How the Colour Crystal can help you to live an Enlightened Life

This is the poster I created for the colour crystal. You can use it to connect more to the qualities of the colour crystal in your home & life. ORDER HERE

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The Colour Crystal – Clarity, Transparency, Enlightenment & mastery

The Wheel of Colours has 13 fields and 13 colours – each field represents a different challenge, gift or lesson which we have to master in our lifetimes and the colours in our unique wheel show each of us how we can master them best, with our unique abilities.

We are all made up of the same colours, but the colours are arranged differently for each of us on our wheels.

For example, crystal is the colour for clarity, transparency & enlightenment.

When we reach full clarity about who we really are, when we recognize the divine within and how everything is connected and always works out for our highest good, then we reach a state of enlightenment.

But enlightenment isn’t just one thing. We can reach different states of enlightenment, and also have crystal clarity in some areas of our lives and not in others.

From the wheels I’ve made so far, more people have crystal as a centre colour than any other colour, and the centre is also the classical field for the colour crystal.

Having the classical colour of a field means that this quality spreads out into all areas of life, so people who have crystal as the centre colour, seek clarity, transparency and clear communication in all areas of their lives.

It’s our natural state to be clear and honest, even if society and culture have trained us to be otherwise, and now is the best time to remember and come back to our true selves.

So while bringing clarity and transparency to all areas of our lives is essential for a fulfilled and happy life, and something those with a crystal centre naturally seek, for those, who have crystal in one of the twelve fields of the wheel, and not in the centre, it can mean that they have even more insights, clarity and a kind of enlightened knowing in one area of their lives, that can be incredibly powerful and used to bring an enlightened understanding to all areas of our lives.

This means that we naturally ‘know’ how this area of our life works, according to universal spiritual laws.

Which is true for you?
You might be able to guess, looking at your life and how you feel.

But if you want to be sure, you may also order your unique Wheel of Colours from me, to find out where the colour crystal is located on your wheel.

If you have your wheel already and/or think you can use some help to fine-tune your confidence when it comes to using your clarity, clear communication, transparency and trust in your all-knowingness or are looking to live as your enlightened self – then I’d be happy to show you some practical ways to become more confident with this, in this article.

The classical field for the colour crystal in the Wheel of Colours is the centre field.

The centre field shows us our core, our essence.

It makes sense to have crystal as the classical centre colour because a crystal holds the potential of all colours, if the light shines on it the right way, it breaks into the different colour rays and so the crystal centre also represents the union of all colours and their qualities.

It also reminds us that we need clarity, to see and communicate things clearly, to live a happy, fulfilled and free life and pay attention to all areas of our lives.

Once we’ve mastered all the other colours and their corresponding qualities, we can reach a state of enlightenment, all-knowingness and all-beingness, from which we can begin to really enjoy our time on earth, live masterfully and start to play, love and create from a full and open heart.

The classical position of the colour red in the Wheel of Colours

In the last 12 articles we have looked at all colours of the Wheel of Colours, to see how we can train and use all our abilities and human qualities to live a full, rich and self-determined life.

You can find an overview of all articles about the 13 colours of the Wheel of Colours here.

The last colour we examined was black, the colour of introspection, reflection and meditation.

From black, we learned how to look within to discover ourselves, all our powers, our divinity and the connection to the collective consciousness, which is usually the last step we need to take before reaching an enlightened consciousness, so if you haven’t read this article yet, and embraced and embodied its guidance, then it might be an essential step before you can implement what I’ll share with you in this article.

I write what I share here with you because, if you, like me, were raised around a lot of western ideology and rational thinking, you were most likely not trained to prepare for enlightenment or even to dare to look beyond the stories of our cultures or what it takes to reach mastery at playing the game of life, how to live an enlightened life or how to create heaven on earth.

And that doesn’t matter, as whatever we have now is all we need to begin to go beyond what we know and experience and to explore everything that is possible for us and infinite existence.

1. Clarity, Confidence, Connection

I founded the CREATRIX School to create an opportunity for anyone interested, to bring clarity, confidence and connection into all areas of their lives.

And here is why:

One of the most time and energy consuming things in life is confusion.

