Photo by Milan on my Pexels.
Let’s be creative 🪄 and make someone feel special 🌷
When I was a child, one of my best friend’s mum came from the UK, and as my friend and her family lived further away, I often got to sleep at her house when it was her birthday.
Which was fantastic, as this way I got to witness the untouched birthday cake with her in the mornings quite a few times – which would then be cut right away, so it wasn’t in its full beauty any more when the other guests arrived later that day.
And her mum made spectacular cakes that inspired me for the rest of my life.
In each country, we have different birthday traditions, and in Germany, when it’s your birthday, you wake up to a table full of presents and a home-made birthday cake.
Or at least that’s what I experienced.
But German birthday cakes, while made with love, and tasty, look kind of boring – they might be covered with powdered sugar or melted chocolate – but they are more plain and everyone gets the same – my friend’s cakes, however, always had a theme.
The one I remember most vividly had a space theme, with someone travelling to the moon I think – and that was the most fascinating thing (or cake) I had ever seen.
In that moment, when I saw that cake, I decided that I wanted to make cakes like that for other people as well – and so I quickly became the baker in our family.
Sacher Torte became one of my specialities, but I also made all kinds of birthday cakes, first for my family and later for my friends as well.
Below you can see a few of the cakes I made – they are in no way professional – but they were fun to make and each of them was made representing something meaningful to the person it was for.
Because that’s what it’s all about, right?
Birthdays are our special days – and often they are the days the whole family comes together – so making a special birthday cake for someone, which represents them, as the special and unique and loved person they are, is a wonderful opportunity for us to connect and to let someone know that we see them, and care about them.
(Btw. we did not know that the dog licked the cake until we looked at the photos later – he must have been really quick and really happy that day ;))
So, I’m not actually sharing a specific recipe with you today – you can look those up according to your preference or the birthday person’s preference.
For some of the cakes, I used marzipan for the topping, for others I used frosting, you can also use ready-made fondant, and then there are also healthier options, so the possibilities are quite endless here.
I simply wanted to share this idea with you, as I think it’s a wonderful thing to do for our family members and friends, and then, let your creativity take you where you want to go.
And I do hope you will enjoy making special birthday cakes for special people from now on, or at least try it out – and if you do, I’d love to see your cakes!
Post them and tag me, or send a picture to me!