durch diese Erfahrung konnte ich die Selbstreflexion noch weiter vertiefen und setze heute einiges auf praktische Art und Weise um.
Diese neue Perspektive hat mir mehr Klarheit gebracht.”
“Es tat total gut zu erfahren, dass Dinge, von denen ich schon so eine ungefähre Ahnung hatte, tatsächlich für mich stimmen und dass ich jetzt weiß, was ich tun muss, um diese Möglichkeiten auch zu nutzen.”
“Gleich nachdem ich das Rad erhalten habe, ergab sich eine Situation, in der mich jemand fragte, was ich gerade denke und ich konnte einfach auf den entsprechenden Teil im Rad zeigen und wurde verstanden.
So gut und genau hätte ich das mit eigenen Worten niemals sagen können.”
“Ich finde es erstaunlich, wie sehr das Rad der Farben stimmig ist und wie viel Wahrheit dazwischen liegt, die manchmal auch schwierig ist.
Es bringt total viel und macht unglaublich Sinn darüber mehr zu erfahren, wenn man sich selber besser verstehen möchte. Unglaublich gut!”
“The Wheel of Colours has helped me see my purpose in life, something I already had an idea about, but had a hard time acknowledging before seeing it so clearly.”
Fragst Du Dich, wo du am besten anfangen solltest??
Dann bestelle am besten jetzt Dein Rad der Farben, um Dich selbst, Deine Bedürfnisse, Deine Gaben und Aufgaben im Leben besser zu verstehen.
Oft verbringen wir einen großen Teil unseres Lebens damit, genau das herauszufinden und scheitern in gewissen Bereichen immer wieder, bis wir es wissen.
Hättest Du nicht auch gerne eine Art Gebrauchsanweisung, die Dir sagt, wie Du in den unterschiedlichsten Situationen funktionierst?
Das Rad der Farben kann als so eine Gebrauchsanweisung betrachtet werden.
Das Rad der Farben gibt uns einen Einblick in unser Unterbewusstsein und kann uns so ermöglichen, unsere ganz individuelle Zusammensetzung, unsere Fähigkeiten und Bedürfnisse genauer zu analysieren, als dies auf dem herkömmlichen Weg, in einer Gesprächstherapie, oder im Kontakt mit anderen Menschen möglich wäre.
Mit dem Rad der Farben hast Du die einzigartige Möglichkeit jetzt Dinge über Dich zu erfahren, für die andere Menschen ihr ganzes Leben brauchen, um sie herauszufinden.
Und das kannst Du ganz geschickt für Dich nutzen.
Egal, ob im beruflichen oder im privaten, das Rad der Farben offenbart Dir, was Du brauchst, wie Du tickst, und was Dir helfen kann, um Dich voll und ganz auszuleben und damit ein glückliches, zufriedenes, erfolgreiches und erfülltes Leben zu leben.
Dein Rad der Farben ist genauso einzigartig wie Du.
Ich erstelle jedes Rad der Farben persönlich anhand der Nummern, die Du mir schickst.
Hast Du Lust, Deine inneren Farben zu erkunden?
Would you like to accelerate your growth? In the CREATRIX School we learn and grow together.
Join the CREATRIX School
Are you a CREATRIX - yet? A CREATRIX masterfully directs their life instead of reacting to life's circumstances.
If you'd like to find out how - come and join us. You can now get a 30-day free trial because we all learn in different ways, and it's important to me that you have time to find out for yourself if this is the right way to learn for you - before you make a financial commitment.
Clarity - Confidence - Connection
In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of our lives - and we look at a different topic each month - this month we look at our freindships.
To overcome loneliness, we first have to meet ourselves.
And to do that, we will explore our inherent goodness, in this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course), and bring in a lot of love and patience, overcome some fears and begin to safely open ourselves to the right people in new ways.
Join us to explore new ways of connection and support.
4-week courses
In the CREATRIX School we look at the 13 most important areas of our life in one year and practice how to bring clarity, confidence and connection to them. It's a lot of content for a relatively short amount of time - given that it has the potential to really change your life forever. If you're not ready to commit for a whole year, or are afraid it might be too much information at once, you can also take each of the 13 chapters as stand-alone courses.
Each chapter is designed to be taken within 4 weeks, but if you buy them individually, there's no hurry and pressure to keep up - you can take as much time as you like and need. If you feel like you need the pressure to stay focused though, and would like to get 3 weekly reminders, work on the same topics at the same time as other people and attend the bi-monthly live Q&As - then the membership options might be a better fit for you.
How to Overcome Negative Thinking – a Step by Step Guide
One of the most common obstacles we encounter on our way to living our best life or the life of our dreams is negative thinking.
In this article, I will show you how to overcome this obstacle. To start, take a second to think about…
Why You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are
You Are Perfect ❤️
What is the first thing that comes to your mind, when you hear that you are perfect?
That you’re not perfect? That you couldn’t be perfect because you made this mistake or didn’t do something like you were supposed to?
That you couldn’t be perfect because there was a time when you disappointed or hurt someone?
Ritual: Morning and Evening Checklist
What are you doing today? And tomorrow? How are you spending your days?
Do you live them purposefully?
Do you enjoy your days?
Do you get everything done that you wish to get done?
Do you have a plan about how you want to live your life?
Are you able to not stress and rush yourself?
Book an Oracle card reading
Would you like to go deeper?
And resolve some personal issues? What are you missing when it comes to love, work, creating a healthy lifestyle, clearing blockages or living in alignment with your soul?
The colour cards paired with my knowledge and guidance can help you find answers to any question you might have.
You can book one single session, or different packages at a reduced price.