When we are not sure about what our next step should be, when we are not sure if we are doing the right thing or not, when we don’t know whether what we decide is right for us or not and so on – it takes a lot of our time and energy.

When we are not clear on what to do, we can ask other non-enlightened friends or family members for advice, but usually those answers are not for our highest good, but just affirmations of what people are used to doing in situations like that.

So if we’re looking to live an enlightened life, expand more and to open up to new and kinder options for ourselves, that kind of advice usually doesn’t get us anywhere, it really just keeps us stuck in confusing and unclear situations and relationships.

We can also turn to gurus, teachers, communities for support, and it definitely recommended doing that with the critical understanding that all humans can be wrong, but might also have a lot to teach and share – yet, the truest answers and the best answers to support us on our unique way will always only come from within ourselves – and this journey back to trusting ourselves, is what we take on in the CREATRIX School.

And the Wheel of Colours supports us on this journey as well, as it gives us the keys to our unique needs and experiences in this world.

By looking at all the different colours of the wheel, we can also clearly see the different ways, in which we can find our unique answers:

Through meditation, reflection and introspection (black), by using our senses (rose), by listening to our emotions (yellow), by following our intuition (blue), in fact, all the colours of the wheel lead us to recognizing a part of ourselves – and together they form our whole self.

But in addition to using our senses, abilities and qualities to learn something about ourselves, and to get to know ourselves better, at some point in our lives we simply have to ask ourselves some of the most important questions about how we want to live, and answer them for ourselves.

Once we’ve decided, we can try out if what we chose really works for us, and if not, change it to something we might like better, until we find a mode of being in each area of our lives that works for us.

Again, this is what we practice for each area of our lives in the CREATRIX School.

So, on our way to finding clarity and enlightenment, we first look for the answer to the most important question: Who are we and what we’re here to do?

And the answer to that is different for everybody, as we all have unique gifts and talents that we’re meant to use and share with others.

Confidence then often automatically comes with that clarity we gain from knowing who we are – because when we know that and then why we are doing something, we can easily share our reasons with those who may doubt us  – and then their questions can’t harm us any more.

It’s only when we don’t know what we’re doing and why, when we don’t think that our opinion matters enough to convince others, that what others think or say can bring us out of balance.

Gaining an independence from the judgement, or thoughts of others is key to living a unique, thrilling and fulfilling life – as our true selves.

Getting to know ourselves more and more and understanding, realizing the immense beauty we each bring to this world, and how everything that others might have criticised about us is really something we can be proud of because it comes from somewhere deep within and wishes to come out, so we can share what we have and attract the people who appreciate us for who we are into our lives, we begin to understand how the only person entitled to an opinion about our lives are we ourselves, even if others may want to tell us otherwise.

We set the tones of our lives, first by becoming our unique selves more and more, and then by beginning to map out the lives we want to live (and you can learn how to do that in the CREATRIX School).

Once we know where we are going and how important it is to focus on ourselves and on ourselves only, for a while, until we know who we truly are, we will also see more and more that everyone else may say or think what they please, as we can now recognize that as their decision to focus on us instead of themselves and their journey, and therefore missing the chance to change their reality for the better, so it’s really their loss.

When someone tries to tell us what to do, or attempts to manipulate and control us, this then also becomes clearly their problem, not ours, as they use their focus on us as a way to distract themselves from creating the life they wish to live, and therefore they rob themselves of their chance to create the happiness they wish for, by focusing on us – and we can begin to meet them there with compassion and help them on their way back to themselves.

Going through life looking for clarity from within, not without, and recognizing that our body and soul are designed to guide us to that clarity, once we know how to understand and work with them well, we can begin to see and experience that with ever bit of clarity we gain, we also become more confident as we now have a fully embodied understanding of what we’re doing and why.

We realize that we are always guided, protected and everything always turns out for our highest good.

Now we have clarity and confidence, what’s left to look for is the connection we need to our highest self and those around us.

By learning to trust our senses, our intuition and knowing, by asking questions and receiving answers and guidance, we begin to build a strong connection to our inner voice, to our divine part, our highest self.

This will always help us to reach the clarity we need to build the confidence to begin to show the world who we truly are and from there, once we have that, we can then also live safely connected to others and the world around us, as we now know how to confidently centre ourselves in the clarity of our truth.

