Photo by Alice AliNari on Pexels.
What can your dreams tell you about the reality you are creating?
Dear Creatrix,
What is your relationships with dreams?
Do you dream a lot or not so much? Do you dream vividly? In colour or in black and white?
I always had very vivid and magical dreams, and I remember my first years of school, where me and my friends would meet before class each day and I would tell them what I had dreamt about.
I also remember seeing a therapist, many years ago, and him asking me to bring a dream to the next session, which I did, and after I shared it, he sent me home without a word and when I saw him again in the following week, he told me he had a positive shock because of the dream I told him and wasn’t able to talk to me because of it.
I obviously didn’t see him any more, and I can now see how I brought that whole situation on myself, and I’m so glad I’ve grown out of those times and states – but whatever our personal stories are – we can all relate to the fact that in our dreams we often have different possibilities than in the hours in which we are awake.
My dreams have also changed a lot over the years, I remember in the dream I shared with that therapist, I was rescuing people, it was a really dangerous situation and I just went in and solved it, without any thoughts or regards about my own safety, or with the knowing that when I believe I’m safe, I also will be.
I had many dreams like it in those years and over the course of my life – it might be why I’m certain that I will die after I turn a 113.
Lately, fortunately, my dreams are a lot less stressful, and I can actually take care of and feel myself and not just other people, I can see how I’m learning to take care of myself and not just rush and push through any more.
And you are invited to think about that as well. How have your dreams changed? Are there topics that are reoccurring? Or that have changed over the course of your life? And how does that reflect back to you, where you are in life?
If you have trouble remembering your dreams, start with a dream journal.
Place a book and a pen right next to your bed, where you can easily grab it, and whenever you wake up and still have the faintest idea about a dream you had, write it down.
Because what you focus on, you energize. And so you tell your highest self you would like to remember more of your dreams. It’s all just training, really.
And if you’d like to analyse your dreams, you have to remember them or parts of them.
I’ve never written down my dreams because I can usually recall them quite well, so just see what works for you here.
Once you can remember your dreams, you can also ask questions before bed and say that you’d lie to get answers to them in your dream. It’s really fun! And often surprising :), but it works really well.
I’ve even talked to and met with dead people in my dreams – the possibilities here are really endless here, again, we simply have to ask for it and trust that our request will be answered.
But now let’s look at how we can analyse our dreams.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.