We finally made it: Make Out Magazine is being printed at this very moment! We’re all really excited about it and we’re going to celebrate like hell. The release party will be on Saturday, November 26th at Scharni (Scharnweberstr. 38) with live music from Confused...
Make Out Magazine
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#2 – Heidi issue
wohooooo! die 2. ausgabe zum thema "heidi" ist da!!! ihr findet im heft artikel über die nationalistischen implikationen des heimatbegriffs in heidis scheinbar heiler Welt, eine kritik an klaras überflüssiger wunderheilung im rahmen der schweizerischen kinderutopie,...
#3 – Dirt issue
Queer-feministisches Zine: MOM #3 - DIRT issue Make Out Magazine (MOM) ist ein queer-feministisches Zine, das in diesem Jahr zum dritten und letzten Mal erschienen ist. Make Out Magazine – das bedeutet für uns: rumknutschen und sexy Funken sprühen lassen, neue Ideen...
Im Diskurs – was andere über uns sagen
Im Diskurs: Make Out Magazine. So ein Zine entsteht nie im Vakuum, auch das Make Out Magazine nicht - sondern im Diskurs! Die vielen Leute die mitmachen; durch Texte, Kunst, Lektorat oder in der Planung im Hintergrund, Orte an denen es das Zine zu kaufen gibt und...
Your Dirt
MOM #3 – Dirt Issue is already printed, but it’s never too late to post your dirty story! What’s your take on dirt? Here’s a comic about Lika = dirt, grime, pollution, garbage! Nallem is a Finnish comic book artist currently working on his second album. He...
#3 – Dirt – Release
Im Mai erscheint MOM #3 zum Thema DIRT. Im Heft geht es um Liebschaften und ihre Andenken, Gerüche in Darkrooms, Nachrichten aus dem Jenseits, sexuelle Phantasien im Comic, Bloody Marys aus Regelblutungen und vieles mehr. Und um all diese tollen Beiträge gebührend zu...
#2 – Heidi – Release
Bald hüpfen die kleinen Lämmer wieder über grüne Wiesen und Heidi lässt die Röcke fliegen, denn die 2. Ausgabe von MOM ist da! Schwerpunktthema ist diesmal – wie könnte es anders sein: HEIDI. Um euch angemessen auf Ostern vorzubereiten und euch die neue Ausgabe...
#2 – Heidi – Soli-Party
MOM invites you to a night full of dirndel-lederhosen-jodel fun! 3.11.2012 +++ 22:00 +++ südblock Referring to the main topic of issue #2: it’s all about heidi, her friends and the mountains. As a guest of the legendary her.story party we’re proud to present you the...
Soli with Hugs and Kisses
Soli with hugs and kissesGemeinsam sind wir stark! Dance your ass off for the benefit of MOM and celebrate the release of the 9th issue of hamburg based queer magazine hugs’n kisses! we’re having a party at the 22th of June at lovelite doors open...
Soli @Scharni – let’s dance
Soli Party at Scharni - schön war's!We finally made it: Make Out Magazine is being printed at this very moment! We’re all really excited about it and we’re going to celebrate like hell. The release party will be on Saturday, November 26th at Scharni (Scharnweberstr....
Soli w/Bend Over Magazine
Sunday, 10th of July 2011 | Soju Bar (Skalitzer Str. 36 – U Görlitzer)Bend Over Magazine and Make Out Magazine have come togetherfor one fabulous event: Our first issue is progressing! Aside from the mental and manual labor, though, we are still in need of raising a...
Soli @Raumerweiterungshalle
Our first benefit party took place on May 6th, 2011 at Raumerweiterungshalle in Berlin, Germany: MOM Benefit Party: Make Out Magazine is hosting a night of live music and DJs to raise money for the cost of printing its first issue. Your donation of 3 €+ will help...
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Join the CREATRIX School
Are you a CREATRIX - yet? A CREATRIX masterfully directs their life instead of reacting to life's circumstances.
If you'd like to find out how - come and join us. You can now get a 30-day free trial because we all learn in different ways, and it's important to me that you have time to find out for yourself if this is the right way to learn for you - before you make a financial commitment.
Clarity - Confidence - Connection
In the CREATRIX School we bring clarity, confidence and connection into every area of our lives - and we look at a different topic each month - this month we look at our freindships.
To overcome loneliness, we first have to meet ourselves.
And to do that, we will explore our inherent goodness, in this chapter of the CREATRIX School (or 4-week course), and bring in a lot of love and patience, overcome some fears and begin to safely open ourselves to the right people in new ways.
Join us to explore new ways of connection and support.
Book an Oracle card reading
Would you like to go deeper?
And resolve some personal issues? What are you missing when it comes to love, work, creating a healthy lifestyle, clearing blockages or living in alignment with your soul?
The colour cards paired with my knowledge and guidance can help you find answers to any question you might have.
You can book one single session, or different packages at a reduced price.
Are you ready to explore all that is possible for you?
Is it time to finally be yourself?
Is it time for your liberated life?
join us
To start becoming your true self, guided by me and together with other like-minded explorers. You are loved & so welcome.
Who you were always meant to be. And start living a generous, free and abundant and joyful life.