So clarity about our lives, who we are, and our purpose, is the first step. Then, through this clarity, we develop the confidence to be ourselves, and then, as a last step, we begin to share our true selves with others and enter onto our one unique journey of living an enlightened life, exploring mastery or becoming a qu_ing.

For this, to live an enlightened life, or heaven on earth or in the golden future, we first become a CREATRIX, someone who becomes aware of all their incredible and unlimited powers and finally knows, sees, understands that they are creating everything that happens in their life, good or bad, and therefore feel empowered to change it.

Once we are a CREATRIX, we can then become a qu_ing, one who practices their newly (re-)discovered powers, skills and magic with wisdom and grace for the highest good of all.


of all People have crystal as their centre colour*


of all People have crystal in the first half of their wheel*


of all People have crystal in the second half of their wheel*

*According to the wheels I’ve made so far. I will update this occasionally.
The centre represents our core, our essence, the first six fields show the colours which come to us naturally, that we are born with, and the later ones represent the colours/lessons we have to learn, often painfully, to thrive in all areas of our life.

If you’d like to find out in which field the colour crystal is especially important for YOU, order your Wheel of Colours now.

2. Transparency and Alignment

So, to live an enlightened life, we need to know who we are, why we are here and then figure out how to live as that confidently, kindly, gracefully and generously in a world that is only beginning to heal from the illusions we’ve built it on and the pain we’ve caused it accordingly.

For it, we need to bring body, mind and soul into alignment – all day, every day.

We’ve thought about the importance of honesty when looking at the qualities of the colours rose (honesty about what we see and sense around us) and black (honesty about what we can discover and tune into within) already, but it also plays a vital role here, and it is the last bit of honesty we need for the completion of our wheel: honest communication of our unique truth and perspective.

I think it was Huckleberry Finn who said that, if you always tell the truth, you don’t have to remember a thing and that gives you a lot of freedom – I might even say ultimate freedom.

We’ve also looked at the fact that most evil, painful, hateful, and otherwise unpleasant things in life are born from fear and the wish for safety – and a false and pointless attempt to create safety, lies in the belief of separation and the illusion to think that we can create peace or safety with violence and division.

One of the spiritual laws says that our aura is our protection and that when it is totally pure, we are totally secure.

So the more we begin to live in alignment with our true selves, which is pure love, then the purer our aura becomes and the more secure we will be.

Which means that contrary to the common logic that to be safe we need more protection, to be truly safe, we actually need less.

The whole insurance business feeds on the fear of people, of doing something wrong, or to experiencing something going wrong, and leads the attention away from the powers we actually have, to live a life of alignment in which we know how to avoid problems and allow for whatever we need to come to us naturally.

So, each of us has the freedom to decide where we put our trust.

If we believe other people, companies, churches, or institutions can bring us safety – then we trust others more than ourselves.

Yet, we can also learn and begin to trust ourselves and our inner connection to the all-knowing and all-being again, and let life becomes way easier because we won’t need a single device to guide us, a single rule or restriction to live by or restrict us, as our connection to our body and soul will guide us safely through life.

Currently, most of us have our egos trying to defend what we’ve been taught with all they have, and thus keep our hearts from opening up and loving all, so we can also drop all defences and allow ourselves to follow our inner guidance.

We protect ourselves as a trained mechanism to prevent hurt, even though through it, we actually contribute to causing more hurt, and only when we become so strong and kind, wise, loving and peaceful inside, that we can overcome the need to feel like we have to protect ourselves, only then we will be free, as we simply won’t accept hurt any more.

Then we can live a truly transparent life, as we live and practice full integrity – with nothing to hide.

To get there, we have to understand that other people are always our mirrors.

As long as we have guilt or shame, people can use that against us, it weakens us and puts us under pressure to prove ourselves, which is why it’s so important that we forgive ourselves first and make peace with who we are and begin to see how everything we did until now was necessary to get here.

Because if we have forgiven ourselves, no one can use whatever we might have done against us.

People may decide that they don’t want to have anything to do with us because looking at us would make them realize that they are not ready to forgive themselves for their mistakes, but once we’ve reached a certain level of confidence, and know that we have the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them, we can simply allow others the time they need to get to that place as well.

Realizing this, is incredibly powerful, and you can test it with anything in your life.

If something somebody says upsets you, you can simply check, why that is and can always come to the realization that it is something you have not owned/forgiven/accepted/learned to love about yourself – yet.

Then, instead of getting upset at the other person, you can begin to heal that aspect of yourself, and with every aspect of yourself you do this with, you become a little more invincible and free – it’s the daily work we do to get to mastery.

So now we can live a life in which we know ourselves, trust ourselves, allow ourselves to be ourselves and forgive ourselves for all that happened in the past, and everything we will mess up in the present and future.

We can now embrace everything about ourselves, life and all other people and live an aligned and honest life.

And as a reminder: nothing is unforgivable, for the simple fact, that nothing can make what happened undone, but how we proceed from this moment on is all that matters.

If we limit ourselves or others to a mistake that was made, no matter how severe, then the burden of the blame, the resulting separation, loneliness and fear are much more likely to let the mistake be repeated than if we embrace it, learn from it, forgive it and integrate what has happened and focus on what we can do better from now on.

In the COMMUNITY chapter of the CREATRIX School, we discuss, in detail, why punishment doesn’t work and how we can establish better ways of living together peacefully.

Living without a fear of punishment internal or external, seeing everything as the simple result of cause and effect, that we can use to learn and grow, is what we need to be able to let down our guard and protection and to allow ourselves to be honest with ourselves and others 24/7.

With inner protection and complete honesty with ourselves and thus without fear of punishment or judgement, we can be completely transparent about what we do, why and how and begin to fully settle into an aligned life, as no one will have anything to find out about us that we don’t already know, and have made our peace with, or possibly even found love and joy in.

And the best thing about this is, that we can start this right now, as we need nothing and no one else for this, just our own willingness to be completely honest, loving, kind and forgiving with ourselves.

3. Transparency and alignment in the Business World

So, now that we’ve seen how important a transparent and aligned life is on an individual level, we shall look at it from a business perspective as well, as we will need a different way of running our business as well, if we want to create more equality and possibility for all in our world.

Not that long ago, I read Diana Cooper‘s beautiful, hopeful and inspiring book The Golden Future, in which she describes a world where we don’t need money any more, as we can all have exactly what we want and everything we need.

But the way of how to get there, from where we are now, seemed impossible to imagine.

Yet, when pondering this question, as it apparently goes with this work, I was directed back to Neale Donald Walsch‘s book The Complete Conversations with God (book II), in which God gives a detailed description of how and why transparency in business is the only way to create equality in the world.

And here’s why:

When looking at the colour black, we saw that using our unique gifts and talents, each of us can offer a service or create a business, in which their unique gifts and talents are put to excellent use so that each of us can live fulfilled lives in which their uniqueness is honoured and contributes to the expansion of the world at large.

If we combine this with what we looked at above, how we need transparency and alignment on a personal level, that shame, guilt and other things we hide, keep us from being free, then we can easily come to see that the same must be true for the new kinds of businesses we want to run as well.

If we want to be free, we cannot have things to hide, trick people or sell something just for personal gain. We need to align ourselves and live honest lives and create businesses built on the same principles.

If we feel guilt or shame about how much we earn (or not), if we exploit others or nature for our personal gain, if we don’t pay what’s owed and so on, we have to deal with guilt and shame, or with avoidance and ignorance, nonetheless, none of it will bring us peace – only a business working for the highest good of all will.

It’s why more and more people create conscious businesses, and why I’ve created the Sustainable Business Directory to support people who are already using clarity, ethical values & transparency in their businesses and work to add something that is for the highest good of all.

Yet, while I agree with the idea that transparency is the way to go, to create a more aligned and equal world, if we use force or regulations here, as suggested in The Complete Conversations with God, to create a minimum wage or limits to what people may earn, I don’t see that it’s going to work.

I believe that this has to come from a shift in consciousness, so that people and businesses will freely share everything they don’t need for themselves, to uplift others, as they recognize the value in the thriving of all.

But it will take us a moment to get there.

As we’ve seen when exploring the colour purple, the key for any manifestation of something that we do (or don’t) want is always to create a clear visualization of the outcome, being grateful for it and living as if it already exists, and moreover, it helps to explore the ways of how to create that.

So, here are some thoughts and experiences that might help all of us get there, without regulations, and also to see why that is the only way.

When I started off as a freelance web designer, I did a thorough research on appropriate pricing, and the average hourly rate was a lot more than anything I had ever asked for before, and more than most of the people earned, I would be working for.

So it made me incredibly uncomfortable at first to ask for that price, and I felt the constant need to explain my prices.

But I knew that by asking for less, I would eventually contribute to lowering the value that the work currently has. And so I asked for the same prices until I got used to it.

This was me making a conscious decision for the greatest good of all, even if it made me feel uncomfortable for a while – because often that is what change feels like. Even change for the better.

So we have to get used to being uncomfortable and not to only think about personal gain.

It would have been easier for me initially to ask for less, as I would have been much more comfortable with it, but apart from that ruining it for others as well, I would have also worked myself into a burn-out or other disease, I might have worked less well or less joyfully, as I would have had to work a lot more to make the same income – so on the long run it wouldn’t really have been anybody’s win.

And the same is true for any business – if we cut corners or expenses, we also create less value and cause more damage.

Cause and effect are always as play, so we can choose between short-term wins and long-term losses, or long-term wins that might take some more time, care and love but therefore will last and help make this world a better place.

To promote this and to grow into this understanding collectively, it can also help to have an open discussion about what is worth what and how much people are generally charging or earning in a field, so that newcomers know what to ask for (and why) and so that we can also create gender equality and those with less self-worth can grow theirs.

But for that, people first have to have the awareness and be able to make a conscious choice, like I did.

Which leads us to an underlying issue and that is, again, self-worth and self-confidence.

I didn’t have the confidence when I started out and needed guidance and then experience to grow into it.

Regulations would have helped me to not have to think for myself, or stand up for myself, but they wouldn’t have helped me to go through the process of growing my self-worth consciously – in fact they might have even kept me from that.

So the question about pricing, wages and working conditions can again not come from the outside, but has to come from the inside, and for it, we need to answer questions such as:

What am I worth?

Or what is my product worth?

What am I willing to give and offer for what?

And in the end, each of us has (to have) the freedom to decide that for themselves.

The solution cannot be found in regulations, it has to be found in understanding and valuing ourselves, what we do and each other.

It’s one of the biggest reasons, I would guess, why people don’t want to lay open their books because they cannot justify their numbers, they are not actually aligned with them and/or have done the inner work to fully embrace what they do, and thus they are not at peace with what they do and how they do it.

Currently, we are underpaying people who hold some of the most important jobs:

People working as educators, teachers, preschoolers, carers, nurses and so on – why and how is that possible?

It is because we value consumption, entertainment and distraction more than care and education.

It’s the result of our collective consciousness and behaviour.

But it also caused by how we were raised and how we keep raising younger people: to doubt their abilities and their self-worth – instead of believing in themselves, free choice and their unique powers and infinite abilities and immeasurable value.

People working in these industries often don’t have enough self-belief and confidence to change their situation.

Now, from recognizing this, it would be easiest to patronize the workers and blame employers, or the government, or the structures that keep up these systems, but it also wouldn’t change anything, as we are (the ones who elect and constitute) the government, the structures and the system – and so we are also the ones keeping things as they are – or we can decide to become the ones who can create the necessary changes, not by asking others to change things, but by changing our lives, bit by bit, every day and bringing them into alignment.

The left has been calling for institutional change and regulations from above for ages with little to no result because it’s not addressing the core issue – the empowerment of those suffering under the current conditions.

We, the people, need to be free, each one of us, and for that, we need nothing but access to all the relevant information, which is already freely available online.

Now, I have been studying this since I opened my eyes.

I’ve been learning about what is valued how in different cultural contexts, in different subgroups, in different classes and the thing is, like with everything else, it all starts and ends with ourselves.

For as long as we agree to work for two, five, ten, twenty or two hundred euros or dollars an hour, we will – so if we want change, it is up to each one of us to create it – and that doesn’t mean that we have to do it alone or that it is on those already lifting heavy loads to also be the solution for everything, we need to do this together.

I remember Brené Brown talking about how she was speaking at an event, she was the headliner at, and someone told her about how much the men charge who are speaking after her.

Someone opened up and revealed insight to create more equality and to encourage her, the headliner, to ask for more.

I remember it as her being shocked by the difference, by which she had not valued herself as much as the less well-known men, in a world in which we were not raised as equals.

This moment of clarity and transparency changed something for her, as she didn’t complain, or say those people are asking for too much, she opened herself up for more and talked about it to make this possible for others as well, who can now invest in raising their confidence, so they can do like her and like others, who already value themselves highly.

We have to lift each other up, not tear each other down.

It’s the only way we can all win.

Abundance is limitless, we just have to open up to it – all limitations are only there because we believe in them and don’t trust ourselves and our highest knowing.

Now, as I mentioned above, God, in Neale Donald Walsch’s book, suggests that we lay these things open as a rule, in a stately governed way, to create more equality, but after giving it some thought and talking to an incredible person, I’m lucky to have in my life, I don’t think it is going to work this way, if we say we really want to play this game of life well, learn from it and expand with it.

I’ll explain why, with another example from my life.

I have also worked in jobs where I was horribly underpaid, but I needed these jobs to begin to think I’m worth more than that and then to see what I could do to change my position.

We all know how little we value the things that come to us too easily and that we have contrast to decide what we want, and so it is also important, to give us the opportunity to grow, by making experiences from which we can learn – even if they are hard.

We’ve observed (and studies have shown) that companies do better which give employees the opportunity to grow and which use a reliable value system that values all life.

When employers encourage personal development and help their employees to unfold and grow in their unique ways, give them space to create and shape their experience at work, as well as more than enough time and headspace to enjoy their private lives, everybody thrives and wins exponentially more than when people work under bad conditions.

So those who want better will do better, automatically, because our consciousness is evolving and all the information and prove to show how doing what’s best for all also creates the best outcome for the individual, is there.

To make it work, though, we need all of us.

We need the people like Brené Brown, people in power positions, business leaders, influencers and whoever else can reach other people to speak up, to live aligned lives and lead aligned and transparent businesses so that they, we, can inspire others – and show that it can be done in a way that makes life joyful and worth living.

And I trust a 100% that the rest will come automatically, and does not have to be regulated – because if we regulate we oppress and create anger and frustration instead of gently guiding people to the realization that the best decision for themselves is always the best decision for all.

It will take time for everybody to come on board, but every step each of us takes in that direction will be a win.

So we can choose to be transparent about how we run our businesses, naturally, as we are confident in the way we lead and proud of what we do and how – no shame, no guilt, just blissful thriving.

And instead of implementing changes from above, which might go over the heads of those not yet ready to see their full worth, allow them to get there in an embodied way, by learning the lessons they have to learn to get there and not robbing them of the experience to grow there naturally and understand.

We do that by keeping up the free choice, while simultaneously helping people to educate themselves so that they can raise their level of consciousness and begin to value themselves enough to create the lives they wish for.

And thus, we all win.

4. Enlightenment and Enlightened Living

Now we have clarity, confidence and connection in our personal lives, and see that transparency, alignment and openness to change and even mistakes, are what can allow us to grow and find freedom as people, as individuals, as well as in business, as businesses are essentially also made up of people.

So what else do we need to look at here?

What else do we need for fully enlightened lives?

Enlightenment is such a big word. And apparently the surest way to never get to enlightenment is by trying to achieve it.

So, like with most things, it’s easier to not focus on it too hard so that it can come to you.

I had several moments of enlightenment, the last one, lasting quite a while, was when listening to Karma by Sadhguru.

And then I had another one yesterday when reflecting on enlightenment, and it’s amazing how I can actually feel my body growing and changing when that happens, as, I guess, new space is created and new circuits are connected.

It also led to a quite severe headache, which only lasted a few hours though, and I knew it was for the best, so it feels worth it to just let it pass through.

Enlightenment is a fun state, you get to see so many things at once, and it feels a bit like flying, or an orgasm, or I guess enlightenment – all is clear, all makes sense, you see how everything works – I couldn’t have written anything here like that without it.

But I was never looking for enlightenment, I just wanted answers to the million questions I had.

And the enlightened state is none we can permanently live in (I think, not that enlightened yet 😉 ), though we can bring a lot from what we realize in that state back into the daily life, though we also have to find ways to integrate it as well, which can take some time.

When I was thinking about writing this article while walking my dog earlier, I actually had another moment of clarity and insight, and that was about one of the many obstacles I think people find on their way to enlightenment.

And that is in the overcoming of all things.

So enlightened teachers often teach about desirelessness, or that we have nothing to prove.

But the thing is, and I’ve said this many times before, we cannot usually jump from traumatized to enlightened, we have to take the healing steps in between.

So if we grew up not allowing ourselves to have desires, then we first need to allow for, explore and follow our desires, to have that experience and see that things don’t bring happiness, only we do, to then also be able to overcome them.

Or, I find it’s much easier to feel like you have nothing to prove after you’ve proven yourself and know what you are capable of.

I say this, just as an invitation to be soft with yourself and to not get upset if things don’t happen easily – they are not meant to come easily, you have to work through them to experience the win and the gain.

It’s what we saw when looking at businesses as well, we won’t overcome greed without first realizing that what we are looking for is not in material things.

We all have to learn and experience, that’s what we’re here for.

We won’t know that our freedom is not in the thing until we have it, just like it’s not enough to believe that the stove is hot, when someone tells us – we have to touch it at some point to know what hot even means.

And this is precisely the point of life on earth.

Yet, we’re not here to learn hard lessons either.

Life is not about the lessons but the OVERCOMING of them and then the enjoyment of the resulting freedom and excitement and expansion.

We’re not here to be enlightened and live in the realms of the spiritual world, or maybe a few of us are, to guide others, but mostly we are here to experience life in form and to live through the challenges life presents us with, with joy, as we see them as doors to the next level of experiencing and gifts that, if we accept them, we can use to resolve in exchange for something better and not to avoid or bypass the challenges and life.

Everything there is, is a gift for us, even the most horrible things.

We see the war, we see starving children and the suffering of many.

And if you ask why, now the answer is simple:

Because we need to change our lives to create more of what we do want and less of what we have now, and don’t want, that is so horrible to see and goes against our true nature, which is love.

We have what we have because we are who we are and think, and speak and act in the ways we do.

The war is created by all of us. We are all responsible for the suffering, and if we want it to stop we need to stop suffering, so we can help lift others up with us.

And we can’t do that by telling others what to do, by imposing regulations, or by stopping them from making the mistakes they need to make to learn what they need to learn to understand, but we can be shining examples of who we wish to be in the world.

If we see something we don’t like and want something else, we need to change ourselves, to create a different outcome – for ourselves, and through that, contributing to an enhanced outcome for all.

That’s all there is.

4. Mastery

Now there is only one question left to answer, and that is:

What does mastery mean when it comes to living our lives?

How can we become masterful at living life?

How can we become shining examples that inspire others to live their best lives?

Or, as I like to call it, how can I, you, we all – become the qu_ings we were always meant to be?

How can we live as the divine beings that we are?

I think that, like with everything else, we have a choice here.

We can choose to react to what the world presents to us, and grow with the challenges that appear in our lives, and to reach mastery (hopefully/possibly) at the end of our lives when we look back and see how every step we took made sense, but then we won’t have the chance or, very little, to actually put what we’ve learned to good use.

Or we can set the tone for our lives now, by finding out what we’re here to learn and do and then do that – consciously, aware, committed, lovingly, curiously, bravely and happily.

The Wheel of Colours is perfect at showing each of us what we need and to know exactly how to live our lives to the best of our abilities, what our gifts are and how we each can be happy and free.

But knowing and slowly understanding what we need to become our true, authentic and thriving selves, is only the first step, the second is to put this knowledge to the test and to practice it.

And for that, I’ve founded the CREATRIX School so that every person can find the clarity, confidence and connection they need, in all areas of their lives, to create a happy, self-determined, free and successful lives for themselves – and with that, spread more happiness, love, peace and abundance consciousness in the world for all to enjoy.

To me, mastery is generosity, it’s in knowing that there is enough for all and there is nothing we have to compete for, or be afraid of, we can happily share, give and thus receive and thrive – and with some practice, we can begin to do this gracefully.

Mastery is to live from this place of knowing, trusting and understanding, to have certainty, not questions, to feel safe in knowing who we are, and to lovingly share all we have with the world.

For this, all I have to be and do is be me, authentically, as I was designed and made, not how I was raised, and enjoy myself being me.

Then, once I love myself enough, and know there is nothing to fear, nothing to prove, nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to worry about – I’m free.

Our job is simply to get there, and possibly to begin to enjoy the journey.

5. Using the colour Crystal in your environment

Now we’ve looked at the many things we can do to get to enlightenment, enlightened living, peaceful living, living a life based on love, mastery or just joyful living.

To get there, anything is valid and anything will help.

Crystals will help as well.

Your pets will help, and support you with their unconditional love.

Plants, trees, nature will support you with its beauty.

Sounds will guide you and so will smells, tastes, challenges, lovely encounters, the sun, the moon and the stars.

This is your world, your playground and everything you encounter is co-created by you, so you can accept and love it or change it.

You hold the keys to this worldly experience in your hand, and you shape it with every thought you engage in – and this is wonderful news and nothing to be afraid of, as, though it may seem hard, it’s much easier to change a thought within you than trying to control others or the world around you.

There is literally nothing you can’t do if you set your mind to do so.

Everything lies in your hand because you are god – one aspect of god – one who has the power to do, create and be everything.

All you have to do is decide who and how you want to live from now on, and if you want help and guidance on how to do that best, get your Wheel of Colours now and join us in the CREATRIX School.


What others say about the Wheel of Colours

“The Wheel of Colours not only reminded me what my strengths and weaknesses are, but also enlightened me about how I can solve my weaknesses and use them as a means of creating a better life.

It also showed me how precise our unconscious choices are and that we should trust our basic instinctive voices more.

Thank you, Verena, for reminding me of my flaws and apprising how to solve them!”


“Having Verena explain my Wheel of Colours to me was a very encouraging experience where I got to look at and appreciate a lot of aspects of my personality.

We talked about my gifts, but also the challenges I face according to my personal distribution of colours.

I particularly enjoyed the practical tips for the different areas of life that pointed me to things I want to work on and pay attention to.”


“I wasn’t aware of the concept of the Wheel of Colours and stumbled upon it accidentally.

At first, I was rather sceptical because I didn’t know how the whole process was supposed to work. But the result was amazingly accurate and gave me a lot more insight.

I knew myself quite well before that, but through this experience I was able to deepen my self-reflection even further and today I am putting some things into practice in a practical way.

This new perspective has brought me more clarity.”


“It was really good to find out that things I already had a vague idea about are actually true for me, and that I now know what I have to do to take advantage of these opportunities.”


“I find it amazing how coherent the wheel of colours is and how much truth you can find in it, even if what you learn might be difficult.

It’s very useful and makes a lot of sense to learn more about yourself this way, if you want to understand yourself better. Very insightful!”


“Right after I received the wheel, there was a situation where someone asked me what I was thinking and I could just point to the relevant part of the wheel and be understood.

I could never have said that so well and precisely in my own words.”


“The Wheel of Colours has helped me see my purpose in life, something I already had an idea about, but had a hard time acknowledging before seeing it so clearly.”


Order Your Wheel of Colours here

The Wheel of Colours is a traditional tool to help us understand what we need or can share in certain situations.

We are all made up out of the same colours, but they are arranged uniquely in each person – which is why we need or can give different things in different moments.

If you’d like to find out what can support YOU when starting a project, or working with other people, to successfully finish something, to heal, to spark your creativity or what your unique gift is, that you bring to the world, then the Wheel of Colours will help you to see this and yourself more clearly and show you how to use these insights in practical ways.

It will also show you how you can listen to your inner truth and that of others, what your most important lesson is in life and what challenges you might have to overcome.

Once you’ve learned what you need to learn, you can start the wheel again, this time more smoothly.

In the past, people often only got these insights and realizations towards the end of their lives – but you don’t have to wait until then.

You may use these insights right now to live your life happily and successfully.

🌈 You have the power to create your reality.

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